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Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main)

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Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:03 pm

Roll: 1

  • etc.


Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:06 pm

Here we go sorry got to get use to it


Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:06 pm

The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 43, 24, 84, 11, 12, 76, 42, 53, 98, 98, 89, 56, 41, 12, 55, 96, 28, 98, 83, 16, 94, 47, 65, 18, 38, 59, 53, 46, 90, 2, 57, 59, 33, 97, 81, 77, 31, 56, 4, 67, 35, 4, 97, 2, 71, 100, 2, 67, 42, 4, 56, 25, 48, 12, 58, 33, 94, 8, 90, 87, 27, 6, 32, 70, 56, 71, 96, 2, 86, 83, 100, 28, 51, 93, 95, 84, 11, 97, 42, 33, 64, 94, 51, 43, 10, 99, 61, 40, 72, 84, 4, 7, 33, 80, 41, 15, 2, 18, 31, 23, 14, 54, 20, 60, 85, 22, 69, 74, 16, 32, 23, 75, 36, 73, 36, 52, 9, 50, 40, 94


Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:37 am


I’m sorry but I am not sure as to what you are doing, or why you linked this in the review. If you can add some clarity and follow the usual application, I would be better able to review this for you.

Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#5Frør Valkyrie 

Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 1:40 pm

Frør Valkyrie

Okay, so I don’t know why you sent this so I will explain the game.
You make a message with a number in it. That number is to track the number of rolls you’ve done thus far.

 Submission template
[b]Wheel:[/b] (Link to your wheel)
[b]Roll:[/b] (Which roll was it?)
[b]Number:[/b] (What was the lucky number that you rolled?)
[b]Prize:[/b] (Which prize does this number give you?)

As shown in the proper submission code. You will need to put down the number so that we may refer to it when checking.
You will roll 1 d100. What number you get will equate to the prize won. If you get one of the numbers below than you win what is assigned to the number. You will also add this to the submission.

1-5: 25,000J
28-30: 50,000J
40-42: 100,000J or +2SP
50-51: 50 Mana
69: 250,000J or +5SP
87: 100 Mana
99: 10% Discount Coupon on the next Purchase (Up to Legendary, does not stack with itself)

It is then, at this link that you submit your winning roll. Not on your personal fortune page, but you will need to link this page when you submit. You can roll once daily.


The link you get from submitting it in the proper forum is the one you send to be reviewed. From there a mod will check and award you what you’ve won. If you have questions then feel free to ask in the questions channel in the discord server.


Ghost Fortune Wheel (Main) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:02 pm

I did that already I was overlooked

Roll: 1
Number: 42,41,28,2,2,2,24,4,4,99,69,50

50 mana
10% Discount Coupon on the next Purchase (Up to Legendary, does not stack with itself)


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