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IV. Ring of Hráva

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IV. Ring of Hráva Empty Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:04 pm



Name: Ring of Hráva

Slot: Ring

Type: Ring

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description: A ring found in the depths of an elven forest that magically stretches to fit the finger of the wearer. The band appears to be constructed of spiraling golden vines. It is said that the ring was crafted by one who had been blessed by the elven god of nature, who was then dubbed the name Hrávandil, meaning 'Friend of the Wild.'


Requirements: The user must have elven ancestry.


  • Pocket Dimension: The user can have their equipment stored inside the ring. In topics, the user can summon and equip their items immediately using this effect.
  • Wild Speech: The user is able to converse with and understand creatures of all types. This is serves only for roleplay purposes and may not be used for combat. It is subject to exclusion for certain player or story-driven scenarios (i.e. Companions, Story NPCs, etc.)
  • Hrávandil's Blessing: The user receives a 1-post cooldown reduction to their magic's healing spells.


  • Name: Kite Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Ring of Hráva
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a kite. They may choose the color of their feathers; unless otherwise noted, the default is the color of their hair. The user can speak while in kite form. The user can't cast spells while being in kite form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in kite form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can fly up to 15 meters without using extra mana.

  • Name: Deer Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Ring of Hráva
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a deer. They may choose the color of their fur; unless otherwise noted, the default is the color of their hair. The user can speak while in deer form. The user can't cast spells while being in deer form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in deer form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can leap up to 15 meters without using extra mana.

  • Name: Field Mouse Metamorphose
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Ring of Hráva
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a field mouse. The color of the fur is such that it camouflages into its surroundings. The user can speak while in mouse form. The user can't cast spells while being in mouse form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in mouse form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user is considered Half-Invisible due to the camouflaging effect of the fur.

IV. Ring of Hráva Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


IV. Ring of Hráva Empty Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:05 pm


Claiming my free remake per forge point changes

IV. Ring of Hráva Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


IV. Ring of Hráva Empty Thu Nov 14, 2024 9:47 am


@Atani has reclaimed their ring after forge resubmission was completed!

IV. Ring of Hráva GPIjkMz

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