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Duo Ebony Beauties[CE -High Spirits]

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Duo Ebony Beauties[CE -High Spirits] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:34 pm

Chishio didn't have many friends.

Probably zero at the moment.

That's why she was exploring Izakaya's party center.

The petite yet, curvaceous elf found herself strolling down an Izakaya street of fesitivies. She tried to put herself together the best she possibly could. She wasn't very wealthy but her hair was fixed nicely, her makeup done appropriately out of all the products and tricks she came up with, and she wore a very revealing outfit. Instead of her typical garment- the red dress with a high slit, accessorized with beads, she wore a different piece. A fascinating statement piece of a leotard with plenty of cutouts, high heels, and minimal jewelry were all snug around her body.

It was the evening and most people around were adults going into bars and pubs. The decrease in families was replaced by couples, friend groups, and single individuals looking to have a good time.

Chishio was unsure of where to start. She had passed by the same buildings multiple times now. Yet, she had not entered a single one, as she was contemplating which would interest her. She saw a young woman sitting on the end of a bench. She approached her calmly and requested to sit beside her, "Do you mind if I sit here?" in most scenarios she would just sit down without a word, but something that evening made her be polite and speak.

Taking a moment, she sat on a bench and looked at the stars and moon above. Red eyes drifted from the party scene and gazed up at the sky above, becoming absorbed with her thoughts.

Words: 273



Duo Ebony Beauties[CE -High Spirits] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:26 am



[ Outfit ]

Rhea glanced back when the voice behind her interrupted her bickering with Lector. Normally, she'd give an irritated response for being cut off in mid-argument, but her sharp eyes softened the moment she saw the figure standing there.

The girl before her, with pointed ears and dark skin much like her own, seemed a bit lost...over it. It wasn’t often Rhea encountered someone who shared so much of a resemblance in such a foreign place. For a brief moment, she felt a twinge of kinship. "Of course," Rhea said, her Stellan accent rolling off of her tongue almost melodically. She motioned to the bench beside her. The Dragon Slayer's voice was calm, but carried the weight of someone who had seen much more than the evening festivities suggested.

Lector huffed, his arrogance barely contained, but Rhea shot him a look that silenced any further complaints. He crossed his little arms, giving the new girl a side-eye, but remained quiet.

As the ebony beauty took her seat, Rhea could feel the weight of something on her. She looked like someone searching for something, or maybe just trying to escape something. Either way, Rhea could relate. She’d been wandering herself, lost in thoughts of her father’s rebellion, the enemies she fought off in Fiore, and the nearly fatal encounter that almost ended her life. The Knight glanced at the sky, the stars twinkling brightly. Her posture relaxed a little as she felt a quiet connection between them, the kind only people who’ve lived through similar hardships might recognize.

“You know,” Rhea began, her voice steady but carrying a softness that was rare for her, “these stars... they always seem so far out of reach. Kinda like the answers we mortals are always searching for.” She tilted her head slightly, her violet hair catching the moonlight. “But it’s funny—sometimes, all you gotta do is sit still long enough, and they start to feel a little closer.”

Her words were casual, but there was a weight behind them, an unspoken acknowledgment that they were both here, in this foreign place, maybe searching for something. "So, what brings you here?" Rhea asked, her golden eyes studied the girl for a moment before turning back to the stars above. Lector shifted beside her, still annoyed but respecting Rhea's mood.

[ 383 ]


Duo Ebony Beauties[CE -High Spirits] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:58 pm

Chishio honestly didn't think she'd be gently placed in a conversation by sitting beside her.  But apparently it seemed to happen.  She wasn’t bothered by it. When she first approached the woman, the stranger's face didn’t register at all.  But now as she locked eyes and analyzed her appearance it made sense. After turning her head to look at Rhea she could tell why it was spoken.  Foreign country, woman was dark as her, but still very beautiful despite what others might judge about them.  Dark purple hair and the cat-like eyes with black clothing made her seemed very upkept with a majestic aura.

Chishio didn't want to make this awkward by staring sheepishly at her.  The woman seemed to have more charismatic persona and poetic symbolism behind her polished speech.  Chishio would try her best to not look like an uppity dumbass.  

The woman seemed to have something on her mind as she took Chishio away from staring at the skies to seem to include her in company.  

She honestly was unsure of how to start off.  What was she looking for?

“I am looking for companionship and to drink. Or something….. How about you?” Her voice was chipper but somehow her face was stoic.  Her face didn't match what she was attempting to convey at all.


Duo Ebony Beauties[CE -High Spirits] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:33 pm



[ Outfit ]

"I  see," Rhea said, her voice carrying a calm, almost soothing quality. "I’m here for something similar, I suppose? Mostly, I’m just trying to get away from all the work that keeps piling up in Fiore. Being a Rune Knight... well..." She glanced around the busy Izakaya streets, the air filled with chatter and the clink of glasses. "I came here to escape for a bit. Needed to remember what it feels like to be... just me."

Rhea shifted her posture slightly, turning more toward Chishio. Her sharp golden eyes softened further as she studied the girl, noticing the subtle hints of discomfort in her body language. Despite Chishio’s stoic face, there was a vulnerability there, something Rhea recognized instantly.

"I'm not much of a drinker, but I could definitely use a cold one tonight," Rhea said, giving her a small, knowing smile. "We should take the night together, hm? Imagine that. Two brown Elven beauties stealing the gazes of men and women alike. Perhaps we can snug some free drinks and spend no money at all?"

There was a pause as the sounds of the evening buzzed around them, the energy of the nearby festivities feeling distant compared to the quiet moment they were sharing. Rhea felt a small shift in herself, an unexpected warmth.

"I’m Rhea, by the way," she added, her tone a bit more personal now, offering her hand to Chishio. "And this little guy," she nodded toward Lector, who gave a gruff, annoyed huff, "is Lector. Don’t mind him, he’s all bark."

Lector grumbled, crossing his small arms, but Rhea just chuckled softly. "What's your name?"

[ 694 ]

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