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Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:00 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had woken up just fine the next day. They had a good time out, and he had learned that Astrid was the person behind all of this. They were the reason why the North had been attacked. They should have waited a bit as that territory was still Lumikki, Yuurei, and basically Paradise Dawn. It was their home, and this guild had made it where they were disturbing the peace in the North. He shook his head because they didn’t know what they had done to themselves. Whatever the Phantom Lord was, they might as well disappear because now they were going to be a problem to Paradise Dawn forever.

Still, another thing he learned had come from Carmina. It seemed like she had gotten information about a ritual happening at nighttime. This was interesting, to be honest; he didn’t think there was a group of people who could do such a thing in this place, but here they were. It seemed like it was happening at nighttime, so they had time to prepare. He wasn’t going to stop it, honestly, he wanted to see how it turned out. If they died because of the summoning, then that was their fault and nobody else.

He allowed Carmina the choice to hang out with him or be on her own. He also told her his plan on what he was going to do in this ritual thing tonight. He wouldn’t stop it as he wanted to see what would happen when this thing came out of its rabbit hole. He was with Hai this entire day though, the two of them moving through the streets of Oak Town. The people there always looked scared. It was as if Astrid instilled fear into everybody in this place.

Still, he would make sure to get all the food that he and Hai could eat, and once that happened the two of them noticed that the time was coming to an end. They had to get ready for this event that was going to take place soon. This was going to be the first time he had ever seen something like this happen.

He would be at the meetup spot that he had told Carmina to come to. He was with Hai and the Dragon was quiet for a second.

“Father, are you sure she is going to stick to the plan?” He asked Drakkon.

Drakkon looked at him and he laughed a bit as he was positive she wouldn’t.

“No, she won’t, but honestly, I’m not stopping the summoning. It’s going to happen regardless.” He said to Hai as they waited for Carmina.



Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 8:26 am


Carmina woke in her bed and she rubbed her head as she was not use to drinking so she had a bit of a headache and she got some water and took something for it. She wondered what time it was and if she still had time to go and eat or if she had fully slept in and was going to miss the chance to eat. She sees that it is not too late so she got her self cleaned up and started out of the place she had stayed the night. heading into the town to get something to eat as she walked she can see the stares of men and women alike checking her out and she guessed that Drakkon was right she was only being feared before because of him which after last night she could see why as Drakkon was a very scary man and his gaze seemed to gain that respect from other people swiftly.

She went to a simple cafe and she sat down getting an order of coffee and some sweets hoping to help perk herself up because she felt like crap that was stepped in and then treaded across a gravel road way. She was glad that they even served her but she is being careful as she is not sure who is all working to summon this monster and she was not looking to be one of their virgin sacrifices to this being that they wished to call up from the earth. Her coffee and sweets came to her table and she sipped the coffee and it seemed fine as well as the sweets not even a hint of foul play that she could tell. She looked toward the city and she let her self relax for a moment as she knows that Drakkon will keep her safe but she also knows that she needed to be able to stand on her own.

She was not sure that she could do this task and she finished her coffee and sweets then paid and headed out to go to the meeting point where she was to meet with Drakkon and she wondered what his plan was for this summoning and how he was planning to stop it. There was a crossing thought she had that the man might not even want to stop it but no way the man would want to risk the lives of the people to allow the summoning of what ever it was. As it could then be turned on them and his underworld connections and start robbing Drakkon of his influence on the world. She would probably be killed by it what ever it was. She doubted that Drakkon would risk their lives for this though. She can see Rey watching her from a distance in case she needed help with what ever happened but she didn't want to risk Rey's life as well.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 10:24 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was waiting for Carmina to show up, but it seemed like the young girl was running late. He wasn’t sure what was taking so long, but things were going to start soon. Hai wondered if the young girl chose their separation as a chance to run away from Drakkon. He was a particular man and he was what Hai saw as an acquired taste to people. He always loved him, so it was different to see others feel differently.

“Father, if you wish to see the start of the ritual we need to leave now. Carmina is running late, she will either show up, or she has run away.” He said to Drakkon.

The devourer looked at the chaotic dragon with a glare of anger. Hai stood straight, he was scared for the first time in a long time of his father. Then the stare changed into one of acceptance.

“Nah, she didn’t run away. I’m sure she is just running late because of a hangover or something. I could tell from last night she didn’t drink a lot.” He pushed off what he was leaning on and smiled at Hai.

“We should head over to the ritual spot and see how things work out here.” He said to Hai with a smile on his face.

His heart throbbed as he grabbed it. They were one, but that glare showed nothing but evil behind it. Hai followed behind his father as the two of them moved through the area. It was then that Drakkon would take a seat on a thick branch on one of the high trees. Hai stood down below to wait for Carmina, so she knew where to find his father.

Drakkon looked down below, his left eye allowing him to see everything as if he were right there. He just watched as the people had gathered together and were helping with the preparation of the ritual. They were making the summoning circle, and he could only smile as he was impressed. There were a lot of people here and it seemed like the moon was showing. A full moon at that, and there was going to be something that covered it. This was going to be fun and he was excited. All he could think about was what was going to be summoned today and if it was strong. Of course, he was going to devour it, but first, he wanted to see what it would do.



Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:01 pm


Carmina was hurrying as she had seemed to have made a wrong turn and that meant she was going to be late for meeting with her master and she covered her eye and she could see around the area that he had move to. She guessed he had headed on ahead of her so she uncovered her eye and hurried to the site that things were going to be happening and then she saw the dragon that was usually with her master and she hurried over to the dragon and petted it's head. "Where is the master at?" She had no idea if the dragon was against having it's head pet or not and she was not worried about it, as the dragon also felt nice on her palm as she petted the dragon. She looked over to the area that was out in the distance and she wondered if it was starting.

She then spoke up in case the master was close by. "We need to stop them master unless you have a different plan that you haven't told me or I might have forgotten as my head is still a bit hazy about what happened last night after I told you about the evil plan." She looked around as she looked for where her master might be so she can make the most of what she had to offer at the moment as she was trying to think up spells and slightly change them and make things better in her head and would keep changing them as she goes as she sees what elements would work and which ones don't work but she needed the word from her master to start acting if he was still around though she would think that he would be as going in alone without his dragon would be a huge risk that she doesn't think that Drakkon would be willing to take even if she knows that he would probably be strong enough to just solo them if he wanted to without her help or his dragon but she was sure he would wait for her.

Carmina had begun to move closer to the area that the chanting had started a blood red hue had started to cover the moon as the chanted and she wondered if that was a form of magic one of them has or if it was something that she had never seen before as it was making the area dance in the color of crimson and that made her a bit unnerved, she felt a strange feeling of fear and an over whelming pressure from somewhere.
(443) (931)

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:18 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Hai saw that she coming, and he stood corrected. She didn’t leave Drakkon, but it seemed like she was late. He saw that she had gone for his head, and there was no ill intent from it. He allowed it, and when she asked the question he thought about it. She looked like she knew where she was going, but how? When he heard her speak up, Hai had a smirk on his face as it seemed like she didn’t remember correctly.

“Drakkon isn’t going to stop the ritual. He wants to see what comes out of it. If it attacks the people, he doesn’t care about that either. His only concerns were the North, Seven, Iceberg, Joya, and Pergrande. The people there are safe from him even if he doesn’t like it.” He explained to Carmina.

Hai noticed that she was moving and he grabbed her then picked her up and started flying into the air. He moved through the air slowly as he made his way to Drakkon. When he saw Drakkon on the branch just sitting and watching everything he placed Carmina next to him while he stood in the air.

“I brought her to you Father. I also told her what your plan was.” He said to Drakkon as he was still in the air.

Drakkon nodded listening to him and then smiled at Carmina.

“I knew you would show up. It seems like you had a good night, Carmina. Now we have a good show to watch.” He said to her as they were already chanting when Hai brought her here.

He could see the moon was being covered as the chanting continued on. He was intrigued as he looked at them. They were continuing the chant, and then at the same time, they were all moving as well as one. It seemed like it was working, and he just kept watching as his legs were dangling in the air.

“We do nothing and we see how it all turns out. I doubt it will go well for those people though.” He said to Hai and Carmina.

He didn’t move an inch, showing no signs of rescuing anybody down there. This was the bed they chose and he was going to let them lay in it. Hai just watched as he could sense nothing but danger coming forth. It was soon enough that the circle they were sitting behind would start to glow.



Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:56 pm


Carmina felt the dragon grab ahold of her and she guessed that she wasn't going to fight it as it flew her up into the air and explained they were not going to be helping them just letting the summoning happen and Carmina guessed that the summoning was going to fail as none of the people she could see were wearing anything to protect themselves from being over taken or sacrificed to it so she took her place where the dragon put her and she was glad that she wasn't scared of heights as being dragged into the air like this would have probably caused someone to freak out and start struggling for freedom. She had a flight spell so if the dragon had dropped her, she would have a way to safe herself as she was growing and getting stronger even if there were a few very close calls on her life.

She looked at her master as he spoke and she guessed her guess was right that he didn't think it would really work out for them and the dark crimson light seemed to almost have a pulsing to it like someone had spilled a dark drink on a viewing orb and it was slowly flowing down it making things seem to appear in the light that look almost like eyes and small mouths that looked like they smiled. Carmina was really getting creeped out by it. The chanting got louder and faster the sounds beginning to warp in her ears and sound like some kind of foreign tongue that seemed to twist and hiss as she looked at the people some of them were passing out to the ground as it looked like the ground were they were doing it had begun to bleed the color looking to be oozing out of the ground.

Carmina was disgusted by the sight as something was clawing it's way out of the ground and grabbing the people that were chanting and started to eat them as if they were a snack for the big creature that was coming up out of the ground. She couldn't look away she was not sure what was compelling her to keep looking but she couldn't seem to get herself to look away from the death and the creature that was raising out of the ground. She wondered what this creature wanted and what it could do and what it will do as she feels the over bearing weight nearly send her to her knee but she fought it and stayed up right.
(428) (1,359)

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 1:09 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched people fall to the ground as they continued their chant. It seemed like some of them didn’t have strong wills to continue this. Still, the others that did continued their chanting, and it was bringing forth something big. He could feel the danger that was coming from this thing, which was great. It would soon come out and it had looked around at the insects that had summoned it. They were pleased, some of them were tired but happy to see that they had summoned the creature. Still, something wasn’t right, and soon enough it started attacking the ones that summoned it.

They were in shock to see that this was happening, and Drakkon watched it all. He laughed a bit to see what was going on. The creature they had summoned to this realm was eating them, and squashing anybody who had the courage to run away. He flinched a bit as that had to hurt. It was looking around to see if there were any left, and when he found another, he would move toward them and grab them. It would eat them without hesitation. Drakkon shook his head as these people were stupid for bringing this thing here.

There were half-eaten bodies and squashed bodies all around the monster.

“I guess we should kill it. If we leave it roaming around, it will eventually find its way to one of the countries that I have business in. Hai Gone let’s start.” Drakkon said this as he pushed himself off the branch.

As he was falling to the ground Hai roared, gathering the creature’s attention. Hai and Drakkon merged as one and he flapped his wings as he looked at the monster with a serious look on his face. The monster had stretched its arm to grab Drakkon, but the Dragon Slayer moved out of the way as he could see that it was strong. He decided to create his fire armor as it covered him acting like an Exoskeleton. He had taken out Yamato, and Enma and immediately used two spells. His dimensional slash, and on top of them another dimensional attack that had come from Yamato.

The monstrosity would take the attack, and when it felt the power behind it, it roared. It would lunge into the air to get Drakkon, but the Dragon Slayer moved out of the way. When the creature saw Drakkon do this, it would stretch pieces on him and toward Drakkon hitting him and pushing him to the ground. Drakkon felt the impact, but he was protected by the spell for the time being. This thing was strong indeed, but it wouldn’t be something he couldn’t handle.



Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Wed Oct 23, 2024 2:24 pm


Once Hai had roared it woke Carmina from her trance that the monster had put her into and she jumped out of tree following after them and wings appeared on her back and she wondered what kind of element would be good to use here and while she was thinking the monster and Drakkon had begun to fight and she watched her master seem to have the upper hand on the monster as it attacked at him and Drakkon seemed to dodge the attacks and that was so impressive to her and then when Drakkon went up making the beast miss she watched as the flesh on the monster seemed to elongate and head up and then hit Drakkon down to the ground and it looked like it was doing as much as it could to smash the man into a fine jam that could be licked up but the man's defensive spell seemed to keep him from getting crushed.

Carmina wasn't going to waste time she then released a barrage of spells each of a different element as she watched the monster to see what elements that it didn't like, the nature seemed to do the least so the monster was at least part dark mana, the light spell hit well for a good chunk of damage. She moved and watched as the fire hit for normal, the water hit for normal, the lightning hit for less and she then used a wind spell which seemed to hit for more than the others so she had figured the monsters typings out. Carmina called out to Drakkon. "It is made of darkness and earth!" She then started firing off spells that had light and wind elements to them and hit the monster in the joint so the pressure on her master was relieved to make it easier for the man to get loose of the monsters grip that it had, had on him.

She was not sure what else this thing could do but it now looked at her after she had weakened it's arm and it opened it's mouth and fired a beam of darkness that fired out at her and she shielded her self in a light element shield as she had figured out the monsters elements so it meant that she knew how to counter it without the brute force or weapons that her master has, she felt like she was really being useful now that she could do something and she wondered if that was going to be enough to show her master not to replace her with someone else.
(436) (1,795)

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Thu Oct 24, 2024 8:38 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was on the ground as it was looking up at the monster. It seemed like it was not happy with it being attacked, but honestly, it was stupid if it thought the people on this planet would allow it to just destroy them. He noticed a bunch of attacks coming from the side and hitting the creature. It was of different elements as he could tell by the colorization that was provided. He would get up from the ground as it had annoyed the creature. It looked over to Carmina and she had spoken out loud. He heard what he might have been weak against, but Drakkon didn’t have any strong light or wind spells. Honestly, he didn’t have any wind spells.

He figured that arcane spells would do the trick then as it would be for the best. Now that he was, he flapped his wings to get himself going. He moved forward, and into the air as he approached this demonic being. He would swing his blades on the monster’s back and then swing his arm away to activate a magic circle. A dragon would come out from behind him and it would make its towards the monster. When the demon had been hit it reactively launched a bunch of tendrils to the close-range fighter. It pushed him back as he was sent flying into the air, but was protected by the defense spell. It had shattered though, which meant he had to use another spell to defend himself.

Drakkon watched his dragon smack the crap out of the demon as it felt that one, and it looked at Drakkon roaring in annoyance at what he was doing. The Devourer laughed as he was going to do more damage to it and allow Carmina to finish it off. He got close once again, and he activated another spell. This time a crow had come from above and down on the demonic creature. Drakkon sliced at it again, and before it could counterattack, Drakkon activated a spell to protect himself from both his attack and the monster’s attack.

Once Carmina launched her strongest attack, the monster should be taken care of and all that would be left wwas them and the dead bodies around them.




Slaughter Them All [FCM – Festival Ritual] Empty Thu Oct 24, 2024 9:26 am


Carmina saw her master get free and begin his assault on the demonic creature and she was glad that he was finally springing back to action and she took aim with her hand and she released a light version of the dragon spell that she could control the flight of as she didn't thinks he would have the power to do it again if she was to miss or the creature dodge and she saw the other man now being at a safe amount of space away from it and she made sure that the dragon of light would crash into the demonic beast and it let out one last scream of it being defeated and it sinking back toward the ground and Carmina hurried and landed on the ground as she could feel her mana getting low as she had fired off a bunch of spells of elements and strengths in a rush to make sure that she could do it and find some kind of weak spot but now her headache was worse and she looked to her master with one of her eyes closed and she wondered what the next thing that do should be and if this was a good show of her powers or if she would need to better prove herself in the future to him.
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