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A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ)

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A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:21 pm

Emil had gained a request that was lower in rank than he usually took but he was not in a heavy lifting mood anyways but he was going to push himself and this was a good chance for him to just let loose and see what he can do if he was aiming a bit lower as he was not going to strain himself as he has had a lot of things going on as of late and that makes no sense he guessed but he still had accepted the request and he went to meet with the person that had put the quest up for him to take and when he walked in he was shocked to see it was just a child a small boy that had hired him to protect him while he mines and helped his mother and his very sick father. Emil smiled as it was sweet.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:21 pm

Emil nodded to the boy that he was going to help him and that he would do all that he could do to help him if he could but now Emil was trying to think if he was really going to accept this childs jewels or not but as it was a request and it would be insulting to the client to say you will deny their payment he went along following behind the boy that had clearly hired him and Emil wondered what he was going to do as this child was clearly not going to make it in the mines and he needed to make sure that he keeps the child safe from trouble the best that he can and just go from there and that was what had to happen. The boy kept looking back at Emil as they neared the mines and Emil tilted his head at the child.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:22 pm

The boy quickly looked away and lead Emil into the mines and the way that his father had said he was working and the boy seemed to know the mines well and Emil wondered if the boy is use to the mines to help take supplies around but thinks that mining will get him the jewels faster than doing the support role will and Emil watched as they walked into an open area where there was blood and bodies and the boy looked scared and Emil wondered what was going on. He didn't have to wait long before beasts made of coal appeared and ran at the boy and Emil jumped and got in the way and punched the beast right in the forehead and the beast seemed to shatter to pieces and fall to the ground and the boy was still scared but Emil had kept himself from the time being.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:22 pm

The boy went to mine some of the stone but he wasn't strong enough to dig with the tool he had with him and Emil laughed a bit and then the boy turned and scolded Emil that he shouldn't be laughing at him but Emil gently ruffled the boy's hair and spoke that he sees some of his son in this boy and the boy looked at the man and was surprised the man had a son as well. Emil took the pickaxe from the boy and started digging and telling the boy to keep watch for more beasts and if more showed up he would protect the boy so they will both make it out of this alive and hopefully get them both home before dinner so they don't get scolded by their families and Emil was sure that the boy would be fine but he needed to make sure he didn't leave empty handed.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:22 pm

The boy keeping to his word watched out for dangers as if he had been trained to do so and he wondered if the boy was trained to be a first alert system. The man put the fruits of the labor into the boy's thing to collect the stuff he was digging up and the boy seemed to light up every time that Emil dug something up to help the boy with this thing. The boy then alerted Emil that more of the coal beasts were coming and Emil dropped the pickaxe and went to the beasts and wrestled and smashed them so they didn't get to himself or the boy that was there with him and he wondered what he was going to do with all of this stuff that the creatures were dropping and that is when Emil realized something one of the bodies that was laying on the ground was the boy that he was helping and then he looked over to  where the boy was and he waved at him.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:22 pm

Emil wondered if the boy had a twin brother or if this was something else and Emil walked back and told the boy again to keep an eye out for him and Emil was back to digging and he remembered that there had been some rumors about some people running into ghosts in the mine that had hired them but he was sure that this couldn't be such a thing as ghosts aren't real outside of them being summoned to be used by people like his soon to be sister in law. He kept working hard and digging and Emil would steal a look at the boy every so often while he was putting things into the bag for the boy so they can turn it in and use it to help him. Emil was starting to feel a bit creeped out but he was keeping it to himself as he was sure he wasn't crazy.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:23 pm

Emil kept at work until the boy called on him again and this time when he turned around it was a more human looking creature that was looking at them both still in a coal black color and Emil let loose an attack that seemed to shatter the being into pieces and Emil fired a few more bolts just in case as the arm that was pointing at the boy had fallen again Emil started to work faster as he was now starting to wonder if maybe he was dreaming and this was not real but the feeling was not fading and this was something that he needed to finish fast and get done right as there was some things that seemed to not add up now with this boy's story but he needed to not worry about it. Emil kept adding to the bag and digging more as he went.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:23 pm

Emil was starting to wonder if this as all some kind of weird trick and he kept digging and that was what was taking up his mind and that task was it. Then the boy yelled again and the creature he turned around looked like a bear in size and Emil ran at the monster and it nearly hit him but Emil moved to the side and then thrusted his fist into the chest of the creature and it seemed to crack like all the rest and Emil wondered if this child was making the creatures with magic or something but he was not going to ask as this was something that was simple and is helping the boy. Emil keeps digging and finding a lot of good and useful stuff that the boy should be able to be paid and help his family but that was what it was as he still wondered if this child was undead.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:23 pm

Emil had filled up the bag and the boy smile and thanked him but asked Emil to carry the bag and make sure that he didn't drop any of it and that it make it back to his home and the boy started to lead him out of the mines and then more of those creatures had come and they were around them and Emil tried to use his thunder god gauntlet but it wasn't working so Emil coved the boy and then let loose an attack that shattered them but the boy was starting to cry as he was scared and Emil got mad and he crashed through the monsters making sure that the boy was not going to get caught up in the attacks as he controlled his spells which seemed to now home and take on an arcane look. The spells only hit them and not the boy and Emil smiled at the boy and let him take the lead again.


A task beyond the grave? (B-Rank NQ) Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 2:23 pm

People were looking oddly at Emil as he was talking to the boy and he was leaving the mines and back toward the home of the boy that had hired him and then he saw a grave look on the boy's face and he wondered if the boy was scared he was going to  get into trouble and then he walked up to the house and he knocked with the filled back of goods and when a woman answered and saw Emil she looked like she was going to cry and then she let him in and she then asked him if he was hired by a small boy and Emil agreed that yes he was and then he looked around as the boy had been with him just a moment ago.  "He said he would find a big strong man to help him before he was lost in the mines... You sure did keep to his words an over filled bag of goods to help." The woman looked at Emil and then gave him the payment as well asked if Emil had found his body and Emil told her where it was and she cried and then showed Emil out.
(203) (1,620) (Exit) (20% WC Companion)

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