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Hot Tub Time [PPCS - Cannonball]

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Hot Tub Time [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:54 pm

Hot Tub Time [PPCS - Cannonball] NzWTOmu

Targa tightened her cloak as she trudged through the snowy streets after getting off the boat that took her to the pools and water events, her new swimsuit and skates tucked safely in her bag. Beside her, Monty, her every loyal moogle companion, hovered cheerfully, his little wings flapping against the cold. The air was crisp, and the snow covered buildings lining the streets made the entire town feel magical. Even so, Targa’s mind lingered on the events of the day, particularly her new friend Karina and her strange but endearing companion, Sunshard. "Monty, I’ve been spending time with a new friend. Her name’s Karina, and she’s a werewolf." Monty twirled in the air, his little scarf spinning with him. "A werewolf, kupo? That’s a bit unusual for you, isn’t it? You don’t make friends easily." He tilted his head, his expression curious.

Targa chuckled softly. "You’re not wrong, Monty. But she’s different... I find her kind, straightforward, and a bit awkward in a way that’s actually… refreshing. She doesn’t have that guarded nature most people do when they’re around me. She’s open, and she doesn’t judge. At least, not that I’ve noticed. Her little companion Sunshard on the other hand, he seems weary of me." Monty nodded, his wings flapping harder as he hovered closer to her in an effort to keep himself warmer with body movement. "Sounds like someone worth keeping around, kupo. What about this Sunshard?" Targa sighed, thinking back to the creature. "He’s a mystery. He’s loyal to Karina, clings to her like she’s his entire world. But he’s cautious... especially of me. I get it. Creatures like him can sense things most people can’t. I don’t think he trusts me, and honestly, I can’t blame him. I'm a vampire."

Monty gave a thoughtful hum. "Maybe he just needs time, kupo. You can be… intimidating, you know. What’s he like, though? Is he just protective, or is there more to him? Also you shouldn't hold the fact your a vampire in such disregard. It was forced on you and you aren't evil like most of them. Besides, us moogles sense good in people. That's why my pom pom gem glows around you. Basically us moogles can sense the kindness in other people. Whenever we spots a pure hearted person, we tend to go to that person and shower them with happiness and glowing our gem. You're a pure person so this Sunshard is just sensing something else.... or it' something else entirely. No need to speculate anyways. We here to have fun!"

Targa smiled faintly, glancing up as the heated pool area came into view. "Strange, but there’s more to him. He’s got this way about him. It's like he’s always thinking, always observing. He’s cautious, but I think he’s got his reasons. And Karina? She’s the kind of person who makes you want to trust her. She’s optimistic, always trying to do what’s right, even if she doesn’t know how to get there. I think Sunshard reflects that in a way. He’s her protector, and I think she sees the good in him, just like she seems to see it in me. At least that's the feeling I got from them." "Sounds like you’ve made a good connection, kupo. And you’ve needed that. You don’t let people in often."

Targa laughed as it was all too true. As they approached the pool area, the sound of laughter and splashing carrying through the crisp air could be heard. The pool was surrounded by snow, and steam rose from the warm water, creating a welcome atmosphere. People were diving in, cannonballs sending waves splashing everywhere, and a general sense of chaos filled the space.

"Friends are good to have, Monty, and yeah, maybe I don’t let people in often, but Karina… she’s different. Now that I've been thinking about it. I've been pretty lucky lately with meeting people who are nice and or helpful." She paused, watching the madness unfold at the pool. "And speaking of change, what do you say we join in the fun before heading to the hot spring?" Monty’s eyes lit up as he twirled in excitement. "You? Fun, kupo? Now this I have to see! I'm kidding, actually you'd been busy lately. Why don't' we just go soak in the hot spring instead?" he teased, darting toward the hot spring instead before Targa could respond.

The two of them approached the edge of the pool, the warmth of the steam brushing against Targa’s face. She set her bag down and removed her Monopoly suit to reveal her sleek black one piece that showed off her form in a very alluring way, but also covered enough that hopefully no parents would have an issue with her. People of all ages were trying their hand at cannonballs in nearby off in the distance pools, each splash bigger than the last. Because there were children she decided to show some level modesty than normal. As she saw them off in the distance she saw some were clearly competing, while others tried to dodge the waves altogether. It was chaos, but it was the kind of chaos Targa found herself drawn to. But for now she wanted something more private and secluded. Though she figured that the longer she stayed over here, the more likely it was that more and more would show up.

"All right, Monty," she said, stretching slightly. "Let’s see if we can make a splash of our own." The moogle laughed spinning in the air as he hovered just above the water. "This is going to be great, kupo!"
Targa nodded. " Aye, don’t worry, Monty. I plan to have fun. But first, let’s see what kind of cannonball I can pull off." With that, she stepped up, jumped with all her might, curled into a ball and crashed into the water.

WC: 980
TWC: 980


Hot Tub Time [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Sun Nov 24, 2024 12:24 pm

Karina was not sure that she was going to be able to relax as she was a bit nervous about this and she isn't sure why she was feeling like she was and she looked at Sunshard would was just smiling and following along beside her as she went toward where the pool was to be and she wondered if she was going to be okay as she hadn't really done much public swimming before as she was pretty much from a back water place so she was not sure how well she will do with a crowded people with a lot of people though she was still smiling on the outside she was trying to convince herself as she wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to hold herself back from something that she might find fun and not have to really worry about it as she was going to have a friend there as well so she was just letting herself get worked up for no reason as she will not be alone as she has Sunshard as well as the new vampire friend that she had made.

Karina can see the steam from the pool area raising in the distance and she smiled as she was nervous and excited and Sunshard reached up and held onto her and pointed to the place they need to go in at so they can go to get into the changing room and she can store her stuff and be able to go and swim and she tied her hair up and she hoped that she will be able to stand the heat as she was raised in a pretty cold weathered place and that was just something that she needed to work on if she could as she got use to being in this country and that was just a small step as she hoped to come into herself as an adventurer. She needed to find strong weapons and make at least one of her own like she did with her Daydream gun that she had. She needed to make sure that she didn't lose herself either as she can feel herself, her wolf self trying to get loose and be able to fight with someone but she wasn't going to let it happen she needed to stay in control of the beast that pulled on it's leash.

She got herself changed into her swim suit that was a simple purple one piece swimsuit and she wondered if this was too conservative of her to be wearing to something like this as she was seeing women in two pieces and bikini's going out there and she was starting to wonder if she wasn't flashy enough for this and she needed to think about this if she needed to update her style or not but she was going to go out and just face it. "You ready to go Sunshard?" She smiled at him who smiled back at her and with a hidden mouthed laugh nodded feeling her being overly nervous for this and she walked out with the creature and the second that she came out of the changing room she dodged back with Sunshard as a splash hit right outside of the door way in to the pool arena and she looked around for her vampire friend so they could see that the other had made it.


Hot Tub Time [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Nov 29, 2024 2:34 am

Targa stood at the edge of the pool having just got out from her cannonball, arms crossed as she watched the splashes and laughter off in the distance at other pools. Monty hovered beside her. "This place is wild, kupo," he said, wings flapping as he dodged a stray splash from Targa. "We should go where the others are. When are you going to show these folks how it’s done?" "Not yet... I’m waiting for Karina. She said she’d meet us here. No point in starting without her. Besides, I’ve got to make a proper introduction."

Monty twirled in the air. "Well, at least let me dive in, kupo! It looks super fun!" "You sure that's the best thing for you? It's cold out and fur takes a long longer to dry. But if you think you won't catch a cold after then give it a go. The water feels amazing and warm."

As she looked toward the changing area, she finally spotted Karina stepping out with Sunshard by her side. Targa waved them over. "There they are," she said, motioning for them to join her.

WC: 186
TWC: 1166


Hot Tub Time [PPCS - Cannonball] Empty Fri Nov 29, 2024 12:01 pm

Karina saw the other woman and she tapped Sunshard. "There she is lets go." Karina was being careful not to get herself splashed as people were jumping in and splashing around and she wondered if they should be doing that was she sees people running around and jumping like they were. Sunshard looked at the vampire woman and the strange thing that she had with her and he wondered if that thing was as cursed as it looked but he didn't seem to try and alert the woman he was walking with as Karina seemed happy to see her and that was all her was worried about for right now that Karina was happy and enjoying herself as he had a strange feeling that Karina might have to deal with same stuff soon and he rather her enjoy the time she has to have fun than to cause her an issue as he was not sure about that thing that was flying around the vampire woman that was waiting for them.

Karina waved back and once she was close Karina spoke. "Oh looks like you found yourself a companion are they well trained?" She wondered what the creature was but she wasn't going to ask and she would just relax and let the other woman share what she wanted to do and she put down her towel on a seat that was around and seemed like it was being warmed as the snow seemed to have avoided it or maybe she was just lucky but she was going to do her best to enjoy the swim and she walked over and gently put her feet in the water and she wondered how warm it was and it seemed like a perfect temp for her and she wondered how this worked and how useful magic seemed to be and almost made her sad that she couldn't use magic like other people but she was going to do what she can do to enjoy herself here.
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