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A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ)

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A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:32 am

Karina with her companion at her side make their way to the port to find the ship that is going to take them out into the sea to fight against some pirates that were causing issues and making people's lives miserable and them starting to lose high end jobs and contracts because they are getting robbed almost like there is always an inside man or if some one was leaking the details of the deliveries to the pirates before hand. Karina was going to have to be careful that she doesn't find herself in the middle of a power struggle between the pirates and the crew and who ever was feeding them info and she needed to make the most of the time that she has before the conflict takes on form to see if she can sus out the traitor that might attempt to back stab her and the crew in a bind.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:33 am

Karina and Sunshard see the ship that they are going to be hosted on in the distance and the ship looked pretty beaten up and Karina was already starting to question if this in itself might be a set up to get her out of the way but she still entered the ship and was greeted by a very haggard looking captain and looked as if he was starving and on his last leg and Karina smiled and shook his hand as well as offered him and the very light amount of crew that were manning the ship some food and water as they all looked like they were on their last legs but she knows from her training and her years of work that these people might not be pretty but they are still a crew and will be useful to her for the mission and she will use them right.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:33 am

She went around and inspected the ship and made sure that she would be able to be water worthy and maybe take a few hits and as far as Karina could tell the ship would be fine and she went to the captain who seemed a bit better looking now that he had eaten and drank and told him that she was ready to go and then moved to help the crew get everything ready as she helped them get the ship moving out into the waters and she hoped that these guys can stay alive and not get themselves killed or die on her while they are going out into the sea to look for the pirates that were causing so many issues in the port. Karina kept her gun close as she was going to probably need it once the show down starts. The helmsmen took a tight turn to make sure they were on the right path.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:33 am

Karina was looking around on the horizon as she looked for the pirate ship that must be hidden some where out here, her logical mind was telling her that they would hide in a sea cave or maybe hiding out of sight just behind some large rock like mounts that come up out of the water and she wondered if maybe they might be on the wrong trail but she also has a feeling she is right and they just needed to keep going so they could find them and get them and the stuff they had taken and she knows they will not win in a fight up right and she got a plan. She then went to the captain and explained her plan to him to have herself and the crew get into crates and be taken on board of the enemy ship as she was sure it would work.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:33 am

The captain was going to be the only one that doesn't hide in a create and work as a pitiable man that they are robbing as they will probably not kill him and they will get on to the pirate ship because the pirates will probably not open the crates and just take them onto their own ship and that is when they will strike and come out of the crates and get the sneak attack on the pirates and she was sure this would work unless the captain was the one that was a traitor among the crew here if there was one as everyone is going to be doubled up by random chance and she will be keeping a close eye out for trouble and once they see the ship in the distance she and the crew went under deck and got into crates. She had to hope that she is lucky and they don't look in the crates before moving them to their ship.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:33 am

Karina would soon hear the pirates board the ship and start barking around orders to the others and then to the captain who was already doing as she said and begging for his life and to not steal the crates as this was the only way that he will be able to make the payments and keep his family fed as he was already so close to starving himself. The pirates laughed and stated that they would not be taking his life but they were taking the crates of food and lesser goods as they need to eat as well. Soon after that Karina feels the crate she and Sunshard was being lifted and she stayed very still as they are moved across to the other ship and she was happy that he plan was working. Sunshard looked at her and he saw a bit of fear in her face as if she was unsure of her plan from this step on and the lives she was risking.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:34 am

The companion tapped the woman gently on the leg to hopefully help her relax as this was going to work and he believed in her. She looked as she had started to relax a bit and then the crate she was in was put down and she listened for the voices of the pirates had faded before she got out of the crate and put Sunshard out and then she walked around and opened the marked crates and helped the crew out of their crates. She then sent Sunshard forward to scout and he makes a movement to signal the amount of people he sees and he then added to it and Karina made sure the others were armed as they started to walk the halls and attack pirates and take them out. She was making sure to use martial arts as long as she can as he firing her gun would draw attention.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:34 am

She was skilled in taking down the pirates that were getting close to her and she was doing her best to make this fight something that they didn't see coming and she knew that this was going to end badly if she was not careful, a few of the pirates are not going down easily as they are bulky and are weathered making them more durable even though it did nothing to make their looks anything but scary. Karina gave signals to other crew members and they moved in a pack silencing and knocking out the pirates on the lower decks this ship seemed to be huge. She was starting to worry that they might get lost on this ship if they weren't careful. She stumbles across a room with letters from the people that were shipping the goods and they were working with the pirates to get paid a protective fee.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:34 am

So they were paying to get the goods that they know wouldn't sell stolen so they could make their money back and a bit more with a kick back to the pirates to keep up the good work. She was sure that this would help her so she took it and tossed it into her storage for later to hand over. She and the crew then walked up onto the upper deck and that is where the real fight started and she smirked as a female captain stood there looking at her and one of the beaten up crew on the ground next to her feet. "I see so there were more rats on board my ship huh?" She went to aim her gun at the downed crew mate but Karina gets a shot off first and shot the gun out of the woman's hand. The pirate captain then ran at Karina but was protected by a crew member with a sword and Karina kicked the woman in the chest sending the pirate captain backward.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:34 am

That is when the crew went to fight the pirate crew as Karina and the pirate captain were fighting and seeing how far this will go and it seemed the sneak attack had worked and this woman was reeling from being tricked and then attacked from within and she and Karina are fighting the pirate captain swinging her sword at Karina and Karina diving and rolling to dodge the slashes while taking shots at the woman with her gun as she went under or around the slashes from the pirate captain and she hoped that she will be able to keep her head here as this had gotten dangerous, more dangerous that her original plan of just taking over the ship with as little fighting as she can but this had escalated, she and the crew were fighting for their lives here and she was going to make sure that they didn't end up dead as well as herself.


A Growing Issue (C-Rank NQ) Empty Mon Nov 18, 2024 5:34 am

Sunshard had gotten some lengths of rope and he was keeping them in his arms as he ran around and gave them to crew mates to restrain their beaten foes and if he had to intervene he would use it to trip up pirates to make sure that they were not going to get back up and would be beaten with team work. Karina and the pirate captain were now just duking it out as the captain had dropped her sword from a well placed shot and Karina dropped her gun as she needed the free had to keep fighting the woman and then she gets an edge and takes the captain down and restrains her and gets the crew to get the ship going into port and they pick up the captain of the ship they had started on making it to port to turn over the crew and the stuff they had gained back and gave over the letters to the rune knights who said they would be hurrying to look into it. Karina got her pay and some extra and the crew got themselves a new ship and a good pay day as well.
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