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Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest]

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Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:06 pm

Rhea strode through the lively streets of Hargeon city, the salty breeze from the nearby sea mingling with the scent of fresh fish and baked goods wafting from the market stalls. The city was alive with activity; merchants shouted their wares, children chased each other around corners, and the distant sound of waves crashing against the docks provided a song-like backdrop to the lively scene. Though Rhea had seen her share of cities, Hargeon was vibrant.

As she continued her walk, Rhea noticed a young man with tousled brown hair and a slightly rumpled uniform. He was pacing anxiously, glancing over his shoulder as if waiting for something or someone. Rhea recognized him as Collin Simmers, a Rune Knight private stationed in Hargeon to gain experience as a Rune Knight. She had heard about him, a bright-eyed young man from a small village, eager to learn the ropes of a life filled with adventure and challenges.

“Collin!” she called, making her way toward him. His head snapped up at the sound of her voice, and his eyes widened in surprise and recognition.

“Sergeant Alvarez!?” he exclaimed, relief washing over his features. “I’m so glad to see you!”

“Is everything all right?” Rhea asked, her brow furrowing as she took in his frantic demeanor.

Collin took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “I—I was just summoned by the Lord of Hargeon. He needed me for something urgent. But he’s requested that I patrol the streets and I can't find any other knights stationed here to take over my post...”


Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:10 pm

Rhea crossed her arms, considering the situation. Collin was clearly in over his head, and Hargeon had its share of dangers. "I can take your place,” she said. “You go attend to the Lord’s business. I’ll handle the patrol.”

“Really?” Collin’s eyes lit up with gratitude. “You’d do that for me? Thank you, Rhea! I can’t believe it!”

“Just be careful,” Rhea warned, a slight smirk creeping onto her lips. “Don’t let your excitement lead you into trouble.”

With that, Collin hurried off, leaving Rhea to take on his responsibilities. She set off down the street, the sounds of Hargeon continuing to swirl around her. She passed market stalls filled with vibrant fruits, spices, and trinkets, each seller vying for attention. Children ran past her, giggling, while a few fishermen unloaded their catches nearby.

As she patrolled, Rhea remained vigilant, her instincts honed. She wandered into the less crowded alleys of the city, where shadows loomed a bit longer and the air grew heavier with secrets. It was in one of these dimly lit passages that she spotted two men standing close together, their postures tense. One of them was tall and stocky, with an air of confidence that seemed misplaced in such a dingy spot. The other man, whom Rhea recognized from previous reports, had an unsettlingly familiar face.


Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:12 pm

Regan Hullston, a smuggler rumored to be in league with pirates who plagued the region. Rhea had heard whispers of his activities and had been keeping a watchful eye out for him ever since her last encounter with those involved in the drug trade.

She watched as the two men exchanged something, their gestures subtle yet clearly illicit. A moment later, Rhea’s suspicions were confirmed; she saw a small pouch being passed from one man to the other. The sight of it ignited a surge of anger within her. She had dealt with enough criminals to recognize a drug deal when she saw one.

Before either man noticed her presence, Rhea stepped forward, her training and instincts kicking in. In a heartbeat, both men turned to face her, their expressions shifting from surprise to panic. Without a second thought, they bolted in opposite directions.

Rhea didn’t hesitate. She took off after the man closest to her, her feet pounding against the cobblestone streets. The chase was exhilarating; her heart raced not just from the thrill of the pursuit but from the knowledge that she was closing in on a potential threat. The man ahead of her was fast, but Rhea was faster. Her training as a Rune Knight had sharpened her abilities to a fine edge, allowing her to weave through the crowded streets with ease.


Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:15 pm

In a matter of moments, Rhea caught up with him, her instincts guiding her as she closed the gap. She tackled him to the ground, the impact knocking the air from his lungs. “Who was that?” she demanded, pinning him down. “Tell me who you were meeting or I'll break both of your arms.”

He struggled beneath her, but Rhea’s grip was firm. “I—I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he gasped, his eyes wide with fear.

“Don’t play games with me,” Rhea said, her voice low and steady. “You were dealing with Regan Hullston. You know him, don’t you?”

The man’s eyes darted around, searching for an escape. “Yeah, yeah! I know him!” he admitted, his voice trembling. “He’s a smuggler! I don’t want any trouble! Just let me go!”

“Why were you meeting him?” Rhea pressed, leaning closer, her intensity unwavering.

“Just a deal! I swear! He said he’d give me a cut if I helped him move some stuff!” The man’s words tumbled out in a rush, panic evident in his eyes. “It’s not what you think! I’m not a criminal! I just needed the money!”

Rhea narrowed her eyes, sensing the desperation in his voice. “What kind of stuff?”

“Just some—some goods! Nothing dangerous, I promise! Just some contraband!”

The realization hit Rhea like a wave. The connection to the pirates was as deep as she expected it to be. “Contraband or drugs?” she demanded, her voice steady.


Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:20 pm

“Drugs!” he blurted out. “I was just delivering them! I didn’t know it would get me in trouble! Please, just let me go! I’m not like them!”

“Not like them? You were just about to make a deal, weren’t you?” Rhea’s patience was wearing thin. “You’re in over your head. You should be more careful with who you associate yourself with.”

The man whimpered beneath her grip, a mixture of fear and regret etched on his face. “I’ll leave town! I promise! Just let me go!”

Rhea considered his words. The smuggler would likely continue his ways unless dealt with properly. “You’re lucky I’m in a generous mood,” she finally said, releasing him but keeping her gaze fixed on him. “Get out of Hargeon. If I see you again, I won’t be so forgiving.”

He scrambled to his feet and darted away without another word, disappearing into the crowd. Rhea took a moment to catch her breath, shaking her head at the precarious nature of the city. She had chased away one threat, but the web of criminal activity was far from unraveled.

After ensuring the area was clear, Rhea made her way back to the main streets of Hargeon. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city.


Rune Knight (private) For A Day [Quest] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:23 pm

The Rune Knight Sergeant felt a mixture of relief and a ping of frustration; her patrol had turned into something more than she had anticipated, and now she would probably have to investigate a much larger operation. Once she returned to the designated meeting point, she found Collin waiting for her, looking anxious and slightly disheveled. His eyes widened as he spotted her.

“Rhea! You’re back! How did it go?”

Rhea took a deep breath, steadying herself. “I ran into some trouble,” she said, recounting her encounter with the smuggler and his dealings with Regan Hullston. Collin listened intently, his eyes growing wider with each detail. “You need to be careful when taking on jobs like this. Hargeon can be dangerous.”

Collin nodded vigorously, his expression earnest. “I understand! I didn’t realize the risks involved. I just...I just wanted to help.”

“It’s commendable that you want to assist, but don’t underestimate the potential dangers,” Rhea advised, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Learn from this experience. Always be vigilant, and remember that not everyone is who they seem.”

“Thank you, Sergeant Rhea,” Collin said, his voice sincere. “I really appreciate your help today. I’ll be more cautious in the future.”



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