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Hypothesis of Invocation - A game of Warfare

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#26Dominic Luzero 

Hypothesis of Invocation - A game of Warfare - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 28, 2024 8:54 am

Dominic Luzero
“Yes, he’s been the guardian angel to my family for many years, but I hadn’t known his name until he first appeared before me” Dominic’s voice fell soft, matching Veles’ seemingly caring tone. He turned the coin over in his hand, thinking about the memories he had of his grandmother praying at her altar, calling out to their guardian to watch over them.

“I know for sure he does have a will of his own” he chuckled as he looked up from the coin and to Veles’ eyes, like pools of cool water. As powerful and dangerous as she was, she had a gentle hand with a gentle voice to match .

“I’ll reach out to him when I find the right moment” Dominic smiled widely. “Thank you for the lesson, it has been very enlightening, it’ll help me as a summoner and on my spiritual journey” these losses he took this day did provide him with knowledge and possibly a new friend or two.


Hypothesis of Invocation - A game of Warfare - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:10 am


Veles nodded her head gently in response to Dominic' words. "I'm glad you enjoyed our time together as well~" With their meal finished it seemed today's encounter was drawing to its conclusion. She did understand why Ryuko had already left and her cryptic message about not overstaying her welcome. After all, even if Amaforth Academy enjoyed a state of neutrality the servants of her enemies still lingered in the shadows. It was the very reason she had been moving in such subtle and unpredictable ways.

"I hope you'll find the means to reconcile with your guardian angel then." It was a gentle prayer of fortune for the young priest as Veles rose from her seat, a playful curtsy being made. "I believe this is the moment where one has to say 'farewell~'" Yet as she suddenly disappeared from sight Veles reappeared at Dominic' other side, whispering playfully in his ear: "Or perhaps: 'see you later~' would be more fitting~ Because I am certain we will meet again soon~"

Once more she disappeared, almost like an ethereal illusion and reappeared at the doorway leading out of the cantina. "Bai bai Domi~ And thank you for today's adventure~"

And then, just like she had appeared the young woman disappeared into the shadows of the void. It took a moment before she materialized in her own domain, her smile still lingering as she saw Ryuko gazing outside the castle window, her expression somber. "You should be more careful Veles, just by interacting with you, you have exposed Dominic to the danger of being targeted by 'his' servants."

Yet Veles her smile didn't waver: "If that happens, I will simply have to save Dominic, right?" Yet hearing the carefree response from the fledgling goddess only earned a deep sigh from Ryuko.

WC: 300

#28Dominic Luzero 

Hypothesis of Invocation - A game of Warfare - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:49 am

Dominic Luzero
“May the spirits guide you” Dominic heard the shamans of Stella say this, those who practice the old faith like his grandmother, the saying is universal to all, but then he remembered her position, her rank, “and May you guide the spirits” she is a deity after all, though the deacon never thought he would meet such a being, he was surprised she didn’t have a halo.

As Veles stood, out of respect, so did Dominic. She would then vanish, a hint of her magical range, but the deacon had assumed she was already gone, but he realized he was mistake. The moment he felt her breath on his ear again. He flinched again, though so much this time. He felt comfort at the idea of meeting her again.

After she vanished again, Dominic departed the cafeteria heading to his dorm… anticipating his talk with Amarion.

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