“So rude…!” An uncommon sense of absent satisfaction seeming to sweep through Sofia Serena, not only were her cheeks found bulging outward in a somewhat comical display of her sulking but so too were her hands clapped upon her hips, and overall she had to say that her little trip toward the chilly north had taken something of a downturn.
Going off to play war hero with her new friends, when there's all these nice hot lodges and sauna's to explore together… The reason for such melancholy the simple setback that was her beloved bride seeming to have business which had separated their pairing, in all honesty the emerald eyed enchantress hadn't really paid all that much attention to the reasoning behind them heading to Iceberg since her mind had instantly been filled with the image of watching the snows fall and strange lights overhead from the toast comfort of a nice cabin, though the woman she loved had promised that they would indeed indulge in such habits and the wickedness which might come with them for the moment the mischievous minx was left with the ultimate affliction: boredom.
Well then, there's only one thing for it… A sunny spirited girl who loved the beach and the ocean and neither of these something which she could indulge for the moment, while the portals which were offered by her capable companion could take her anywhere and everywhere she wished to go it seemed a little uninspired for the girl with the green gaze to just beat a hasty retreat for the warmth and wetness of a sandy shoreline somewhere, and so instead she opted to indulge a more adventurous spirit.
“Time to find someone else to play with~!” With that in mind and a smile upon her face Sofia showing a renewed sense of vigour, she clapped her hands together as she decided that it was high time for her to expand her social circle a little way, and as such marched away with every intention of making some new friends. After all, it might be fun, and she just might find someone cute to bring 'home' with her, hm~?
Last edited by Sofia on Mon Nov 25, 2024 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total