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We're off to see the Yoki, the wonderful Yoki of Joya? [Targa|Journey to the Castle]

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We're off to see the Yoki, the wonderful Yoki of Joya? [Targa|Journey to the Castle] Empty Tue Nov 26, 2024 8:03 am

Staying the night at the village of the possessed children, the attitude had changed from their presence here. While Ittindi wasn’t particularly fond of the village, places like these reminded him of home. There wasn’t a famed or traumatic backstory there, just a family that didn’t seem to love him. He knew that in villages like these, the mob mentality reigned supreme, and he was anything from normal. Though now his power made others respect or fear him, it’d never change the true intentions of those on the same level as him.  Luckily his stoic nature, would have no problem keeping his face from showing any signs of dislike. It was while he was relaxing at an Inn with Lady Talham that the elder would show up once again. From his eyes Ittindi could tell he was about to embark on another quest, it was good training for Lady Talham, he’d have to convince her to fight this time. He could save her in more ways than one if she happened to lose a fight, he’d take another sip of his Gin straight.

”Good evening Elder, is there something we can help you with?”

Ittindi sat at the table, as hushed voices started to whisper, no doubt they had dispelled any rumors of their capabilities. The elder stumbling over, a small limp either from age or from the horrors of the past week would make it over and cough for a couple seconds before clearing his throat and speaking.

”I wanted to thank you again for helping this villages children. Then I wanted to know if possibly you’d consider doing a follow up request since you’re already here. The farmers on the outskirts of the village claim that this all started when one of the children wandered up to the castle on top of a the mountain nearby. If you could investigate we’d be willing to pay for your troubles.”

Ittindi held in his sigh, instead looking over at Lady Talham to make sure she was ok with their continued efforts. If not he’d take her home, but he had a feeling she’d want to, not even for the money but to save the village. It reminded Ittindi while he knew about her background, he hadn’t asked Lady Talham much about her present actions. He remembered her mentioning family, were they also vampires?  He’d have to take this journey up the mountains if they did take it to get to know his apprentice more. Afterall, training was important, but he regretted not knowing more about his first mentor’s personal life. He didn’t need to be that stiff, at least he assumed.

”Well Lady Talham are you up for a continuation or do you need a break and we send in other representatives?”



We're off to see the Yoki, the wonderful Yoki of Joya? [Targa|Journey to the Castle] Empty Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:28 pm

Targa sat across from Ittindi at the small wooden table, her gloved hands wrapped around a glass of deep red wine, actual wine this time, though she had laced it with blood when no one was looking to make it palatable. The inn was quaint, rustic even. It'd be a nice place to settle down for someone if it wasn't for all the craziness going on.  

Setting her glass down carefully, she leaned back slightly, crossing one leg over the other before speaking in poised and measured manner. “I think, that it would be a shame to leave the job half done. Besides, I’m curious to see what awaits us up there. It sounds like the kind of place where... interesting things happen.” She paused, tilting her head slightly as she regarded the elder. “You mentioned farmers claim this all started there. Do they know what the child might have seen? Or is it all just hearsay at this point?” Her tone wasn’t accusatory, but there was a sharpness to her question, a desire to understand the full scope of what they were walking into. “I’m ready if you are, Colonel. Though... I hope the mountain air isn’t too rough on your fine suit. It’d be a tragedy if it didn’t survive the trip.”

WC: 214
TWC: 214

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