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Targa Tab Talham's Forge

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Targa Tab Talham's Forge Empty Wed Nov 20, 2024 7:48 pm



Name: What is the name of your item?

Slot: What slot does this item occupy?, Weapon, Armor, Helm, Shield, Necklace, Ring, Relic?

Type: What type is your item? Robe, chestplate, helmet, hat etc.

Class: What rarity is the item and its associated item points?

Weight: Light, Medium, or Heavy? This only applies to Head and Armor, if the item is anything else you must remove this field entirely.

Quantity: Custom

Element: What element is your item? Arcane, Wind, Fire etc. Only a single element.

Damage: If not applicable, remove this field entirely.

Durability: What is the durability of the item?


Description: What does the item look like, where does it come from, how did it come into your possession, just a few of the descriptives that you can add about this item.

Measurements: What is the size of the weapon? The size of its hilt, the size of its blade, the total size etc.


Requirements: None.

  • See Forge Regulations.

  • See Forge Regulations.


  • Effect #1: Each effect must be listed individually. It is not necessary to use the exact same name. If you have no effects, remove the Effects section entirely.


  • Name: -
    Rank: -
    Mana Cost: -
    Requirements: -
    Type: -
    Element: -
    Range: -
    Cooldown: -
    Duration: -
    Effect: If your item has no spells, remove the Spells section entirely.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity
  • Item Type
  • Weight/Handling (if applicable)
  • Bonus Attributes (if applicable)
  • Bonus Damage (if applicable)
  • Bonus Durability (if applicable)
  • Effects (if applicable)
  • Spells (if applicable)

Total points Acquired:
Total Points Spent:


Targa Tab Talham's Forge Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 10:34 am



Name: Solar Staff

Slot: Weapon

Type: Staff

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Damage: +120

Durability: 2 S-rank


Description: This staff ends in an open semi-circle at its head, with a floating orb of golden light at the center of the half-circle.

Measurements: 6 feet (1.8m)


Requirements: None.

  • +10 meters range to spells
  • +80 INT

  • None


  • Homing: Spells cast through this item are homing. This may only be applied to weapons.
    Magical Armor Piercing: The spells of your weapon ignore armor when dealing magical damage. It deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target. This may only be applied to weapons.
    Type Cooldown Reduction: You receive a cooldown reduction of 2 posts for a specific type of spell (Offensive, Defensive etc.) for either magic or items. This may not be applied to weapons with the exception of staffs.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Staff
  • Two-Handed
  • Homing - 20
  • Magical Armor Piercing - 20
  • Type Cooldown Reduction - 15
  • Effects (if applicable)
  • Spells (if applicable)

Total points Acquired: 55
Total Points Spent: 55

Last edited by Targa on Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:10 pm; edited 5 times in total


Targa Tab Talham's Forge Empty Fri Nov 22, 2024 11:05 am



Name: Hedgewitch's Gardening Cane

Slot: Weapon

Type: Staff

Handling: One-Handed

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Damage: +30

Durability: 1x S-Rank


Description: This staff was one of the earlier creations of famous mage Morrigan. The staff is an elegant wooden cane that has a silver flower at either end. The flower is blooming on the handle, but merely a bud towards the bottom.

Measurements: 3.2 feet (1 meter)


Requirements: None.

  • +10-meter spell range increase
  • +60 Int

  • None


  • Prismatic Bloom: This staff allows the wielder to channel their magic through the blooming silver rose at its handle. When a spell is cast through the staff, it transforms into the element of the wielder's choice, representing the many colors a rose can take. This effect requires the user to spend the base mana cost of the spell to cast it. When this effect is used, the spell is not impacted by Elemental Synergy modifiers.
  • Recalling Bud: Contained within the bud is a pocket dimension that can store equipment inside, much like how a bud contains a flower inside it. In topics, the user can summon and equip their items immediately using this effect. Interestingly enough there seems to always be a number of brooms, hoes, rakes, shovels, and other gardening tools always stored inside.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Unique
  • Staff
  • One-Handed
  • Magic Spell Multi-Element Conversion - 35
  • Pocket-Dimension - 5

Total points Acquired: 40
Total Points Spent: 40


Targa Tab Talham's Forge Empty Tue Nov 26, 2024 6:31 am


@Targa This custom is approved. Please create a copy in the custom area of the shop to claim them.

<center><img src="https://i.imgur.com/pTatTQW.png" width="440"></center>
<table class="compbox"><tr><td><p class="regulationtitle2">General</p>
[color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Hedgewitch's Gardening Cane

[color=#ffffff][b]Slot:[/b][/color] Weapon

[color=#ffffff][b]Type:[/b][/color] Staff

[b]Handling:[/b] One-Handed

[color=#ffffff][b]Class:[/b][/color] Unique

[color=#ffffff][b]Quantity:[/b][/color] Custom

[color=#ffffff][b]Element:[/b][/color] Arcane

[color=#ffffff][b]Damage:[/b][/color] +30

[color=#ffffff][b]Durability:[/b][/color] 1x S-Rank

<p class="regulationtitle2">Details</p>
[color=#ffffff][b]Description:[/b][/color] This staff was one of the earlier creations of famous mage Morrigan. The staff is an elegant wooden cane that has a silver flower at either end. The flower is blooming on the handle, but merely a bud towards the bottom.

[color=#ffffff][b]Measurements:[/b][/color] 3.2 feet (1 meter)

<p class="regulationtitle2">Extra</p>
[color=#ffffff][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] None.

[list][*]+10-meter spell range increase
[*]+60 Int
<p class="regulationtitle2">Effects</p>
[list][*][color=#ffffff][b]Prismatic Bloom:[/b][/color] This staff allows the wielder to channel their magic through the blooming silver rose at its handle. When a spell is cast through the staff, it transforms into the element of the wielder's choice, representing the many colors a rose can take. This effect requires the user to spend the base mana cost of the spell to cast it. When this effect is used, the spell is not impacted by Elemental Synergy modifiers.
[*][color=#ffffff][b]Recalling Bud:[/b][/color] Contained within the bud is a pocket dimension that can store equipment inside, much like how a bud contains a flower inside it. In topics, the user can summon and equip their items immediately using this effect. Interestingly enough there seems to always be a number of brooms, hoes, rakes, shovels, and other gardening tools always stored inside.

<table class="blackbox"><tr><td><p class="regulationtitle2">Points Breakdown</p>
Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
[*]Magic Spell Multi-Element Conversion - 35
[*]Pocket-Dimension - 5
[i]Total points Acquired[/i]: 40
[i]Total Points Spent[/i]: 40

Targa Tab Talham's Forge GPIjkMz

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