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Joya - Rainfall After a Storm

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Joya - Rainfall After a Storm Empty Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:05 pm


Rainfall After a Storm

A hush has fallen over Joya, a silence unheard for countless years. The oppressive yoke of the Shogunate, with Ayame's tyrannical reign, is finally shattered, leaving behind a land yearning for tranquility. Yet, even as the echoes of oppression fade, the specter of the past lingers.

Loyalty, an unyielding force, binds some hearts to the shattered remnants of the old regime. These dissenters, fueled by unwavering devotion to their fallen leader, emerge from the shadows like phantoms. Whispers of their clandestine gatherings and swift, brutal seizures of outlying villages ripple through the land, stoking the embers of unrest.

Joya, perched precariously on the precipice of renewed chaos, gazes into the abyss of uncertainty. Will you, a lone figure in this vast landscape, choose to safeguard the nascent peace or fan the flames of rebellion? Will your blade be raised in defense of the new regime, or will you join the ranks of those who yearn for a return to the old ways? Perhaps, the allure of chaos whispers promises of power and a twisted sense of thrill.

Quest Details

Rank: D-S
Words: 500-2,500
Basic Reward: Base Quest Rewards
Good Bonus: Joya continues to blossom under a new era of peace and prosperity, your name etched in history as one of the heroes who quelled the insurgency and united the land.
Bad Bonus: Joya begins it's descent into chaos and strife, your actions inadvertently fueling the flames of rebellion and plunging the land into a new dark age.
Requirements: Mission must be completed in Joya.

Quest Conditions:

  • Participant(s) will decide what side they will take in this quest: Will they help to maintain the new era of peace by defending the outskirt villages and towns or will they side with the late Shogun’s forces and lay siege to the areas.

  • By standing with the new regime, participants will effectively make this a good quest and can conduct a series of experiences such as forfeiting areas to outright defense. Siding with the late Shogun’s allies’ results in participants being the aggressors, attaining infamy for their efforts.

  • Scale your activity to the appropriate rank you’re accepting this quest at.

  • Should the user meet the requirements of a certain difficulty, they may automatically participate in lower difficulties.

  • Users may complete up to 2 neutral quests once per week. Refreshing on Monday of the following week.

  • These may be completed alongside regular quests.

Registration and completion

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