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IV. Zangetsu

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IV. Zangetsu Empty Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:30 pm


IV. Zangetsu QiQhMer


Zangetsu (斬月, Slaying Moon)







+120 STR

2x S-Rank


Under the luminous glow of the moon, an ancient Joyan legend still whispers through the night. It tells of a time when the celestial spheres could speak. One evening, as the moon grieved the loss of a distant star, a single tear rolled down her pearly facade. That lacrimal bead traced a glistening arc across the onyx sky before gently falling to Earth, striking the waiting land. As the teardrop collided in a glimmering splash, a connection sparked between these orbital entities above and below. From that day onward, the terrestrial and lunar were bound by an invisible tether, locked in an eternal dance around their radiant sun.

In the modern age, this folklore has taken on corporeal form in Zangetsu. This colossal blade resembles an oversized khyber knife more than a traditional katana, though it is characterized as an ōdachi in lore. Zangetsu is a single length of ebon-hued metal, said to have its origins in the heart of a fallen comet. Bereft of a hand guard, the sword instead relies on its wrapped hilt for wielder control, aged tape clinging to a narrow handle against the relentless draw of battle.

1.5 Meters.


Steeped in mysticism, the legends surrounding Zaengetsu hint at an underlying truth. To even lift this mythical blade, one must have Joyan blood flowing through their veins. Any outsider who attempts to harness its power will find the weight impossible to manage, as if the sword itself denies their worth.

  • N/A

  • N/A


  • Fabled Tales: Upon striking the target, they will lose the equivalent of one rank lowers worth of mana. This may only be applied to weapons.
  • Conservation: The range of spells attached to items are increased by 5 meters per second. This must be applied to a weapon or relic.


  • Name: Getsuga Tenshō (月牙天衝, Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer)
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Zangetsu
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 5-20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: In the hands of its master, Zangetsu awakens. Mana cascades from the obsidian blade as though a dam has broken, a deluge barely contained. The sharpened edge begins to radiate an intense golden glow, casting lightning-like flickers with each minute movement. As the wielder swings the mighty weapon in a sweeping arc, a visible wave of fracturing energy erupts forth. This slamming torrent cracks the very air as it barrels towards any opponent. Upon impact, a devastating explosion of raw mana is unleashed, the unfortunate target at its epicenter. The mystical nature of Zangetsu makes its blows uniquely cruel.

  • Name: Getsuga Jūjishō (月牙十字衝, Moon Fang Cross-Shaped Piercer)
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Zangetsu
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Beyond its initial explosive technique, Zangetsu contains further depths of power for a seasoned master to access. The refined Getsuga Jūjishō technique taps into the sword's raw energetic force. Brandishing the obsidian blade, the wielder will cut sharply into the very air, slicing open a rippling gash of radiant mana. This initial swing leaves behind a hovering streak of intense golden light, suspended horizontally as if it were a luminous fissure. Before this tear can seal, the master channels Zangetsu's edge in a second flowing arc, this time dragging vertically across the previous strike's simmering trail. As the blade passes, the mana ignites into a blinded cross formation of crackling energy - the echoing symbol blazing brightly. In the same motion, the wielder launches this shaped spell towards their enemy in a bolt of fragmentation. Upon the slightest contact, the attack erupts into a concussive blast, delivering immense damage through its light-born explosion.

  • Name: Getsuga Eikan (月牙影貫, Moon Fang Shadow Piercer)
    Rank: S+ [Increased damage]
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Zangetsu
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Unlocked through mastery of the blade and a deepened connection with Zangetsu, the user can now draw forth the full extent of its power. When summoned, the meteorite cleaver emanates a dark-hued mana, its edges outlined in a vibrant, brilliant glow. As the weapon is raised overhead, energy coils tightly around it, waiting to be unleashed. Upon being swung, this condensed force is released in a blinding frontal wave, surging up to 25 meters at incredible speed. The wave, painted in deep black—a stark contrast to the usual pale whites and yellows of its abilities—consumes everything in its path, engulfing opponents in a torrent of raw power. Those caught within the wave suffer devastating x2 S-rank damage.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Sword
  • Fabled Tales - Effect [20]
  • Conservation - Effect [5]
  • Getsuga Tenshō - Spell [8]
  • Getsuga Jūjishō - Spell [10]
  • Getsuga Eikan - Spell [12]

Total points Acquired: 55
Total Points Spent: 55


IV. Zangetsu Empty Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:34 pm


reclaiming after changes were made to accommodate S5.


IV. Zangetsu Empty Sat Nov 16, 2024 11:09 am

Toga has reclaimed Zangetsu

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