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One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.)

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#1Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:27 pm

Faris Iraious
There was something grim about rumours and following them, In this case Faris was following of a rumour of some one he felt like, Well rather he almost needed to talk too. Not just for himself and what ever lingering damaged will he had left in him. But because this woman had been through the same thing as he did. He knew this woman by name.

And he worried about what had become of them after hearing she had been hiding there apparently. But while Faris had been getting better with the help of Zelda. Faris almost felt nervous about this small venture of his. For if he was right. This woman would think he is here to bring her back on a ship.

Faris was taking a gamble, A gamble to make sure this woman knew, He was a live and free. that some one would support her if she needed it. But Faris already internally had his doubts. After all rumours of this woman's uncontrollable madness that something sticking in his mind as well. Faris was almost considering taking up the strongest kinds of drink to dull his mind of his nerves. But he had not reached that point yet.


One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:41 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: #### | Discreet Drow

“You really do take me to the nicest places, Iraious…” Perhaps there being no greater contrast between the crimson maned warrior and the cobalt curiosity whom he had managed to take as a lover a none to distant time ago, the voice of Zelda Blackwood seemed breathy and bored and chocked full of a sense of sarcasm as she slipped into place next to her latest pet, and seemed to largely ignore or perhaps disregard the tension that the young man felt as she looked around their rustic setting with her golden gaze guarded by darkened lenses and her lip curling slightly with discontent.
“How very… Quaint…? Let us hope the locals smell better than the air, hm?” Never one who much begrudged a trip away from the beaten path to pursue some manner of academic prize or chance to indulge her adrenaline but most typically drawing the line at farm land, the blue beauty took a long draught of air through her nose and decided that she would be well served to ensure that was the last time she did such a thing, before rounding on the redhead and making little effort to conceal her contempt for their locale.

“So why are we here again…? You’re not going to pull out a bottle of moonshine and suggest we romp in a barn, are you~? Well, on second thought…” Ideally seeking to escape it sooner rather than later and return to some manner of reasonable civilization, one had to question just why this thrill seeking intellectual had opted to accompany the lad given the apparent disinterest which she had shown to her purpose, though perhaps from one perspective there was something a teensy tiny bit sweet about her actions. I mean, she might not have been the most strident form of moral support, but at least she had put her scantest effort into things. That was progress, right~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#3Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:36 pm

Faris Iraious
It seemed Zelda saw better things in this situation Faris however was entirely lost in his thoughts and nervous, Far more nervous then. Faris seemed to actually be unable to hide the fact he was nervous and uncomfortable and nervous. It was clearly on his face.

Poor Zelda had to deal with the weaken state of some one who normally did his best to act his strongest."Yes....Nice place."His focus was not even at the time what Zelda's idle conversation was. Faris seemed to actually be going and walking a very particular way. Like he was told to walk this path way.

But he would stop for a moment after Zelda asked where they where going. Faris stopped for a moment. All he merely did was kiss Zelda on the forehead."Trust me Dear, I generally plan better areas for that need."Faris seemingly was trying to collect his thoughts to prepare himself.

But he would still explain."And I promise you, After this...talk if it goes well. I may find a way make it slightly more enjoyable. You deserve more then basic moonshine, Do not let anyone tell you otherwise."The Faris she was use to talking to and being around was clearly there, But it was a Faris personal mission and he needed to explain it.

Placing both of his hands upon each of her shoulders."I am here to talk to some one....some one who also sailed with the captain who hunted that kraken."Faris mentioned, keeping in mind this seemed to be Faris almost trying to face a part of his fears, This was one step."This woman...is also some one who went on more trips with that captain...She apparently is in hiding because she no longer is apart of the recent crew that set sail to fight it again."He was not really being dramatic about it, If anything his nerves set to a calm feeling only because he was trying to toughen himself up.

"Captain use to called her Patches, Sometimes Patty, Patricia was always a quiet and stoic woman...But when apparently this last trip out, Captain and her where the only two to live, Patty was also trying to not longer ship out and was kidnapped."Faris now was going to reveal why he was so nervous.

As while it led to mentioning this woman was kidnapped."She is apparently madness ridden, She has been known to get into fist fights and pull a gun on some one while being up at days at time."So in other words, Faris was walking willingly head long into danger face his fears.

Yet he was here because he wanted to help her."...I need to see if maybe...Just maybe, I can help her move on...much like I need to move on.."The major flaw was Faris did not know the full extent of this woman's condition. It Faris took it as a means to improve himself.

While helping some one."Rumors I heard, she is prone to getting into fist fights, She hears voices in her head, Sees things that isn't there."So in some manner there was actually a degree of danger. So even if starting affection was because he was trying to be himself when he pulled Zelda close enough to him and kissed her again."So, Thank you for coming along. I will have to go to the markets and grab all I can to spoil you in some manner."Faris almost did not entirely expect her to come with him, But she did.

Then she would let go of her for now, Then start walking again. Seemingly preparing himself for whatever he was walking into the more each step.



One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:42 pm


WORDS: 410 | TOTAL: 720 | Discreet Drow

“Well, I suppose a one off hay in the hair romp with my new boy toy wouldn’t be the end of the world, especially if your business here proves less than satisfactory~?” The leggy lass left to consider the matter for a few moments and deciding that the benefit of experience and perhaps the added eroticism which might come with it would see her enjoying at least one more rural activity, though her dashing redhead had seemed to dismiss the idea of them indulging such base activity and had perhaps a higher purpose in mind for them the minx could not deny the allure of the idea, and affirmed it as a way in which they might be able to alleviate some stress and tension should they need it. I mean, it was good to keep her options open, right?

“Goodness, she sounds like she might be quite the handful, dear~” As seemed to be typical when the lad began to explain things Miss Blackwood seeming to grow quiet however, while the golden gaze of the girl was guarded and largely kept upon the less than impressive scenery which their new venue had to fail to show off that didn’t mean she wasn’t listening, and as Faris affirmed the unhinged nature of their would be host she did not deny that she could sense trouble a brewing from the description.
“Ohhhhh, is that why you needed some ‘muscle’~?” Not that she was all that inclined toward retreating in the face of such difficulty and if anything it seeming that her interest and perhaps even her excitement grew when she found out that this ‘Patches’ was likely to prove problematic, the sapphire siren could only smirk as she recognised her own particular brand of skills when I came to dealing with people, and toyed with the idea that this was why she had a welcome on this particular venture.

“I’ve been known to put on quite the show when it comes to girl on girl, you know~?” Seeming to smirk all the while and prove herself a source of dauntless confidence and perhaps even a note of mischief to contrast the concern which was plaguing her cohort, whether this was because of an effort to reassure him or a mere manifestation of her almost unending self-assurance and with that self-possession she might never reveal, but at the very least one might reckon her sassiness might prove an able distraction from the deeper woes, eh?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#5Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:47 am

Faris Iraious
Faris did chuckle a bit again and merely asked."Oh? is that really important to do at this time? and here I thought you would preferred something something admit less risky of being kicked out of."Faris mentioned while he was on his search."And we can spend as much as we need as possible in the act."Faris said this because in some manner while they seemed for the most part are opposites at times in their personalities, they really cared for one another and valued being happy. Even if she was a wild card Faris suggested what he did because Faris seemingly enjoyed their time in a private setting.

Even with a bit of a tease about it."After all, who need I might be a bit sneaky with you."Faris hinting at other things he had done before. But it was something he had not tried to do in while do some kind of odd trick to spice things up in a while. But Faris' focus had been on a few other things. But if this all worked out, he was going to try and spoil her slight or more then slightly and she just didn't know it yet, he still needed to piece it together.

Faris even seemed at least he was doing things his way and some what adapted. As for the handful comment."A different kind of handful, compared to what we do normally."Faris seemed to tried to laugh to get his nerves settled. Stopping his search for a moment, Teasing her by merely running one of his fingers across Zelda's stomach like he was some what being a pain."Your a good kind of handful for what we like each other for."Faris winked at her then continued to what was next.

He was being logical for the most part, While it seemed over all this felt like a couple's walk, But Zelda as back up was a blessing even if not his first thought."For the most part yes, It will be useful in case I need her off of me."Faris started with, For what he was about to explain after all it shows maybe what else he was worried about."Last thing, I heard about Patty was her managing to rig a cargo box with a rope to beat some one into a wall..."So Faris was going the warning in which he assume Zelda was ready to handle.

But breaking the tension while they walked to an opening area he was looking around."As much as I could enjoy that, The only woman I want to spend that kind of time with is you my dear."Faris seemed like he could be the wild large group of women type, but he was almost wholesome with wanting to be with one woman."I am here to try and help her...but not take her close off."With that before he continued on to look at the more open part of the would humour Zelda's slightly dirty distraction, by finding a part of clothing that could be separated and jokingly pulled on it for a moment.

Then turned back around and started searching again. So far the more open stretch of street seemingly did not have any sign, but there was in the distance some one seemingly in the fidel position seemingly lost in their thoughts.


One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:23 pm


WORDS: 410 | TOTAL: 1130 | Discreet Drow

“Good gracious, I have been lax in my teachings if you underestimate the thrill in a little risk~? Especially when it comes to carnal expression~” The girl with the golden gaze arching one side of her brow as her companion seemed to show a rather strong preference for wickedness which did not possess the threat of possible interruption, for one who sought excitement like the beautiful Miss Blackwood such possibility for danger was merely the cherry on top of the cake, and as such she playfully admonished herself for her poor ‘training’ if he hadn’t learned such a fact already. Perhaps they might have to do something to correct that when they had the chance, hm?

“Oh my dear, you’ve scarcely begun to scratch the surface of all a girl like me can do~?” All too quickly it seeming her pup was giving her all the more cause to smirk at him smugly afterward when he mentioned just what he thought she did best, Zelda was never one to really let herself lapse into matters of humility, and so shook her head and crowed of just how much she was capable of when it came to dealing with people beyond their typical manners of ‘interaction’.
“I take it since you want something from her, lethal options are off the table~?” Perhaps adding something of an exclamation point onto such a note as well when next she addressed the boy’s concerns about her being here to keep him apart from their target by asking about the extreme measures she was willing to go to in that regard, once more that racial ruthlessness seemed to show as the dishy drow spoke of killing another in a fashion which was casual and off the cuff, and perhaps a little unnerving for those of more delicate disposition.

“Oh? Not playing to your greatest strengths, then? What sort of help do you wish to impart, then~?” The sapphire siren snickering soon after when Faris noted that he wasn’t here for the purpose of physical intimacy and perhaps offering a grain of compliment in how she responded to such a sense of denial, ultimately Miss Blackwood was left to shake her head and seek greater clarification on what exactly he planned to do here given the mention he had made of aiding this former ally of his for the sake of confirmation, especially in light of the apparent worry he had for the encounter which would follow…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#7Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:04 am

Faris Iraious
The continuing game of distraction was some what working, but not just for Faris, as the woman he was looking for might honestly these two where just a couple minding their own business and just talking, That was if she was still in reality."If that is so, Suppose maybe a new lesson is due then?"Faris did laugh about it."I am sure, I will be fine student."Faris was learning for the most part how to handle Zelda, but at least while he was struggling with his own problems. But Faris did not want to admit, There was temptation and he was not being outward on it.

Between his actual desires with Zelda and what he wanted, What she seemingly wanted, He almost felt off track of his goal. But he was a bit more calm.Suppose Faris' normal humanity and emotions where what was at hand even for at the risk of his life own life."What I entirely want is...emotional closer. But for us both."It was stuff that Faris felt almost this was minor stuff at times in his grand scheme for a new life he had merely planned out a while a go.

But alas maybe it was just Faris being greedy doing things himself."I would not like harm to come to her, Same as if I don't want you hurt now."Faris laughed about it slightly. He knew that Zelda was strong enough to deal with her if need be, It was more his own desires he wanted played out."Myself and yourself not being harmed is my main plan, I would like to have a peaceful talk...suppose if you need to intervene, I understand completely."Faris seemed like he was prepared if Zelda needed to jump in because she understood what he wanted.

He would stop after spotting the person he thought he was looking for at the time. Started to clear his thought, He seemed to actually be taking this seriously, With how calm he was. Then Faris calm charm."Now even if everything is okay. I will let you know this Zelda, I trust you, I love you and everything will be okay." All of these things are odd but it was Faris more telling himself some things and letting out some emotions. Then after Faris did a bold move of kissing Zelda and walking away before she could do anything about unless she tried.

He would actually check it was the woman he was looking for, Which it was. Surely it was showing the state of what many years of witnessing death, combat and trying to get away from it all did to a woman who seeming was mentally trying to hide from the world. Empathy was an odd human emotion, it was a crutch but equal parts helpful. But a person's own path to move forward in their own life, mutual suffering was odd to try and move on from.

Faris would kneel down."Patrica...can you hear me?"He would place his hand on her closet shoulder and slowly it seemed to woman would slowly turn her head as Faris spoke."I do not know...if you entirely remember me."Faris was now starting to sound nervous but he continued on."I am Faris...I use to be on Jai's crew."Upon saying that. The tension that was set in the air seemed to build to something negative between stress. Patrica's light purple hair, her pale white skin, It seemed to shift slowly and Patrica was actually turning over to face Faris, Her red eyes starting to glow. The danger factor Faris was worrying about was risking happening. Patrica was in a state of delusion after all. Faris was very well in danger but he seemed to still try."I am not here to bring you anywhere." But alas Patrica's red eyes seemed to brighten more almost like she had heard this before and it it always led differently.

The sounding of some madness ridden woman, starting to build up rage was heard as hear breathing was getting quicker, harder, louder. But Faris continued on his talking."I want help you...Let me Help you right now, Much like being free helped me."But it seemed Patrica seemed to be not, calming down. In fact all lingering signs was Patrica was starting to almost get worst, Yet Faris was not that nervous yet. Whatever was effecting this mentally deranged woman. You could see she was trying to fight it and believe because a tear started coming down one of her eyes. There was reason in Patrica's mind, But Zelda's wanting to be sure to help would come into play.

As Patrica seemed to spring into action, Tackle Faris to the ground pin him down. With a seemingly stare of death in her eyes while there was more tears in her face, Faris actually seemed scared, almost like he expected his charm to work, But now he was being pinned down but a madden woman in navel attire, tied and braided hair and glowing red eyes. Pinning Faris down seemingly was simple enough for this woman, A loud enough creek as she seemed to be strong enough to bend metal while she held him down.Was this a battle of trust? Or was Patrica far too gone for the safety of others at this time?


One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:23 pm


WORDS: 450 | TOTAL: 1580 | Discreet Drow

“My, even with a teacher who is such a strict disciplinarian~?” The Sapphire siren smirking at his suggestion that she might offer him a lesson in thrill-seeking given the spicy images she had suggested, after a long flight here and the innuendo which had followed Zelda did not hate the idea of putting her theory into practice, regardless of how she teased her lover on the methods she might utilise in her ‘education’.
“Though I suppose you’ve not found my discipline all that disagreeable thus far, hm~?” Smirking all the while and raising a hand in what was perhaps as close to affection as she got by hooking his chin and letting him look into that golden gaze as she lifted her sunglasses onto her brow, the Drow did not know whether it was the man himself or how she had become accustomed to having a more regular ‘mate’ but she honestly struggled not to share a kiss with him, and did so more on principal than some steely decision to deny him. Gosh, he was a sly one, eh?

“You…?!” NOt that even with that would this blue skinned beauty fail to feel a little bowled over by what he said to her next however, those effulgent eyes seemed for flare with surprise but less alarm than she might have expected and for a moment she might have sworn she felt her cheeks burn with heat as well, which was perhaps a little worrying, as was how the statement seemed to stifle her enough that the next moments caught her a little off guard. Affection seemed to even make this razor sharp hawk feel dull, eh?

“I’m sorry to say…” The leggy lass left a little bit in her head as she wondered just how it would be best to respond to such a confession and therefore reacting slowly when this almost feral femme lurched forward and bowled her beau over, the flash of worry which Faris showed seemed enough to compel the typically cool coquette into action, and all too readily did she demonstrate that racial ruthlessness as she swung her toe right for the cheek of this would-be attacker with no shortage of prejudice carried within it.
“I’m the only one here who gets the privilege of pinning him down…!” Growling as she did so and then from a spot hidden in her sleeve seeming to draw a dagger in backhand grip, the flash of steel which she showed was a threat which she was happy to make good upon and would have done if not for her partners desire to keep things as amicable as possible, though any further encroachment upon her ‘property’ was likely to see blood spilled…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#9Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:39 pm

Faris Iraious
For the most part Faris had continue to charm and prolong his distractions well enough to try and handle this. Sure there was other things he would need to fix up or patch up later, Or this would all blow up in his face like he was not partly expected for it to do as such. But suppose he needed to get a very mad woman off of him, as his armour already seemed to have a loud enough noise to be of worry.

Faris' face even turned to worry with that loud creek, almost like the poorer part of his planing was now taking effect."Patrica please...I am not here to take you away!"Zelda seemed to actually be effective at kind of distracting Patrica in her state of madness sure it was swing a tow but it seemed reaction was to dive her head back to avoid it touching her just encase. It was something that would been dangerous, But her knee had went in deep that the creek of the dent was heard and to what extent this all had done was not apparently yet. Faris did not know or seemed to express any kind of pain or distress behind being pinned down.

It wasn't until there was knife about to eventually risk touching her, The mad woman just would react by throwing herself into the wall, Patrica being not really in control of herself, the impact of slamming herself into the wall was notable it left in impact and the really notable crash sound. Patrica was in a form of self defence state of mind.

Like she thought she was in danger still, But signs that this was not entirely Patrica's will was there, her crying was becoming worst, Almost like she didn't want to do what she was doing and the things happen around her might not be fully what she intended. It was a rough situation.

But Faris had not given up entire but got himself free."Well...that didn't work as I thought."Shaken up but he was okay. But he would raise both of his hands up, much like anyone trying to show they were not going to hurt a person or had nothing on them to hurt them."See I have nothing on me, I am not here to drag you away." It was seemed the woman fixated to the woman was looking between Faris and Zelda.

It seemed her mind was still slightly lost still as she still thought."Please...don't take me back to h-"Then it seemed Patrica seemed to be trying to get herself back to realize. As she merely just punched the top of her head to try and get herself to think straight."Faris....please...it's okay.."She was trying to acknowledge what Faris was saying to her all this time. But she still seemed to be suffering and losing her battle."Go, live your life away from me."Patrica was seeming actually trying to keep them both safe from battle she was fighting, Faris might not had been helping this woman at the time.

Faris almost looked puzzled, As if this was not how he was expecting this to go, But then a small that he felt a sharp pain and the adrenaline that ran through the body at the time had faded away. Then Patrica would almost seemed to try to be putting distance away from Faris, Zelda and herself. "It's okay...I am just trying to keep everyone safe and make it home."It seemed she was hiding away and trying not to be seen because she thought, she was dangerous to everyone else.

Faris would merely look over at Zelda seeming she had done exactly what he expected her. There was a sense of peace there. But just to be sure, Faris took this at a chance to kind of deal with the matter to cut this matter short, after all he felt like he owed it to Zelda."Okay...As long as you know your not alone, We're both free and I am not tending to go back."Then well he just kind of put one of hands, whichever one was closest to Zelda, to place it on her shoulder, almost like that was Faris' sign that it might be good to leave now. It was close enough to keep Faris content with what happen. He was not interested in pushing his luck anymore then he seemingly had. After Faris had seemingly backed off, This woman he sought up to make some kind of peace with, ran off rather quickly to boot.


One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:53 am


WORDS: 480 | TOTAL: 2060 | Discreet Drow

That’s a bit more like it…! The drama of the moment likely hiding it but all the same it seeming that the slender siren could breath a sigh of relief when the shining streak of sharp silver she carried daunted this stranger enough to get her to back off, Zelda would likely never reveal the momentary panic she felt when she saw the redhead imperilled, and frankly was surprised by both it and the measure of happiness it brought her to see him ultimately unharmed. Really, she was getting rather attached to her latest pet, wasn’t she?

“Good grief, that woman has really done a number on the pair of you, hasn’t she?” Similarly only seeming to feel a greater level of irritation at the effect that this piratical figure she had never met seemed to be having on her life however, even one so curt and self serving as Miss Blackwood couldn’t help but feel a note of pity for her fellow femme as she grappled with a feeling of vulnerability, and through that realised that Faris had seemed to be the lucky one when it came to their afflictions apparently.
“Are you really free…?” Not that such morsels of sympathy seemed to stall her when the lad noted how they now had their liberty without this tyrant’s presence watching over them, though from a technical standpoint the golden gaze of the girl could see that they were no longer under her direct influence, all the same she could see that the results of how that terror still seemed to blight them and bluntly questioned their outlook because of that.

“You might not be on her boat any longer, but from where I stand, I fear that woman still has you trapped? Not on or under a deck, but rather, in your own minds?” By no measure wishing to be unkind or mean but at the same time not the sort of person who didn’t much like to beat about the bush when it came to her opinions and observations, the sapphire stunner shrugged and spoke of the insight she saw in this situation, though whether it would prove useful or perhaps more inflammatory might depend more on the observer.
“Do you wish me to track her down and slay her? Seems you’d both feel a lot safer that way…” Ultimately feeling irked both by the suffering of the lad she called her lover and the only more pronounced effect which afflicted his friend as well, while Zelda wasn’t often one who felt willing to risk her neck for the sake of other people she did feel it an affront to her as a woman to see another so thoroughly kowtowed, and so offered them both a suggestion that she felt might help. Through really, it was something of a default go to for a woman like her, hm~?

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#11Faris Iraious 

One's Honour, Upon Survivors(Open Social.) Empty Sat Oct 05, 2024 6:05 am

Faris Iraious
It seemed the unintentional history lesson of who this woman was. Who Faris was and all this connected to one woman. But Faris suppose would started explaining things."Maybe we are yet to be free...But suppose we can keep trying."Faris was not going to mention how he knew. He was in a far better state of a being and state of mind compared to woman he was meeting here."I am just better off then she is apparently."Faris did not say that to insult or even sass the person. Who knew what would have happen if Faris was not alone.

But since he was leaving her be."Patrica however, Has been on the most trips to try to: Fight and kill this Kraken, Considering the various kidnapping she's been victim too....Suppose I do not entirely blame her for thinking it was possible that Jai might have talked me into on a boat again." Faris mentioned already knowing it was not going to happen between his own fears and most likely Zelda making sure, her Pet did not venture too far away from her.

But maybe Faris was trapped, dragged under sea from things that weighted him down and he was drowning in his own way trying to be free. But Zelda was wise enough to pick up on it, In a sense maybe that was another reason why Faris kept trying to stay around, for a different kind of help. Less lethal help."Not that she knew it was the case, That I am here with some one else and not sailing anymore with that captain."Faris not saying he was no longer sailing because he did want to consider it a goal that he would get on a boat again eventually.

Patrica seeming just realized it was her chance to walk away since she did not need to explain much else. Given she still felt like she was a risk to people she did not want to hurt. Seemingly it was just that, she was trying to keep herself in check. The crazed one didn't even say good bye she just fast walked away, Might have been to their benefit. Faris would watch and let out a sigh."Maybe I am just being too foolish in my plan here."All Faris felt like he left with is pain and possibly putting some one at risk who was suffering her own problems.

"Maybe we do need to kill her, Maybe we need to spare myself, her and any other person that Captain Jai-han might try talking into sailing in the future from this task that just keeps failing."Faris did seem to agree with her, Even if it was illegal. But suppose he nearly got himself serious injured over a pointless thing.

Then he would just turn back at this point, since he considered his task some what achieved then kissed Zelda on the cheek of one of her faces."Well that's an embarrassment out of the way for me..."Faris didn't sound embarrass but he felt almost like it didn't achieve much, Faris was unsure if he made the problem worst. But his self doubt was other things Faris was trying to hide at this time.

But with Zelda's wonder about."If you really tried to find her to kill her, I am unsure where you could find her." Faris seemed to almost entertain the idea slightly. But he felt like other things were more needed at this point.

Even seemingly almost dismissing it for now."But...That's later. Let's go find something to drink then."Almost like he was thinking of it in passing he merely just offered Zelda his hand before he also elected to walk away from this situation. Suppose it was Faris going to try and spoil or attempt to relax with Zelda from this depressing situation.

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