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Southern Stars [Lumikki]

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#1Daiko Flayme 

Southern Stars [Lumikki] Empty Thu Oct 31, 2024 4:07 pm

Daiko Flayme
Campfires brought Daiko back home again. Back to the woods, back to the greenery, and back to the wild. It reminded him that no matter how accustomed he got to the more flamboyant atmosphere of his current guild, core foundations within his self can’t be erased. He was, ultimately, a very simple woodland hunter… and staying outside, under the grey and unusually snowy sky, in front of a heartwarming campfire he ignited himself…

He could almost burst out into song, but Coda wouldn’t let him. Not when that sharp beak of hers was ready to poke a hole in his skull again. She’d rather abused his regenerative prowess excessively throughout the years, putting him back on track when his impulsive brain drove him to do silly stuff.

Unorthodox to him, he was by his self – Coda being his only companion as the avian raptor perched on his shoulder, wings close to her chest as she took in the heat. The hunter simply tried to prepare some tuna he’d caught at the beach earlier – with this weather, the waters had gotten a bit colder too, so the tunas swam sluggishly. It was kind of going against the normal flow of nature and all, but Daiko took advantage of it while he could. Tuna strips were juicy.

Grinding his teeth into the strip, he let out a pleasant sigh. This weather… reminded him of the raven he met back up north. It was the first time he’d met a bird-person on his caliber, and it was the first time he’d befriended birds other than Coda herself-

“Huh? Coda, where on earth- where ya going?” Daiko asked out loud, watching Coda flap her large wings and take flight without warning. It was as if she’d sensed someone. “Is Ali nearby? I-I should prepare some tuna strips for her as well… or maybe, if I can catch an eel…”


Southern Stars [Lumikki] Empty Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:49 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"One is an Omen, Eight for a wish"

”—Hmm,” Lumikki uttered, the sounds of her birds tore her focus from the herbs she was collecting for a friend. There was a limitation to the variety one could get in Iceberg and she was hoping that this could help the witches.

”A large bird, mistress!” The crows around her cawed in between the words, their agitation was apparent as was the excitement in their movement. ”We saw them just west of here, stay alert.” Lumikki tilted her head up to see the commotion, her bangs shifting and sliding over her eyes as she adjusted to see them. The little bit of sun that managed to poke through the clouds barely found its way upon her skin but she stayed illuminated by the brightness of her eyes.

”Is that so?” Lumikki rose from her spot. Previous kneeling just about the ground she now stood poised and curious. Her golden pupils now prying into the direction of their distress and she began to take a few steps over.

The venture didn’t take long however before a familiar bird rapidly came into focus. She was still a good amount of meters away but she was able spy Coda in the distance. Of course, she remembered the bird to be feisty, and so the Demoness tensed still while refusing to let her guard down.

"Pity those who hold the gaze of me flock."

#3Daiko Flayme 

Southern Stars [Lumikki] Empty Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:27 pm

Daiko Flayme
Coda wasn’t that large! Okay, maybe she was in comparison, but she still took offense to it! Coda’s wings flapped violently against the cold winds, uncaring in her pursuit of female company – a constant chagrin to her poor falconer. However, unlike her antics with Alisa or Sofia, Coda found the company of other birds in the vicinity of this… birdin? W-What was she?!

Ah, Coda couldn’t care less about what Lumi was – she was friend. She was company. And that was all that mattered to the falcon.

Coda’s bright, vermillion feathers contrasted the greyish sky upon her descent, circling around Lumi’s form like a drone before trying to perch on her shoulder. Coda was in a very snuggly mood today, so Lumi would be bombarded with attempts at rubbing her beak and head feathers against her face in a compassionate show of longing before her falconer finally arrived at the scene with a caught eel in his hands.

“C-Coda! Please, if you’re bothering another girl again I- w-wait, Snowbird! I mean- Lumi…!”

What were the odds – he’d met her back at her guild’s place at the base of the Sieghart mountains, so meeting her here was a pleasant surprise. “And crow pals! Nice seeing all of you again! Whatcha doing out here? I got eel, if you’re hungry.”

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