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IV. Necklace of Greater Forking

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IV. Necklace of Greater Forking Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 8:40 pm



Name: Necklace of Greater Forking

Slot: Necklace

Type: Necklace

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Limited

Element: Lightning

Durability: 2x S-rank


Description: Worn by mages and archers of old, the Necklace of the Great Forking provides its wearer with terrifying abilities against hordes of opponents. Empowered by the arching properties of lightning, the Necklace of Greater Forking allows spells to continue through their paths unimpeded against multiple opponents within the area.


Requirements: None.


  • Lightning's Trail: The user's single-target spells can fork off onto other targets after striking the initial target as long as they are within the spell range equivalent to them, after modifiers, this effect acts as though it was the same spell, when the user pays for mana equivalent to one rank lower than the spell per additional target hit. Forking spells possess the same properties as the original spell and can continue until there are no more suitable targets during that turn, this effect can only be used on one single-target spell per turn.

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