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What Lies Beneath PT 2

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:52 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been in this region with Carmina as they were going to be taking on a lot of jobs here. He figured that while doing that, he would handle some stuff on his own. The gathering of jewels was always a good thing for him. The Dragon Slayer had done this before, but it seemed like there was another area that was going to bring more chaos.

There was another catacomb that needed his attention, which meant that he was going to agitate the spirits once again. Hai was following Drakkon wondering how much they would get paid for creating problems for the people in Oak City. The two of them had made their way to the place that had spirits being mischievous and causing problems to the locals there. It seemed like there were some powerful spirits that were at the moment being playing and joyful.

The Devourer would see the place in his line of sight as he knew what he planned to do.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:58 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could sense the dead that was here, and Hai had looked around to see that things were about to get weird.

“So, what are you going to do Father?” He asked.

Drakkon looked at him with a smirk on his face.

“You’re going to see soon.” It was then that one of the spirits tried to drop something from above and toward Drakkon’s foot.

The devourer sensed danger coming from a specific direction, and when it happened, he was able to dodge it. Still, he didn’t just stop there, he moved in the direction of the spirit and he would uncover his weapon, and he would slash at the spirit. The Dragon Slayer had used his Dimensional Slash to destroy the spirit, which alerted the other spirits. It also angered them and they were ready to start creating havoc right now.

The two of them will feel the cool air around them and he knew what he had done.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at Hai with a smile on his face.

“Things are about to get interesting. They are about to attack us with their spiritual energy. Be ready to use your magic to take them out.” He said to Hai.

The Dragon heard this, but he didn’t understand it at first. It was then that a bunch of spirits were heading toward the group. That was not good and he would make sure that they wouldn’t get close to them. The spirits were vicious and they had started launching a bunch of stuff at Drakkon and Hai. The Dragon flapped his wings and he created chaos as the clouds gathered darkening the area even more before lightning struck down on each spirit that was in front of them.

They would all be hit along with the attacks that had been sent to them. This would cause more spirits to be dealt with, which would alert the more powerful spirits.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:09 am

Go D. Drakkon
Hai could feel the danger that was falling upon them, which was t good in his eyes. Drakkon had a smile on his face as he was holding his Yamato and his Senbonzakura. This was going to be fun in his eyes and soon enough two malicious spirits had appeared in front of the two of them. They didn’t say anything, but they would attack with magic of their own. These guys were strong if they could do that, and they hit both of them sending them flying from the attack. That was powerful, and it was not something they wanted to take care of without being fused.

Hai looked at his father and nodded when he understood what he was going to do. The Dragon roared and the war cry had brought them to merge together. They were now one being and the spirits were not amused by what they saw as they continued to attack Drakkon now.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon saw this and he used his Senbonzakura to counter attack the two spirits. He used his blade as it had turned into cherry blossom pedals and rushed toward one of them. The other saw this and rushed toward to try and attack him. The devourer knew he would do that, and he was prepared for that. He used his Yamato’s spell and swung the blade. This brought a bunch of dimensional slashes to make their way to the spirit. It had been hit multiple times, but it was not enough to take out the two of them. They were surprised by his strength, but they weren’t going to just sit here and be harmed like this. The two spirits had done two powerful attacks and had sent them toward Drakkon right now. The pedals were reforming to a blade at the moment and he saw that he was going to have to defend these two attacks now.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would activate his defense spell at this point. He had to test out its capabilities against everything in front of him. The Dragoon Armor appeared on him and at the same time the attacks clashed on him. he had taken the hit as he was pushed back from the blows. It was then he could see that it had cracked a bit, but it was still there. The expression on his face had shown he was happy with the results. It was then he had acted on his own as it was his turn to attack. The Dragon Slayer had put his Senbonzakura away and he created a ball of fire in his hand before launching it to the two of them. The spirits were shocked to see that he was still standing and with that, they had been caught in the explosion that landed on them.

Drakkon laughed a bit as he put out his Enma now excited to see what else they would do.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:28 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched the explosion disperse eventually as the place was on fire. When he looked he noticed that he had taken out both of the spirits that were there. It seemed like he had done too much, which was not good. That sucked and he thought he was going to have more fun than this. Still, the other spirits that were here were angry with him. he wanted to continue fighting, but that was not the point in all of this. He had done his job in pissing off the spirits here, which meant that they were going to give people a hard time now if they approached this place.

The Dragon Slayer had moved away from here as they didn’t touch him. The moment they saw he was leaving they left him alone, but they were going to be as nice to the people who roamed around here as they did before.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

What Lies Beneath PT 2 Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:33 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon made his way to his employer on this job. They were a shady man who didn’t care about the people in this city. It didn't bother Drakkon at all and he was glad to help out. He made his way to him as he had undo the merger between him and Hai. The two of them made their way to him. when they got there, Drakkon explained how if anybody had gone there they would most likely not come out of there alive. When the client heard this he was pleased about it, and he would hand over Drakkon his jewels, which he would do without hesitation. When he counted that everything was there and then some, he would walk away from this as he was going to move on to the next job. The man would create a rift in front of him with Yamato and walk through it with Hai as they were on their next adventure.

160|1273 (50% WCR Gear, and Guild Perk)

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