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Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:47 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon and Hai had done a lot in Joya with Carmina. There was a lot that they had to do. The time of Halloween seemed like a lot of trouble had been caused throughout Earthland. He didn’t understand it, but he found it amusing. There were people going crazy with everything that was happening within Earthland all at once. The chaos was beautiful, but he was being paid to resolve a few of these issues. He was okay with that, and he figured that it was more training for him and Carmina. He watched her grow and he was going to continue to watch her grow from what he could see.

They were in Iceberg and they were heading toward a haunted house. It was a Viking hall that nobody touched at all due to a rumor that an undead lived there. It seemed like this undead had been awakened and they were trying to find a way to put him back to rest. That was their job and they had heard that the only way to truly do so was by finding an ancient relic found within the house before it got up from his burial mound. Drakkon didn’t care about all of that, he wanted to fight it, and while doing so he knew Carmina would be able to find what they were looking for.

Still, he didn’t like this country, it was always cold here. It was worse than Pergrande and that was something. Hai was quiet while walking next to Drakkon as he was wondering what would happen here.

“Are you really going to fight it, Father?” He asked him wondering what he would say.

“Yes, and while I do that Carmina can find what we need to soothe him. If he doesn’t after she brings it to him, then we exterminate the goddamn thing.” He said to Hai.

The Dragon heard this and shook his head as he figured his father would say this. The group had made it to the front of the house as the door was open, and when they looked inside they could tell that it had not been touched in years. Besides the door and some fresh footprints, nobody took care of this place.

“Stupid, whoever came in here not prepared to fight for their lives deserved not to live.” He said out loud.

It was then he walked into the Viking Hall. When he did that, the ground started to shake as they were now trespassing. Draugr knew people were disturbing his sleeping and he was doing this to give them the chance to escape.

“Look at this, it seemed like they are trying to tell us to go away.” He said this out loud.

When Draugr heard this, he shut the doors behind them close as they were not going to be able to escape until they died or offered his relic to him. Drakkon and Hai noticed the door shut behind them and Hai would roar as he would merge with Drakkon as he figured a fight was about to begin.



Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:25 am


Carmina had been given a mission that they were to go into a haunted house that had some kind of a monster in there and there were signs of the monster that was around in the place as the place was covered in some weird symbols that Carmina couldn't place right now and she followed her master into the place and hearing the sounds of the monster inside warning them to leave and Rey was shut outside and she knew he wouldn't fit as well as the inside was that of what was probably just a normal home and her master said that he wanted her to go and search the home for the relic and she was not so sure about this but she was willing to do it for him even if she was a bit spooked herself but she gave herself mana vision and looked around but she wasn't seeing anything giving off a massive mana signature anywhere that might give her a hint and she walked following the hallway to start on her look around what seemed like winding hall ways and this is one of those times she wished that she knew summoning spells so she could send them to go and look while she looked in places that were a good distance apart and she wondered if they could even do that or not.

She shook her head to get her focus back as she had a lot to look through and she was not sure how long she had to find the answers to these questions and she was sure that she would be able to do this for her master but would he even care after what happened at the castle she was not so sure about her master and how he will handle himself if that was how he had acted. She was just thinking it all over as she was digging around in the area trying to find the relic she was looking for and she didn't think that she would be able topo as she was starting to doubt herself and think that maybe she was not really cut out for things like this and that was something that she was going to have to figure out on her own and she needed to think if this was really how she wanted to die just being this man's toy of a person that he can just order around and she wondered if she trained a bit harder if she might be able to over throw him.

She Doubted that she had the skills and she looked around for spots that were less dusty to see if anyone else had trespassed and got away with it or if they might have found anything or were close to finding anything that was in this place that she might over look as she looked at marks on the floor that looked like something had been dragged out from the room and she figures that was someones dead body that had been taken as she was sure that she sees the shape of a body in the darkness of the other side of the room.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:58 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked over to Carmina and it seemed like she didn’t want to do what he asked of her. She still did it anyway, and it was her choice to tell him no. Still, he figured that she was best suited to finding what they were looking for and it was why he sent her. while that happened, he looked around the area and kicked a chair when Carmina was out of hearing length. It was then he looked up to the ceiling just thinking that Draugr was there.

“How about you show yourself, and show me your strength. You were a Viking, right? So I figured you could me while we find what puts you to sleep, you little baby.” He said out loud.

It was then that Drakkon felt the house shaking. It seemed like he had someone’s nerve and that was good. It was then something started forming on a huge chair. He tilted his head as he looked at Draugr. when he appeared he was undead, but you could see he was strong and covered in armor. He would get up from his seat and he would grab his shield and his axe.

“You come into my home disturb my peace and demand to fight me? You have balls, but as a warrior, I will show you the difference between us. Now bring forth your blade as I will cut you down.” He said to Drakkon.

The devourer heard him and he looked at Hai. The dragon nodded and he roared merging with his father. The two of them were now one and he would pull out his Enma and his Yamato. His strongest blades are worthy against this Viking. When Draugr saw this a smirk on his face appeared as he pushed forward to Drakkon. He saw the speed behind this thing, and his perfected ultra instincts kicked in. The green aura appeared around him to be able to match his speed. He backed up to avoid the swing of the axe but also returned with an attack of his own. Enma being swung he unleashed two spells one from his own and another from Enma.

One hit Draugr, and the other had been blocked by the shield. He sucked his teeth when he saw his dimensional slash had been blocked. Draugr sensed that one was more dangerous. They both would have hurt, just one had a lingering downfall to it. The dead Viking had unleashed a spell of his own as the ice came out from the ground and attempted to hit Drakkon. He would fly into the air to avoid the attack, but then pillars of ice would come from the ceiling as well. It was then he found himself trapped and he was hit by the icicles from above harming him, but at the same time, his armor doing its best to protect him.

“I see, that one strung a bit.” He said as he shook it off and prepared to defend himself now that he saw he had magic to use as well.



Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 10:32 am


Carmina yelled back out from the room. "I am looking for anything that is giving off mana to see if I can find this thing that you told me to find it isn't like I can hold out my hand and make a fucking wish and it will appear in my hand! This place is so massively unclean and there seem to be some dead bodies around make sure not to trip on them." She thought about that and wondered if there was a way that might work but she knows that wishing is a lie and no one will ever really thing about it for the way that she looked at it and that was something that she needed to come to terms with as she followed what seemed to be a faint mana signature that was coming from a different place and she went that way as she felt the place shake from her master getting the monster to come and figure out if it can shut her master up.

She just ignored the fighting and went to go and find the mana signature that she had seen and that was all that she could do right now as she was still not fully sure what she was looking for and that was something that she needed to find as she went and hoped that she had went the right way and remembered how to go back so she could give the relic to her master if she did find the thing that was to work and she was following along the bending paths and it lead her to a very cramped area and she just pushed through and was in a room that didn't look like it was really part of the home and she could sense the relic somewhere in here and she was going to keep working hard to find out if it was what she was feeling.

She looked at three boxes that had a warning that translated in front of her that read that if she picked the wrong box the other two wouldn't open and that she would fail the test and it asked her a question. "What is better chilled, than it is hot, but will not bring as much happiness if it is drank with a fool?" Carmina thought about the answer and to where they are and she pointed to the box that said mead, as it is better chilled than hot, and a fool drinking will always find himself in trouble in the morning when it is all said and done. The chest opened and there was a kind of simple necklace with markings on it and she grabbed that and hurried back out of the room and back the way she came. "I am coming master just hold on and we will have this thing put back to rest in no time." and she as she went around the final turn she threw the relic that she found toward her master and hoped that it will be enough to stop the fighting.
(519) (1,051)

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Sat Nov 23, 2024 7:50 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked over to the room where Carmina’s voice had come from. It seemed like she was having difficulty finding this thing. That was fine and when she told him the condition of the other room, it figured those were the unfortunate that stumbled in this place and were taken out by Draugr.

“No problem, I’m sure you will find it, no rush.” He said as Draugr appeared next to Drakkon again.

His eyes widened as he activated his defensive Dragon Armor to take the blow from the Viking’s attack. He was pushed back from the blow, and he looked at the dead thing with a huge smile on his face. It was then he would swing both of his blades unleashing one of demonic energy behind it and the other one of dimensional property.

The two of them were seen flying straight toward Draugr. The Viking seeing this knew he would have to weaken the blow and that was what he would do. The dead man had felt the power from that attack, and when he looked over to see Drakkon, he noticed the man wasn’t there. His eyes widened as he was surprised that the man had disappeared from his location. He looked over to see where he was, but when he noticed, it was too late.

The Devourer was behind him, and he had his blades ready as he swung them both down at Draugr. The undead had felt another blow and growled before Drakkon had used another spell to hit him. When he did that Draugr would disappear from the blow as if it was too strong. When he saw this the Son of Chaos was disappointed. It seemed like he had killed the thing without the need of Carmina. That wasn’t good, she would be annoyed if she knew that she did all that looking for nothing.

It was then that Draugr would appear again, on the throne with a bolstering laugh as he got up from his throne.

“I cannot be defeated. There is nothing you can do about that. I come back, while you become weaker. You cannot leave, so therefore you eventually die.” He explained to Drakkon.

The Dragon Slayer heard this, and it was then that he knew that he needed Carmina’s help after all. Drakkon had gotten into his fighting stance as he was ready to continue this. He pushed forward until he heard Carmina’s voice. He looked at her and noticed that she had thrown the relic at him. It was made with a massive amount of mana and energy. He would drop his Yamato to catch the relic and when the two got close he would hold out to Draugr. The Viking saw this and stopped in his tracks. He looked at the two of them and then the relic and he would grab ahold of it. This put the Vikings at ease as they thought they were here to steal this from him. Instead, they had given it back to them. He would go back to his throne and he would fade away as the relic would be the one sitting on the throne.

“You may leave, I will rest and hopefully, nobody will disturb this place or will have to feel my wrath.” He said as he was gone.

Drakkon looked at Carmina with a smirk on his face.

“Nice going, now let’s go get rewarded for doing this job.” He said as he was heading to their client to get paid and do their next job.




Fighting a Viking Ghost [FT Halloween - FWD] Empty Sat Nov 23, 2024 8:31 am


Carmina was sure that she was too late and something bad might have happened to her master but she was not going to give up after she had thrown it she rushed to try and get to her master as she was sure that there was a lot of unanswered questions as she had just seen the man looking at the undead guy that was holding them captive here and she was sure that they were going to have to deal with that before too long but she didn't want to really waster her time if they could help it as the man spoke about nbot being to die and would just come back over and over and she wondered then what was the point of hiding the relic and then she wondered if it worked like how liches worked. She wondered if she had broken the relic somehow than the man would have died and stayed dead she was quickly blaming herself.

She got to her master who seemed to move forward closer to the undead fiend that had been trapping them and she wondered if there was really a point to it all or if this was just something that she couldn't deal with. She wondered if the relic will really placate this thing or if it is a trap to really release this thing from it's bondage to this place but she knew very little about these creatures and how they worked so she couldn't really weight in right on it as she was still kind of in the dark herself and she wondered if there was really a reason to think about it but she was going to stand by her master and deal with this thing rather the relic was the key to leaving or a stronger lock to their demise. She was going to keep working hard for her master even if this was to go the wrong way for them.

She was surprised at how swiftly the creature seemed to accept the relic and tell them that it would return to it's rest and if it was that easy she wanted to make sure that there was a chance that they were not being mislead but it seemed that that answer was a swift one as they were dismissed and allowed to leave and Carmina wondered if this was some form of a deadly test of courage or if this was a simple test that people were being given to undertake and it was all an act to get a rise out of people. "As you wish master lets get our rewards and see if we can find the end of the issues that might be going on around the world right now." She said that as spreading their name will very much end up allowing them to gain new members to join their guild and help to build their guilds power but she was not sure if there would really be a lot of people running to them or not but a girl could hope at least.
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