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Pirates #2 [Quest: Astrid]

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Pirates #2 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:31 pm

She hadn’t envisioned being back in Hargeon honestly. The events of what had taken place over the past year, her circumstances that saw her propelled into a state of power, they had all but consumed her attention and focus. There was almost a sort of irony to it all, that it had been here that it all began in fact. Though it was really the death of her father that saw her supplanted into any sort of power within the political theatre, more than that it was the fact that here was where she made her first real ally in the form of Alisa Vollan. Though she had no direct power within the Senate, she held influence. She held acclaim. Her word was strong enough to convince those that despite their occupations had reason to doubt the word of a politician. The word of a hero though with the acumen to be in such a similar role was not one to be dismissed or ignored.

It wasn’t easy to obtain, and wasn’t one that she even as the conversations went did she really expect it to be as difficult as it ultimately was. No shortage of tricks and attempts to persuade her were required and while it did work out for her, there was something about having gone to such lengths, invoking a handful of magical artifacts, including even going as far as to invoke the usage of a Blood Pact, an ancient artifact whose usage in history has often been those that dictated or ended great wars or otherwise were tied to horrific moments of history. How Astrid came to possess such an artifact, it would be a secret that she would never reveal, but was infinitely grateful for having had, especially knowing the outcome was her having secured such an important alliance as what it had proven to be.

311/1750 (-30% | 10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 | 20% Sia & Noir)


Pirates #2 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:32 pm

She would have hoped that having such a calculated and valuable alliance that it would have meant in her arriving in Hargeon would have meant that an audience with Alisa Vollan would have been likely. Yet, as it turned out, that were not so much the case. Perhaps something that could have been understood really, especially given their limited communications, the pair seldom exchanging any correspondence during that time, none of which being face to face. Much to the dismay of Astrid, who had felt that while their meeting had gone well, the nature that Alisa had left her in, in heat and unfulfilled, was something that she held against her to this very day. It would explain perhaps the reasoning for a reunion never coming to reality, the likelihood that the Oak Senator would act upon whatever urges she managed to resist previously.

It was infuriating even, but there wasn’t much that she could do. Sure, she had been invited to an event here, but that was the extent of it. Whatever other business she may have felt that she had within the city, she was as much just someone who was wandering through as anyone else, and by extension was subjected to all the same rules and laws that bound her. At least somewhat; there was flexibility and protection that she did have as a member of the Senate, and her being a Reigning Senator being one that granted her even greater authority and influence, but it was impossible to say just how the reception to a city knowing that she was there. Not that with the nobility and those who sought influence, as they would have done anything to see that Astrid would have played to whatever sort of concession and offering that they could throw at her. But for the rest of the people within the city, there was no telling as to just how they might have responded or would be receptive towards her. As such, she was putting herself at a risk that she didn’t need to, especially not with so much to lose.

661/1750 (-30% | 10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 | 20% Sia & Noir)


Pirates #2 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:32 pm

Regardless, it would be fun to entertain and see what all was going on within the city. The last time that she was in Hargeon, it had only been about the meeting with Alisa. Her collective time in the city was limited purely to the idea of venturing to the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall and then back to Crocus. No time was afforded for relaxation, none was given for the sake of enjoying oneself. Not as though she were able to in the state that Alisa had left her, but that was besides the point. Even if she had indulged in the pleasure-seeking that she wanted, Crocus had called for her attendance. This time though, the Senate had already found itself on break following a shortened session, and with everything that had taken place surrounding her encounter with The Divine and the madness of that adventure, Astrid certainly was looking forward to having some relaxation.

There were no shortage of options within the city, which was something that she could appreciate. As well as the heat, or lack of it. When she first arrived to meet with Alisa, it was one of the things that she had come to hate the most, having to deal with the humid conditions of early spring in Hargeon, but fortunately that seemed to no longer be as much the case as it had once been. It was enjoyable weather, which almost felt like it was something that was out of the ordinary as opposed to being the standard. Certainly warmer than that of what Oak Town was like, which was something to be said of the Southern Fiore cities, all of them benefitting from a more tropic weather than anything that could have been given or afforded to the cities in the West, Oak Town included.

963/1750 (-30% | 10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 | 20% Sia & Noir)


Pirates #2 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:33 pm

Even something as simple as a walk was enough for Astrid to realize that there was plenty to Hargeon Town that she had missed out on the first time, and there was a part of her that was certainly disappointed by that fact. Not to say that much of what she had done in the time between now and her first visit would have been any different, but nonetheless it was simply something to reflect upon. If anything, the difference in such outcomes would have been ones that affected her less directly and instead be ones that impacted Oak Town. What she was seeing and appreciating more than anything was the layout of the city, the way that it seemed to be constructed around the sea, not only with its port but the various other parts, the districts where businesses intersected with those that housed the masses of the city, both the poor and wealthy alike. There was more logic established in how the city had been laid out than it seemed to have been at first glance, and while much of her assessment had been more tied to that of a first look as opposed to that of a massive overview of the city’s intended layout, there was something that was absolutely clear and that was that everything went through the port.

She had spent most of her time there compared to the other parts of Hargeon, save of course for the trips to the various shops within the city. There simply was plenty to appreciate and admire of the port, both in terms of its scope, how everything ran through it, and all the while being something that was seamless integrated into the city without having been a horrid extension. Such a thing could not exist within Oak Town, as the city was never designed for such an implementation. Even those that existed outside of it, the farms that had become increasingly important to Oak’s trade, it was becoming all the more difficult, if not impossible to sufficiently protect. In much the same sense, this port could have been like that if it were an afterthought, but the manner that it was constructed, that the city was broadly made, made that concern irrelevant.

1338/1750 (-30% | 10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 | 20% Sia & Noir)


Pirates #2 [Quest: Astrid] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:33 pm

If there were threats that would exist within the Hargeon Port, they would be ones that came from those who were already embedded in. Anarchists, arsonists, those that would attempt to cause problems and threats against the port, or even those that would have come through the ships that were constantly in and out of the port. In the some half hour that she was there, simply watching the ships come and depart, it must have been almost half a dozen ships that had their status within the Port change. For such a short period, it was staggering how often it must have been ships moved through and yet, there seemed to be precious few issues.

Suddenly, there was something out the corner of her eye, the sight of exactly what she was talking about. But not a threat upon the port as her mind had wandered to, but rather instead what looked to have been a thief. However, a further glance showed that it was actually just a child, haggard, unclean, and clearly hungry. An orphan perhaps, maybe a vagrant. Whatever their plight, it was a more cruel reflection of the city than what one would have expected or wanted to see. For perhaps the more kind, it might have been something that they would have worked to improve if they were in a similar political position. For Astrid, this was an opportunity to use at some point, the only question being not if but rather when she would take advantage of this.

Those would be questions for later, as the immediate matter was the child who simply sat there, terrified of what Astrid may have done. His eyes were full of terror, in his hands being a large gemstone that no doubt would have had a high value on the black market. Such a gemstone seemed to have been uncut, which upon being cut would be impossible to retrace, giving it a much higher value than if it were simply a gem that had been already cut and fashioned. This kid, whether he realized it or not, it was obvious that he was just looking for something to pawn, but had stumbled upon a winning lottery ticket. That was until he happened upon Astrid, now terrified that whatever hopes he may have were crashing down. With a sigh, Astrid looked around, seeing that whatever guard presence was there at the Port seemed to have been gone. There came a dismissive gesture of the head to signify the coast was clear, much to the joint delight and shock of the child as he quickly departed, wasting no time before he utterly disappeared within the port, the evidence of his theft apparent all around them. Astrid couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at the sight, recognizing that her remaining there was not the best look, and such much like the child a few moments beforehand, she too was gone, off to explore the rest of what Hargeon had to offer.

1838/1750 (-30% | 10% Phantom Lord, Rank 2 | 20% Sia & Noir)

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