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V. Void-tainted Ring of Power

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V. Void-tainted Ring of Power Empty Tue Nov 26, 2024 6:55 am



Name: Void-tainted Ring of Power

Slot: Ring

Type: Ring

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Durability: 3x S-rank


Once known as the ring of Sauron, this dreadful Ring of Power came to be lost in the void when the dark lord's failed attempt to conquer the Void led to his own consumption. Later found in the possession of the ascended voidal dragon Ryuko, it became a symbol of her rulership over a part of the void.

Measurements: a majestic ring





  • Voidal Ambitions: The ring of power is known to inspire their wielder to great deeds, increasing the experience gained from quests and social interactions by 20%
  • Voidal Ascendancy: The user gains a 20% increase in their word count reduction.
  • Void Weaver: The user possessed the ability to conceal their gear in a Pocket Dimension.
  • Voidal Reach: The user is able to jump or lunge five meters further than normally.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic- 50
  • Ring
  • LVL4 quest experience (20) LVL4 WC reduction (20-) LVL1 Pocket Dimension (5) Improved Lunge (5)

Total points Acquired: 50
Total Points Spent: 50

https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67078-ryuko-s-treasury-forge#634951 approved here


V. Void-tainted Ring of Power Empty Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:33 pm


@Veles has claimed their item, using the coupon in their inventory to cover the cost! :)

V. Void-tainted Ring of Power GPIjkMz

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