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Pirates! I. [NQ]

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Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:07 pm

The salty breeze swept across the bustling port of Hargeon, carrying with it the vibrant sounds of merchants calling out their wares, the creaking of wooden ships bobbing in the harbor, and the distant laughter of children playing near the docks. Rhea Alvarez stood at the edge of the pier, her sharp eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of trouble. She was clad in her customary dark attire, her black dragonic claw weapon strapped securely to her side, and the dagger known as God Hunter glimmering subtly against her belt. Lector, her ever-loquacious Exceed companion, fluttered beside her, his wings casting fleeting shadows against the golden sun. His dark brown fur contrasted against the bright blue of the sea, his red body vibrant as he flitted around Rhea, clearly agitated.

"Rhea, are you sure this is a good idea? Pirates are dangerous! We should find a nice place to nap instead," he whined, his ears perked up with concern.

Rhea shot him a sidelong glance, a hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, come on, Lector. You know I can handle myself. Besides, these pirates are a threat to innocent people. We can’t let them get away with their crimes."

Lector crossed his arms, hovering in the air. "I know you’re strong, but that doesn’t mean you have to go all bloodthirsty on them. Remember, not all pirates are evil. They have their own code, their own way of life."

Her expression softened, but only slightly. She wasn’t entirely dismissive of Lector’s point. After all, she understood the struggles of those who lived on the fringes of society. "True, but when that code leads to murder and terrorism, it crosses a line. I can’t let them hurt anyone else."


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:11 pm

Rhea looked back out at the sea, her thoughts drifting toward her own internal struggles. The Rune Knights, once a source of growth and power, now felt like a fading memory. Their authority was waning, and she no longer felt like a valued member. A part of her was tempted to let her anger guide her, to become the ruthless warrior she sometimes felt was buried within her. But she knew there were lines she shouldn’t cross. At least, not yet.

After gathering what little information she could from the locals, Rhea learned of a pirate ship, the Sea Snapper, that had been wreaking havoc on trade vessels. Rumor had it that they’d recently made a significant haul from a merchant ship not too far from the coast. Rhea felt a burning need to confront them, not only to protect innocent lives but also to channel the swirling rage within her into something productive. They made their way to the outskirts of the port, where the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the water. The shadows of the approaching night crept forward, and Rhea felt her pulse quicken with anticipation. "This is it, Lector. We need to find their ship before they can get too far."

Lector flapped his wings nervously, hovering close to Rhea’s shoulder. "Just remember, we’re capturing them, not killing them! Promise?"

She nodded, though her heart thrummed with a desire for vengeance. "I promise. No killing."

The coastline was rugged, with rocky outcroppings and patches of dark sand. They crept along the sand, Rhea’s senses heightened, her instincts on alert. As they rounded a bend, the glint of metal caught her eye. There, anchored just beyond a secluded cove, was the Sea Snapper. The ship appeared weathered, its sails tattered from countless battles, but it radiated a sense of danger that she was all too eager to indulge.


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:13 pm

Rhea crouched low, scanning the area for any signs of life. It seemed eerily quiet, but she knew better than to let her guard down. "Lector, stay close," she whispered, inching toward the ship.

Lector nodded, his expression serious now. "We’ll catch them off guard. Just don’t let them see you coming."

As they approached the ship, the sound of raucous laughter echoed from the deck. Rhea’s breath quickened. She felt the weight of her weapons, grounding her resolve. She had faced countless foes before, but there was something different about this moment—the darkness inside her was hungry for action, and she could feel it bubbling to the surface.

With a swift motion, she climbed up the side of the ship, using the shadows to her advantage. The pirates were caught off guard, oblivious to the danger that lurked among them. Rhea drew her black dragonic claw weapon, the glimmer of its sharp edges reflecting the fading light.

The pirates were a ragtag group, clad in a mix of worn leathers and tattered fabrics, their faces lined with the scars of their ruthless lifestyle. Rhea’s heart raced as she leaped onto the deck, her weapon poised to strike. "You’ve made a grave mistake," she declared, her voice steady despite the turmoil within.


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:16 pm

The laughter faded, replaced by startled expressions as the pirates turned to face her. Rhea felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, heightening her senses. She could feel the thrill of the fight ahead. One pirate, a burly man with a beard as wild as the sea, stepped forward, brandishing a cutlass. "Who do you think you are, pretty girl? You’ve got guts stepping onto our ship!"

"I’m the one here to end your reign of terror," Rhea shot back, her grip tightening around her weapon.

Before she could move, several pirates surged forward, swords raised. Rhea leaped into action, her movements fluid as she engaged them. She danced through their ranks, her claws slashing through the air, disarming them with precision. Each strike was calculated, controlled—a testament to her training as a Rune Knight. She wasn’t here to kill; she was here to subdue.

“Look out!” Lector shouted, hovering above her, eyes wide.

One pirate managed to flank her, swinging a heavy fist aimed at her side. Rhea ducked, feeling the wind from the blow sweep past her face. She retaliated with a swift kick, knocking him off balance and sending him crashing to the deck.

With each pirate that fell, the adrenaline surged through her, igniting the anger she had been trying to contain. But just as the darkness threatened to consume her, Lector’s voice broke through. “Rhea! Remember, keep it together. Don't lose yourself!”


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:17 pm

Rhea allowed herself a moment to breathe, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. Her heart pounded in her chest, the familiar rush of combat threatening to consume her once again. She clenched her jaw, reminding herself of the fine line she walked. The thrill of battle always pulled her dangerously close to losing control, but she had to resist the urge to give in to the bloodlust. Today, she was determined to fight with purpose, not anger.

She glanced around the deck. The once-raging battle had quieted, with pirates scattered across the ship, either unconscious or too injured to continue fighting. Only the captain remained, his wiry form cutting a sharp silhouette against the ship's dim lantern light. He had stayed out of the fray, observing with a calculating look in his eyes, and now he stepped forward, finally ready to face her.

"Impressive, but you’ll need more than brute strength to take me down, girl," he taunted, his voice oozing with overconfidence. The sly grin on his face betrayed his arrogance—he clearly thought himself smarter and more capable than the rest of his crew.

Rhea met his gaze with a steady calm, her eyes cold and focused. “I don’t need brute strength. I need to do what’s right,” she replied, her voice low but firm. She wasn't fighting for her pride or the thrill of victory. She was fighting to protect what mattered, to make sure the people terrorized by these pirates would no longer suffer.


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:20 pm

Without hesitation, the captain lunged at her, his blade flashing toward her with surprising speed. But Rhea was quicker. She sidestepped his attack with fluid grace, her instincts sharp and precise. The captain was relentless, swinging at her again and again, but each time she danced out of his reach, weaving effortlessly between his strikes. She could see the frustration building in his eyes.

In one swift motion, Rhea countered his next attack. Her black draconic claw swept downward, catching his weapon with a ringing clash of steel. With a sharp twist, she disarmed him, sending his sword clattering to the deck. The captain stumbled, off-balance, his expression shifting from smug confidence to shock.

He fell to his knees before her, breathless and wide-eyed. Rhea loomed over him, her clawed weapon poised to strike, but she didn’t. Instead, she held her ground, her gaze locked on his. The rage simmering in her chest was still there, but she kept it at bay. She wasn’t going to let herself be consumed by it.

"Yield, or face the consequences," she demanded, her voice cutting through the silence like a blade. There was no hesitation, no mercy in her tone—just cold, unyielding certainty.

The captain, now beaten and breathless, raised his hands in defeat. The fire that had once burned in his eyes flickered and dimmed. "Alright, alright! You’ve got me," he panted, his voice heavy with exhaustion and the sting of defeat. His shoulders slumped as the weight of his loss sank in.


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:21 pm

Rhea slowly lowered her weapon, her muscles still tense as she took a step back. She could feel Lector’s eyes on her, and when she glanced over, she saw the concern on his face. The little Exceed hovered nearby, his wings fluttering as he looked between her and the captain.

Rhea took a moment to collect herself, glancing back at Lector, who looked both proud and concerned. “Good job, Rhea! Now, let’s tie them up and turn them over to the authorities. No need for bloodshed, right?”

She nodded, the weight of her earlier rage dissipating. “Right.”

Together, they rounded up the remaining pirates, tying them securely with ropes found aboard the ship. Rhea felt a strange mix of satisfaction and unease. She had acted with restraint, but the urge to let the darkness in had been a close call.

As they prepared to sail the Sea Viper back to Hargeon, Rhea couldn’t shake the feeling that this quest had been a turning point. While she had stopped the pirates this time, the rage still simmered beneath the surface, threatening to spill over when she least expected it.

Once they arrived back at the docks, a small crowd gathered, their eyes wide with both fear and admiration. Rhea stepped onto the pier, leading the captured pirates behind her. The townspeople gasped, their expressions shifting from shock to relief.


Pirates! I. [NQ] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:23 pm

“Rhea Alvarez!” a merchant shouted, pushing his way through the crowd. “You’ve done it! You’ve finally put an end to their terror!”

But as the townsfolk began to cheer, Rhea felt an unsettling weight on her chest. She had saved them, sure, but it didn’t feel like a win. Instead, it felt like another step deeper into a path she wasn’t sure she wanted to tread. Their cheers of victory consumed by the darkness that dwelled within her.

Lector floated down to her side, sensing her internal struggle. “What’s wrong? You did it, Rhea! You saved them!”

She sighed, looking out at the crowd. “I know, Lector."

He tilted his head as his large ears perked up in concern. “You did the right thing. You didn’t kill them. You showed mercy, and that’s what matters. But you have to find a way to deal with that anger. It’s okay to feel it; just don’t let it consume you.”

Rhea watched as the pirates were led away by the local guards, their shackles clanking against each other, the shouts of the townspeople blending into a song of relief and victory. Yet, even the cheers felt distant, like echoes from a place she no longer wanted to? She was a hero to them today, but she may have been turning into the villain of tomorrow.



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