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Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman

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Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:58 pm



Name: Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman

Slot: Cape.

Type: Cloak.

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Water

Durability: This item is indestructible.


Description: Fishing is a dangerous profession in these times of great, powerful beasts, magic or otherwise, too many it has become a virtual impossibility to have a safe trip upon the oceans without the assistance of a mage or skilled fighter, there are those daring or foolhardy enough to risk their lives and save a few jewels not hiring a mercenary to protect them, as was the case with the creator of this cloak who went overboard during an attack from a Kraken only to be left stranded in the seas and deserted in a distant island off the coast of Minstrel. There he recovered and created the Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman as a means to seek revenge on his fellow ship mates who left him to die.

Measurements: The cape has a width of 1 meter and a length of 2 meters.



  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant.


  • Notes: The item may be indestructible, but it does not offer protection. This means that attacks aimed at the back of the user bypass the cape in terms of regulation. In topics, the user can represent this by accepting the damage done against their backs and stating that the cape got very lightly damaged.
  • Ocean Lover: The user may travel through Area of effect water-based spells regardless of their spell type and be considered otherwise immune to their effects.


Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman Empty Sun Oct 27, 2024 10:32 pm


using my MM access coupon to purchase this for 5,000,000j please.


Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman Empty Mon Oct 28, 2024 2:57 am


@Ryuko has used the MM in their inventory and paid 5,000,000 jewels to purchase the Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman!

Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman GPIjkMz
#4Salem E. 

Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman Empty Yesterday at 5:22 am

Salem E.

Buying this with the Black Friday Discount at 4M.

Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman Fisher10


Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman Empty Yesterday at 1:57 pm


@Salem E. has purchased the Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman!

Cape - Cloak of the Deserted Fisherman GPIjkMz

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