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In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.)

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In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:49 pm

Ryuuji looked at the woman as she walked off and he went to attempt to stop her from walking off but something told him she would be fine and Ryu didn't need to worry about Nui. He heard what the guild master said and he had heard a strange rumor about the shy painter. "I heard a rumor she is dating an Ex-dark guild member that runs a evil cult, I wonder why Blue Pegasus has done anything to break them up or something as the other woman probably tricked her into dating her or is controlling her." Ryuuji has very little trust in people that served a dark master or runs a dark cult that did human sacrifices and worshipped what ever monster would allow that kind of thing to take place and happen.

Ryu followed them into the Kitchen which had seemed empty he wondered if Kaito had left or if there was something else going on here that Ryuuji didn't know about. Ryuuji really knew very little about Kaito as he had only ever met him once and it wasn't anything crazy or unusual just seemed like an exchange if anything but he could tell the man was very strong and scary even if he seemed like an idiot and not all there in the head.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:21 am

There she was just looking along as seemingly she was getting exactly what she wanted. It was not much so at least it seemed easy but it was because she felt far more happy that this was all going on and some one was friendly enough to just give her the things she wanted.

Eventually she would just figure out how to paid for it in the future, mostly because all she had with her clothing and a snake. Eros was too special to lose and she would much rather to on a magical rampage to get her snake back, Mind you Eros most likely would have just found it's way back to Nui anyway.

But alas she was not a trouble maker, But she was starting to drool slightly so maybe that might be just maybe slightly gross but. Nui was not running off at least. So it worked.

#53Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:14 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith merely started plating the various kinds of meat, Looking at Nui. While just mentioning as she offered them out to Nui."Do note Nui for safety reasons, The poultry based meats do have to cooked all the way through."Judith did take food safety serious.

But back to the conversation at hand while she was preparing different flavours so Nui's taste buds would not exactly get bored, if that was even possible."Rumour? Vex is a lovely woman, I have met herself myself out of curiosity."Judith would mention, this over all showed Judith could know and there was a high chance she had met a fair amount of known mages.

Even remarking as she as adding some seasoning to whatever poultry she was preparing to cook."Vex is not threat to Miriko's safety, You are free to go find her and talk to yourself if needed, Could even mention I sent you."Judith mentioned just to kind of see what would be said.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:38 am

Ryu looked at the guild master and he narrowed his eyes and he wonders if maybe the guild master was under some kind of control as he had just said the woman was the leader of a cult that did human sacrifice. Ryu then has a thought and he wonders if maybe the guild master was in the cult and she had sacrificed his wife to the cult's god. Ryu laughed there was no way in hell the guild master did that, this woman is just far too trusting. "If you have met her what is she like? Cause I have only heard bad things about her." Ryu really wondered as he really only had heard bad things about the woman going by Vex. Ryu also wondered if this Nui woman was really okay and he walked over to her and petted her head. She was seemingly like an animal and that did raise some questioned on his part about what they can do about it, if there was a way they could actually help her or not as she seemed to be a bit loose in the head.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:07 am

Nui seemed to not be paying attention to the conversation. Nui was entirely was fixated and staring at the meat that was quickly cooked. But since Nui knew it was for her, she didn't wait for it to be plated or told it was for her, She just kind of quickly went after it like a beast that was hunting pray and started ripping into it quickly. While Nui was rather nice and friendly, See this was most likely jarring to most people.

But she slowly did slow down while she seemed to be a continuous empty void of flesh eating. But she did stop for a moment to feed Eros. Even then it chewed slowly like it had taste buds trying to process the flavour of it. After all Eros was a snake from the void. They entirely different being compared to Nui, But friendly and helpful when to get them too.

#56Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 5:44 am

Judith Karlinius
While it seemed most people might have been staring at Nui eating all of this meat, like an unhinged animal upon finding fresh food who has not eaten in a few days. Judith on the other hand seemed not even remotely worried in the slightest while she finished what she was cooking.

But carrying the conversation was fairly simple, After all Vex was not that horrible."Considering, Miriko isn't exactly the easiest to woo over, Miriko isn't exactly won over villainous charm."Judith mentioned to start with. With a bit of laugh about it. But Judith just also knew a fair amount about Miriko.

But she seemed to be making sure the chicken was nice and perfectly cooked. Then she would then walk over and percent it to Nui."She is a very polite, Fairly considerate for people even if it there is that talk of a lingering cult, Anything I have heard about this cult is more stemming from legal terms for not a recognized religion of fiore." Whatever else she might not know at the time because Judith did not really look into. Just merely met Vex and found her not that bad to deal with.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:24 am

Ryuuji looked at Nui and he wondered if she was okay or if she needed some actual help as she was going more and more wild and it was a bit worrying to him that she was on the streets alone and unsupervised. "You might want to slow down a little Nui you are gonna make yourself sick eating like that." He knows very well the stomach issues that one could get from eating like that as he had done such a thing after long days of training and making himself feel miserable from it.

He then looked back to the guild master as she talked about the cult woman and how Miriko wouldn't be easily swayed by villainous charm what ever that is. Ryu has to wonder if he might not have just stepped into a different dimension some times with his wife disappearing and some of the random and quite jarring things that have been going on as of late. "I guess that solves that. Still I would be careful who you trust." He looked back at Nui and he wonders if she is really going to be okay as she seems more like an animal than a person.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:20 am

Nui was being told to slow down and it seemed it went on deaf ears, Nui was over all no longer paying much attention. But she was actually paying attention. As when that was spoken to her Nui would turn her face to look at Ryuuji. As she look she was merely holding a piece of meat there for a moment.

Then Eros seemingly finding the right moment, Just took a chance to have a piece of the eating she was currently eating. But then the smell of what now was freshly made hit her nose.

And when she turned she started walking towards it like it was drawing her in. It seemed over all this was going to be the continued thing of stopping Nui from eating too quickly. But she seemed really happy with the situation at the this time. But she was still holding the piece of meat for Eros almost like she was aware it was still there too.

#59Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:53 am

Judith Karlinius
But for now it seemed Judith was going to wrap up her time here. not that she was busy she just felt like it was slightly unneeded to linger and she had given the woman and now seemingly her snake a too. "Well that is interesting to see.."Judith remarked about seeing the snake start eating the same thing Nui did. But it just as quickly did not seem to bother her equally as much.

But Judith also made sure to use one thing as a normal thing of advise for other people as well."Which is a good thing to still keep in mind, Just because I can trust Vex. Does not mean everyone can or will."Judith was doing her best to merely at times be the middle ground even if she was unsure if she was as good as it compared to others, but in the end. It seemed pretty decent."But suppose, my little stop here was nice, I had intended to go home to see my husband. Is there anything else while i am here?"


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:19 pm

He can tell that his words bounced off of the woman that was eating like she had never eaten before and he wondered if maybe he was too hopeful about her being able to be helped in some form. Once the guild master asked if there was anything else she could do before she left Ryu sighed. "I have no idea what to do with her as she gets lost easy should I just let her go or can you do something to help her?" Ryu was starting to get too tired to keep dealing with this and this other woman he was worried was gonna walk off get lost and get eaten by something that catches her while she was lost and he is unsure of how strong the snake is and if it could really help her if there was something that happened and the woman was under attack but he feels this day and these issues are at an end rather it is a happy conclusion or not is a whole different matter all together.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:58 pm

Nui seemed to forgot that she was in fact here to get help, After all that where feeding her. Nui had consumed more then half of this given meat with no signs of slowing down. All of the juices and small specs. But while it seemed their back and forth. Nui's eyes would go towards whomever was talking at that time.

So when Judith spoke she was looking at Judith, Same when Ryujii was. It was silly, As much as every once and a while Eros was taking a bite of what ever Nui was eating, but it seemed with in a few minutes it was entirely gone, Nui would pick up the previous piece and continue eating. Eros was a slower eater then Nui, The void snake seemed to almost some what have an equal amount of stomach to Nui as well. Alas Nui was eating most of it. Eventually finish what was in her hands completely. Moving on to the next cooked piece of meat Judith had.

#62Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:47 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith seemed to actually give it all some serious thought in which what to do here. He had a point where would she go? So Judith would come up with a plan pretty quick for her."I suppose that is fair."Judith mentioned while she pondered over it for a moment.

At least she was done cooking. Then she would walk over and pat Nui on the head. While Nui was an adult. Judith still for the most part treated a lot of people like children just a bit more respectful then most people could just to not offend them.

So Judith would come up with a decent idea."Suppose, We can keep her in a close by hotel, I will make sure the bill gets to here, She can stay for a few days, Then we can make sure she pieces together where she goes after that."Judith was going to give her a few days time with her to figure this all out.

Rather then bring her at to her house, Anders might not be able to contain his annoyance of some one in his shop with a snake, Knowing how Nui reacted with heat, it would be hard to get her to move.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:36 pm

Ryu looked at the guild mother. "That sounds like a good plan as hopefully she will be able to get it together by then and you might want to tell them to help her keep her room warm so she doesn't just take off and the hotel staff freak out that she went missing and he all get called in to become a search party to find her." He was only partly kidding about that as she would probably wander off but he was not sure if the staff would really get that worried about her but he knows that he needed to get it together himself and find his way as he was still feeling truly aimless himself and he wasn't sure if she was going to be okay or not, he wasn't even sure if he, himself was okay but he was going to have to just fake it and keep trying or else he might need to just disappear for awhile somewhere as his head was a bit in bad shape.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 6:30 am

Nui continued looking between the two of them. She seemed to finish up her food pretty quickly. As it seems there was things being set up for her. Nui knew she was going to be grateful for all what was shown of her. Nui would look at the table close by her and check for any other meat she could eat.

Then even looking at Eros, the snake seemingly looking upon meeting the eyes of the person they cling to out of trust and love. But Eros was not worried about anything happening here. So it seemed in the end she would be okay.

But after she ate all she could like a horrible monster, She did actually think and remembered to be smart enough to wash her hands. Making sure she was fairly clean. Still however the red of her skin was not gone. But that was normal for Nui.

#65Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 7:21 am

Judith Karlinius
Then with a clap of her hands in excitement as if things were settled enough and Judith got to help some one new, Nui did seem like a sweet woman and over all with a bit of understanding she was actually not that hard to handle consider what all she saw so far.

Then Judith would simply wait and see whenever Nui was ready to go."Well whenever you wish to depart Nui, I shall lead you to where you will be staying for the evening."Judith made sure to phrase it as to make sure this new and some what confused woman was ready to go.

"Or do you need more things to eat before we head off?"
Judith did make sure just in case there was something else she could whip up for her to eat, so far it did not seem the case unless Nui really had that big of a stomach.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:45 pm

Ryuuji was glad that something had been figured out as he was not sure if he was going to be able to do anything about her himself as he has no connections like the guild master does, but he can see why Kaito called her the guild mother and not master as she seemed to be able to do alot of things and get things on track. "I will leave her in your hands then and let me know if you need anything Nui I will not be leaving town so just give me a call and I will help." Ryu grabbed his snack from the table that he had left and the woman had left it alone it seemed after Kaito had scolded her for showing aggression and Ryu had to wonder who she was to Kaito as, as far as he knew Kaito was with some other weirdo that liked dead people and was very how does he put this gently slow is the best word he could think of.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:55 am

It was turning into Nui not really pondering what all was going to become of her. But it seemed at least for Nui she was going to at least say good by as it seemed she was leaving for now. So she merely walked over to Ryuuji and with out really asking she just hugged him. Almost like that werid childish friendly trust a child did.

But it was Nui saying good bye, at least for now. As she would walking off with Judith. Even the Snake would eventually look at Ryuuji while she was leaving and waving in it's own way good bye to Ryuuji. For now the meeting between them was gone, Eventually something else would happen for these two to meet again.

Who knows how long Nui would sleep or end up next, She would just be at least for now gone for the day. Safe and not going to run off.


#68Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:31 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was alas time to depart and Judith seemed at least peaceful enough to take Nui by the hand and walk with her offer seemingly being taken as a yes. But She did not forget Ryuuji."I will make sure you give you what exact place she is staying in so if you feel like you need to check up on her while she might be there you can ask."Judith seemed even if she did not need would make sure things would be in place to make sure if he was really worried that he had an option to do so.

Then Judith waved good bye to make sure Nui got to the place. But Judith seemed to hopefully ponder over other things rather then just Nui's safety. But for now the two ladies would leave and Judith would have to tell him later she was proud how Ryuuji handle this situation.


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