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Sl Companion V. Echo

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Sl Companion V. Echo Empty Sun Nov 17, 2024 12:41 pm



Name: Echo

Title: Blazing Sun

Slot: Companion

Race: Demi-God Mindrache

Class: Mythic - Storyline

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Mana: 3000

  • Strength: 256
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 121


Height: 3m
Weight: 500kg

Appearance: Echo's apperance is that of a tall slender dragonoid that is of what mindrache could be if they unlocked their full potential. His slender frame is tough and durable, black scales spot his body and his chest, stomach and lower chest region all are covered by white scales. Much of his body is laden with golden filigree looking scales while there are portions of his body that are benefit of regal looking armor. Massive shoulder blades that have floating daggers made of light near them and upon his forearms are that of ellegent bracers. His horns upon his head split into that of a regal looking horned crown that works into his cheeks and jaw. His piercing golden eyes are hard to look away from and his slender frame is a benifactor of a long tail and slender fingers. He is fairly tall and weighs quite a lot. The mindrache is closer to a dragon than he is a mindrache, but he still benefits from his ilks heritage.

Description: Echo like saturn was summoned to the realm of Earthland by Lady wolfenstein. But rather than attempting to use him to lay waste to the land he was sent instead to spy upon saturn. Throughout his time together he grew close to saturn, wishing for him to be better and do better he eventually cast aside the role of spy when saturn helped his people. He had already been considering it but when saturn reared up to help his people time and time again he couldn't find it within himself to even consider spying on the demon. Instead now he has cast his lot with them, a warrior of old brought into the flesh to serve.

Personality: Behind the valor and the passion, the loyalty and intense nature. Is still that playful mindrache. He is still longer lived than his usual racial counterparts and while his aloof nature had developed into one that was passionate for his people he still enjoys hanging out and having a good time. He's friendly, honest and cheerful. He is unwaiveringly loyal when it comes to saturn specifically. He has a hard time doing things that would go directly against his moral compass. He's easy to get along with. Having a thing for chocolate, sweets and grapes.


Requirements: None.


  • Speech: Being among the land for as long as he has Echo can learn most languages and speaks a variety of them already. [Fiorian, Joyan, Icebergian]
  • Human Form: Echo's human form is that of a mighty Mindrache Dragonid. It sets him apart from most of his ilk already but he doesn't mind it.
  • Independent Action: Echo can move independently of his partner, as such he has his own account and may travel and roleplay regardless of Saturn's location.

Companion Perks:
  • Golden Wheel: When in a topic, Echo's mere presence warrants disbelief and passion from friends or foes alike. Allies within 25 meters of him will find their strength and speed raised by 20%. This effect is doubled when using the transformation "Release: Upon the Waking Skies".
    Golden Valor: Echo ignores armor when dealing physical damage. He deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target.
    Not Left Wanting When physically striking a targets constitution directly Echo debuffs their strength by one rank lower than how much damage he deals. This debuff lasts for 3 posts and refreshes on another hit.
  • Holy Light: When dealing damage to a target's constitution through attacks echo leaves a holy burning effect. Shrouding that target in a fire made of light, dealing for two turns two ranks lower in damage. This duration refreshes on additional hits.


  • Name: Dragonlance
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500 Mana
    Requirements: Echo
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 25 feet
    Cooldown: 5 post cooldown
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Echo is capable of using his magical prowess to summon a powerful weapon to smite foes with at a distance. This lance is holy in nature and burns with a passionate fire clothed in light. Giving it a fierce appearance as the lance is nearly two meters in length. When cast, the lance rises from behind echo and then launches forward at the intended target. Once striking their target the spear burrows into them dealing 1xS damage.

  • Name: Golden Effigy
    Rank: S+ [Defensive overcharge]
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Echo
    Type: Defensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 25 meters
    Cooldown: 5 turns
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Echo brings upon the power of light unto an ally or himself. The golden barrier resembles when cast a beacon of light cast from the heavens and wraps about the intended target of the benefit effect. Their body coated in a powerful barrier that shimmers with holy energy protecting their ally for 4xS as long as its sustained.

  • Name: Release: Upon the Waking Skies
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 10% of Companion's total base mana.
    Requirements: Echo
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Echo uses the holy energy within his body to force his evolution to a higher state. Allowing his proper body to make an entrance; the draconic visage being the first thing that springs forth out of the armor and the winding towering body of a dragon making itself known. While still young, his body is undeniably strong. Increasing his size to that of 15 feet[4.5 meters] while boosting all of his stats by 150%. This locks out his ability to use his partner's equipment for the duration of the effect. He may fly up to 15 meters in this form as well. As this is a transformation it cannot be nulified. Outside of combat he may use this form without cost.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Mythic - Storyline (+102)
  • Using Mythic Storyline Coupon
  • Skills: Speech (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Skills: Human Form (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Skills: Independent Action (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • T4 Companion Perk: Holy light (-12)
  • T4 Companion Perk: Golden Valor (-12)
  • T4 Companion Perk: Not Left Wanting (-12)
  • T5 Companion Perk: Golden Wheel (-24)
  • Attribute Boost: Strength: +15 [5 points]
  • S++ Spell (-15)
  • S+ Spell (-12)
  • S Spell (-10)
  • Storyline: Old Friends

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102


Sl Companion V. Echo Empty Sun Nov 17, 2024 8:31 pm


@Saturn has claimed Echo.

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