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Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki]

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#1Isobele Kozilek 

Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:58 pm

Isobele Kozilek

"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She stood there, basking in the early hours of dawn as the sun slowly peered from the cold dark canvas of night, a warm cascading blend of yellow and red interlacing with one another within the sky above. From her perch atop the balcony, a keen vantage that captured seemingly all of the part of Oak Town, forgotten shrines and statues once abandoned, lay before her. It was the calm before the storm, so to speak. A final opportunity to breath and reflect, to see the festivities starting to come to life before her very eyes. But to the onlooker that saw it as a festival returning to Oak after so many years prohibited, to Astrid Venier, the city’s own Senator and the Guild Master of Phantom Lord, it was so much more important.

It, in a way, was as much a defining moment of Oak Town’s history.

And she had taken the brush to the canvas, the masterpiece being the infantile results before her.

There was still plenty of time before it officially became time for it to begin, the long forgotten Festival of the Crimson Moon. An olden moment of celebration within Oak Town, lost to time, to prejudice, to forgotten principles of pride and dignity that eroded away like that of Oak Town’s own luster and moral framework.  It pained Astrid, lost in deep thought as she sat within the robust wooden chair, the limited comfort being an afterthought when her mind remained fixated on trying to decipher the past. Trying to discover just why such an event had been for so long forgotten, allowed to fade away, it’s memory dying with that of generations long since forgotten or remembered.

But, for as much thought as she gave to the idea, there was simply nothing concrete. It left her somewhat annoyed, but there was something else that radiated within her mind as she watched the people of Oak Town continue to prep down below. Those people, nondescript men and women whom lived here, who had connections here, it was them who were out here before even the sun had arisen. Sure, Astrid had brought back the Festival, but it was the people of Oak Town that were giving life to it, making it their own.

That was the testament to the perceived ‘new’ Oak Town, a city that for so long had lived in the shadows of a once era, it and its people thought of nothing other than second-class citizens. Now finally, as their golden age continued and prosperity continued within the city, this Festival as much served as a thematically fitting way to let the word be known proper, not just of it, but of Oak Town’s appropriate status as well. From Orchidia to Hargeon, the messages were sent, the invitations provided, and the people at the ready to provide with the proper festivities and hospitality expected.

No doubt, plenty of people would be coming. Undoubtedly plenty would scoff at the idea of attending, whether it be due to it being within Oak Town, or perhaps concern over unrest in the Northern Fiore proved too much of an elephant in the room to simply partake in something like that. Either sentiment could have been true. While those who lived and interacted with the city knew of its newfound fortune and stability, changing the broader narrative would be no simple endeavor. It would not change overnight, but that was as much the point to this Festival. The appropriate conversation starter to see things change.

Having been settled in, she found it almost difficult to get up from the unyielding chair, her feeling the strain as stiffness ran along her backside. How long had she been seated in that chair? Hours maybe? It almost felt like a blur really. Interest in how progress had been going had motivated her to take a front row seat to its preparation, the balcony giving an ideal point of view towards it all, if not something of an unrealistic sight.

She yearned to know more, to see from a different perspective than that of the assumed hero and matriarch of the city looking down upon her subjects. Whether to fuel her own ego or out of genuine intrigue, it was not long before she found herself amongst the many tending to the shrines that for so long had been abandoned, forgotten, left to ruin. It was an impressive sight, how quickly and professionally they had managed to revitalize the statues and shrines to their once great status. One would even be forgiven to not recognize that they stood within Oak, it seeming so much a departure from the expected experience.

A hand ran along one of the shrines, a stone entity, appearing like that of a bird of sorts, wide outstretched wings causing it to make up quite a bit of space, leaving little around it. Cracks and chips within the wings were evident, some of it by the elements over hundreds of years, some by tragic vandalism, some of it simply unclear. It was but one of many stone statues that had been once forgotten, now the focal point of what Oak Town was offering to people. A chance to pray. A chance to stand in worship amongst those of Oak Town and those beyond, within Fiore and otherwise.

Under the Blood Goddess, it was a chance for everyone to be equal. A simple notion that had been so taboo as to be forgotten.

She sighed as her gaze remained fixed upon the statue, a frown manifesting as the cracks within became all the more apparent. They were a distraction of sorts, a way to not ponder why such a simple concept of unity, even if standing against that of Illumin, could have become so foreign, so vile as to be forgotten in such a manner.

But that revulsion to some extent made it all of this all the more rewarding. All the more deserved.

“A shame we could not have done more for some of these,” her words spoken aloud to no audience in particular, assumed innocent ramblings while her fingers traced along the stone wings of the raven statue, each crack and fault evident as flesh ran along it. “Before we next stand to have the Festival, I will see to you being properly cared for.”


Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:47 am


Most people never realized how often they don’t look up, leaving those of the sky to usually go unnoticed. Her ravens were evident of that fact, proven time and time again how those often in their company rarely acknowledged them. So when a fairly large unkindness proceeds to take over a territory, perched along the roofs and high structures as they observed those who resided below, hardly anyone ever bats an eye. Their growing presence was almost as mundane as a passing cloud, until that is, when they’re finally noticed.

Astrid would be one of said beings, hung in her anguish as she perched atop the balcony lost in thought. There would be quite a few ravens that had sat along the rails and the crevices. Overlooking the coming morning, but more interestingly the view down below. As shrines and statues were bring brought back to life on the spur of human interest and the call for festivities.

The ravens of Oak were as curious as any other. So word among them spread like the gossip among wives, eventually trailing onto the North where a particular woman resided. Her birds, often whispering in her ear and this time they brought news of celebration. Rumors of an old tradition long stomped out by the insufferable Illumin church, their efforts to be the only prominent influence had receded even if for but a moment; and this would be enough to spark the interest for such and event within the Demoness. Who didn’t very well like their kind, nor the rigidity of their veneration. Coming from a large pantheon just to the north-east, Lumikki was not pleased with the efforts of the Seraphim, nor did her nature allow any friendliness within her to resonate with them, at least if they weren’t of this realm. The same could be extended to her kin of the Abyss and any other beings who wish to meddle in this world without ever truly subjecting themselves to life within the Earthrealm. How irksome were timeless when their arrogance proceeded their skill. Their lofty manipulations were doomed to be retaliated by the monsters of their making; but that was a different matter. For now, it was a time of joy. A time to remember the colors of life when not bleached with an obnoxiously blinding light.

And so Lumikki sorted some matters, assuring that the guild can hold just fine while she was away from home. Most of her paperwork was already answered, the rest could be looked over by Alvis, her trusted servant and the one she was training to shadow her when needed. Upon the back of Asger, her Leviat and flying serpent, she’d travel west for the first time. Only hearing it in passing prior by old friends and recent sister. Lumikki took to the skies sometime early morning, so as she approached the town of Oak, the golden streaks of morning began to span the skies. Lumikki held a certain distaste for light, one that was exasperated in recent times; but despite her displeasure to be awake so early in the morning, she did find a lot of beauty in the rising sun. What more, the light sprung from behind her, sparing her of the insufferable shine.

Lumikki was at Oak town within the hour. Gliding down from Asger as she left him among the sea of clouds. He would head to the nearby sea to pass the time until she called for him. Meanwhile, Lumikki would begin to walk around and study the view. The Demoness was in her human facade, her skin a cool brown and arms, hands, and talon-like nails stained an inky black. Her pale white hair hung loose, but a few locks were braided with red ribbon and connected in the back like ribs of a rib cage. She wore a long black gown with dark blue accents, that left her arms and back exposed. Covering her legs that were wrapped around in nothing but moving shadow. Her citrine and sapphire eyes were lined with darkness, as were her lips which were painted in shadow; but one could not see her face through the black veil with which she wore, made from the final bits of fleeting night that receded within the morning. For the moment, Lumikki wanted to remain in obscurity, tired was she that her reputation grew to proceed her. Though she never really stepped foot within these lands, most would probably make her out on sight alone.

Lumikki knew very little of this town, only that her old friend created his guild not too far from here. Or that her sister could be found nearby. But anymore than that was a blur as she lacked any personal or impactful ties. Whether this worked in Oak’s favor, all considering, she wouldn’t know. All human places seemed to be held in the same regard to her after the rebirth into Demon. They were places to be observe and meddled with, but the need to “look down” was something Lumikki long concluded wouldn’t serve her. She was a curious and ravenous being, consuming all there was to know and any tales baked deeply within. To be particular on statuses robbed her of pleasing new lore. So the Festival of the Crimson Moon was a particularly tasty curiosity for her, and the introduction of the Blood Goddess into her world view. She knew nothing of this deity, not even if the Goddess was real. Nor did Lumikki know if she’d like her presence, but the ideation of mortals was still interesting to note.

So as Lumikki followed the people making their way to their place of worship, at least that is what she thought it to be with all the shrines and statues erected, her eyes traced over every one with much fascination. Stopping at the one in the shape of a bird. Many of Lumikki’s ravens were perched atop places left untouched. Their eyes studying the people as much as her’s were on the shrines. And one of the local ravens would come to join her, gliding toward her arm and shoulder. To which Lumikki would welcome with excitement. ”Curious, they’re all oddly in blatant disrepair. Do the humans here not know how to maintain their shrines love?” Her voice was low and soft as her silent steps took her through the aisles until she stopped in front of the bird shaped one. Its wings were magnificent, one could notice the love and detail that had once went into its making, but now the poor thing stood eroded as if forgotten and it pained the Demoness so. It was like looking at herself, a being as timeless as the stone that formed it, yet she could easily fall to pieces as well if left alone and unregarded. The pain of being forgotten was prominent in her still, but she suppose seeing a massive raven in ruin didn’t help.

”I wouldn’t know my Revna, this is the first time I’ve seen them handle any. They’ve went untouched for who knows how many generations, but I hear there’s been a change in leadership here. This is just one of the new requests redeemed, I think. They hope to throw some kinda celebration, but it all sounds like nonsense to me, so I hardly know what more to tell you sadly.” His voice was low and gruff as he spoke words only Lumikki could comprehend. His age was apparent, but so was the wisdom within him. So if he truly didn’t know, then a lot of this was quite new to him and more complicated than he could manage to understand. She’d have to ask around if she wanted to hear more of the story, but it would so happen that a woman’s voice would break her of the speculative trance. The pale one, to which Lumikki didn’t notice upon her arrival, was also tending to the bird-like statue. The tone in which she spoke, sounded almost remorseful. Lumikki would glance at Astrid from the corner of her eye, trying to gleam who she was before butting in herself; but she’d step forward and delicately slide her talons along the stone of the opposite wing. ”I hear good omens find those that make offerings to ravens. They’re the like ta see to it, that they’ve taken care of their own. One should consider it if they see the bird around, even if it’s one of stone. They remember more than one thinks, ye know.” Her voice was soft but stern, hidden in her human vestige yet some of the timeless tundra nearly spilt through. And as the words left her lips, her black frost would creep along the stone. Encasing it in ice that would never yield until she does. The cracks and crevices were promptly filled, the feathers given a new sheen, and it was almost like in its new vigor, the raven would spring to life. Even the eyes almost looked like it now held the spark of the living.

Lumikki pulled back, moving about so that she could inspect her work. When she was sure that she was pleased, the Demoness would entertain her company once more. ”Consider it me offering to the festivities. Granted, I don’t come from here but I can’t overlook a wounded raven can I? The magic should hold better than anything these folk could muster but I’m curious. What inspired it to be made in the first place?”

#3Isobele Kozilek 

Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:04 pm

Isobele Kozilek

"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

One could only consider it saddening, to see the statues in such a tragic state. Whilst her attention lay upon that of the impressive raven, the poor conditions that had befallen it were shared amongst the many, a loose labyrinth of sorts, a medley of forms and degrees of craftsmanship separating them to the degree where no two seemed to much resemble one another. Save for the ruined state that they all shared, as much a defining feature for this once graveyard of worship as its abruptly ended purpose.

Worse perhaps than anything else were the sentiment that for so long had plagued Oak Town, or more specifically its people and their sentiments towards it. Whilst many of the recent generations had simply forgotten the historical significance or been born ignorant of what these statues once gave Oak Town, regrettably too many actively chose to dismiss such relevancy. Even within the Magistrate of Oak Town, Astrid had turned the focus and future of these statues into a form of loyalty test, one of several means taken to root out those that conspired alongside Iblis still, those who would have potentially stood against any sort of totalitarian power grab that she may entertain in future years.

It would have been easier to simply replace them, the rationale that they argued. That a city in a state of arising glory owed it to itself that its image throughout reflect such prestige. A forsaking of one’s identity, she viewed it as being. While yes, to the eye they left much to be desired, nothing like that of the massive statues hailing within Era or Crocus – having been preserved and protected with the fervent ownership like that of its own name – to simply have them replaced would be to ignore a tragic point in time for Oak Town and its people.

However, even as she stood there now, her eyes focusing intently on any given imperfection before turning to another, a part of her did wish that more could have been done. It was a failure on her part, but a hollow defeat in the wake of bringing forth the Festival of the Crimson Moon back again at all.

So intent in reflection that she had not paid heed to the unfamiliar voice that joined her now at the raven statue. A subtle turn of the head allowed her enough to peer out the corner of her eye, standing before the other wing, the duo like that of a pair paying worship to the raven. A rather poignant image to paint the very purpose of what were around them, both in setting and atmosphere.

She would have anticipated silence, the devotion that one may have sought to give varying from one to another, but Astrid could not help but find intrigue as the unknown figure spoke. Her voice unfamiliar, her words soft yet having a hard to discern characteristic to them, certainly not that she would have figured coming from someone of such a smaller frame than her own; Astrid seeming to tower over the figure. “Do they now? I cannot say that I’ve ever given that sort of consideration to the raven before. Perhaps there’s simply never been reason to view from that perspective.”

Though curious to put a face to such a unique voice, that interest quickly faded as her attention turned instead to the hand outstretched upon the raven wings opposite her. The subtle gesture of the hand brushing along as black crystal seemed to form in its wake, curing the imperfections left throughout. From it, the crystal expanded further, spreading out like that of a fire consuming a wooden barn, eventually leaving nothing untouched, much like the black sheen that enveloped the statue.

Her fellow patron stepped back whilst Astrid remained there, the imperfections that she once took notice of now gone, erased away behind a new dark coating. With a hand outstretched, fingers as black as the sheen itself gently caressing against it, an intense cold that radiated from it catching her off-guard, eyes widening as she pulled away, a faint numbing sensation spreading through her fingers.

Astrid turned, body turned opposite that of the statue, eyes straight forward, looking at the hooded figure, the mysterious nature of them being no less intriguing than from the brief gaze stolen moments before. With an exhale, a faint line of steam extended off her fingers, her gaze pulled from the curious individual only to see the effect upon her skin, her thumb grazing against index and middle finger, the numbness receding with every passing second, “Not what I anticipated seeing on this morning, but far from an unwelcome surprise.”

With a partial turn of her upper body, she glanced back at the raven statue, a newfound appreciation dawning upon her as the other figure spoke again. How she described the statue, a wounded raven – giving it a living quality - it was not a quality that she could sympathize with, but the Magical prowess displayed, certainly was one that piqued her interest, if nothing else. And from someone foreign to Oak Town no less too…

“Well, heh, I would say that Oak Town thanks you for a thoughtful and unexpected offering. The people had made strides in hopes of bringing it and those like it to a more, suitable state.” She sighed, “Alas, even skilled artisans can only achieve so much, so quickly.”

The thought had occurred to her, the idea of using Magic to restore the statues much like the gesture done by the foreign festival goer only moments earlier. But with so many endeavors already committed to the artisan guilds already, like the roads and much of the infrastructure throughout Oak Town, to tear away such an honor like restoring the statues from them would be a betrayal. That was not to say that she did not value the offering provided in the restored raven statue: Far from it, she welcomed it, respected it even.

She snickered, looking around to the various statues within their immediate vicinity, all of them in varying states of destruction, similarly faced with varying levels of repair efforts applied. “Well, unfortunately that is a difficult question. What I can answer comfortably is its much akin to the same plight that they have faced. How can centuries worth of dismissal, of lost history, and that of ignorance be reconciled with? And can we know for sure why it was that so many sought to worship the raven? Or that of any other creature depicted upon these stone totems?”

Hands were cupped as she gave a weak shake of the head, “If only it were quite certain as to why, both that of its origin and of its death, if we wish to be a bit extreme in our definitions. So much of Oak’s past has been lost, not just to time but to man’s failing similarly.” Astrid took several steps towards her guest, coming nearly shoulder to shoulder before she turned abruptly to one such statue that were only a few feet away from the raven statue. A hand extended, she ran two blackened fingers down along the hard surface, the sensation entirely different than that of the icy surface glistening upon the raven.

“I’m sorry that I cannot provide you with a more complete answer to your question. I similarly find myself wondering just why it was that history had been so unkind to those that once worshipped here. Even those that call Oak home, it seems the number who ask that same question seem to become less with every passing year.”

She pulled away, turning around in the process such to face the figure once again, a look that was as much inquisitive whilst welcoming upon her face. “So you can imagine my surprise to hear such a question, especially coming from someone not of Oak. I would say that you’re an interesting figure, but I think you and I both know that to be true already,” her lips curled into a coy smile as she rubbed her fingers together in an exaggerated gesture, the same ones having earlier felt the great cold cast upon the raven statue.


Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:51 am


”Typical of those in Fiore, so enamored in the ivory wings of Seraphim that many other prospects are overshadowed. Pity such interesting things such as the small stories of ravens, often get denounced. But I jest, I know all too well that there lacks a sense of spiritism here…it’s for that reason I paid a visit. I’m curious of the deviation within the norm, as I find more comfort in the pantheons meself.” Her voice was almost playful as she spoke, it was sing-song in tone. Reminiscent of a raven poking their victim in a harmless tease.

Lumikki observed the woman as she finished inspecting her work. It had seem that the odd gesture took Astrid by awe, enough to test her fingers on the ice and sure enough, recede her hand as quick as she set it upon the statue. Sometimes the ice mage forgot how painful the nipping bite of frost was, sometimes she forgot one’s normal reactions to touching something cold; but the wince from how the lass reacted allowed a small giggle to escape her lips. The playful melody met with a stifling hand and a tilt of her head. ”Aye, nor was I expecting a lovely statue on me morning visit. Pleasing when life could be amusing, isn’t it?”

Lumikki turned to look upon the statue once again, though pleased, she wondered if she wanted to do more. Though more than likely it was just the normal thoughts of dissatisfaction peeking through the calm, as most artist or craftsmen suffered a impulsion to never enjoy their work; but it would have to do as this was not her’s to alter. A new shell to stand the test of time, whether the humans tended to it or not, was all that could be provided from her and Astrid’s sentiments of the artisans only reinforced her thoughts. Yet what a shame that they were too busy for such matters as these, Lumikki was far too used to the quick work of the Dwarves. Admittedly the comparison of the two was not a fair one.

As Astrid moved about and answered Lumikki’s question to the best of her ability, as there was only so much one could say when the intricacies of fascinating lore gets lost to the test of time, Lumi would follow the woman’s moments with her eyes. Noting all her mannerisms as Astrid woefully recanted the tale of her town. ”Hmmm” was all the Demoness could answer mournfully throughout the rest of Astrid’s musings, as she thought over the frustrations of facing what was lost. ”Certainly vexing indeed…” She’d utter, only to be met with an amusing tangent in the end. Lumikki knew she failed at her task to not be noticed the moment she first opened her mouth, though veil and dark clothes were already a minor cause to stare.

”Heh, suppose it’s obvious that I am but I’m sure it pales in comparison to ye. The way ye speak of the efforts leads me to assume ya run it. Meanwhile, I’m just a wayward lass who finds joy from myth and stories, so I was hoping to learn the one from Oak town as I enjoy a nice stay here—speaking of which, hmmm….I’d need to find an inn. Coming here was a spur of the moment curiosity, as little birdies told me of coming celebrations, but I came straight here without sorting any matters out. Would ye have a recommendation by chance? Might as well inquire while I have yer attention.” Lumikki took on a pondering posture but if Astrid couldn’t offer her a name to an inn, all would be fine as she could still ask the local ravens. ”If most forgot the purpose of these shrines, how is it ye know how to throw the festival? What would I expect, if ye don’t mind me asking? It’s clear I’m out of place as is, I’d hate to stand out anymore than this.”

#5Isobele Kozilek 

Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:23 pm

Isobele Kozilek

"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She had to admit, this person was much more intriguing than Astrid had given her credit for at first. Her little performance aside, the display of Magic performed with nothing but a swipe of the hand; no flair, no theatrics: an uninspired demonstration while being an unspoken flourish, there being greater purpose and meaning to what the common eye would have thought. For Astrid, everything was a display of power, of authority, of control. Controlling the situation, it was the thing that would strike down the floodgates to the rivers of potential. It was a binary perspective, to be in control or at the mercy of another but following along this road had proven worthwhile; from securing an unheralded alliance with Alisa Vollan to the long road that saw her rise to one of the most powerful in Fiore, beyond Oak Town.

Did this figure walk the same path as her? Did they see the world as Astrid did? Questions that seemed to perpetually plague her in recent times. Tragically, a byproduct of the destiny she walked upon. Once one proceeded down the Path of All-Consuming Power, seldom would one look to deviate from it. If they did not, then that would be it. If they were, then perhaps one day they would come to meet again under different circumstances, but this was neither the place nor the time to even entertain imagining such hypotheticals.

No, she was far more interested in the unknowns that she could answer than simply ponder. This woman, while they had made it clear that they were not of Oak Town, simply listening to their accent was enough to further drive the point home. Not unlike that of her motivation for visiting Oak, a sentiment that no doubt would be shared by many of the visitors that Oak Town would be seeing over the spawn of the coming weeks. A place as desolate and decrepit as the national perception had been made of Oak Town over the course of past history, for it to bring forth such a form of festivity in the midst of a golden age, it was unheard of.

But so many of those who were curious would eventually become but faces in the crowd, one of a legion intrigued, potentially caring little for the city or its history, their motivations likely to be driven by the options presented at the market or at the bar than whatever lies within their hearts and minds.

That was what made her so interesting, someone who by their own words was a cut against the traditional cloth adorned by so many others. Her words floated, unclear in their tone while there not a single lie spun. In some respects, not much different than how Astrid conducted herself either. The Senator spoke with the intoxicating allure that would drive one to indulge in the venom, whilst keeping her prey far enough as to have both see the ground sink from beneath them.

A curious choice of words piqued Astrid’s interests, an eyebrow raised as the faintest tilt of the head granted an undeterred vision, her unique pupil staring with intensity at the woman, her lips curving just a few degrees further.

Then the sight broke. Her focus changed as a light chuckle filled the air around them. As she turned, her eyes looked on with a level of intensity, a sense of something lingering. Cockiness perhaps? Arrogance?



“Well, you’re not the first to suggest something like that. Can’t say that it hasn’t been a bit of a recurring theme amongst the people here, but wouldn’t have expected a foreigner,” she rose a hand up, catching herself as she paused for a brief second. “A guest rather, few that I can recall making such a notion, certainly none to my face. I’m flattered at such a suggestion, but for someone to secure power of a city like this, one would imagine that it would have to be either a truly massive undertaking.” Stepping forward, there were less than a meter that separated the two, Astrid looking down, the rising sun casting upon her back, leaving her foreign friend hidden within her shadow. “Or they would have to someone of great influence. Power even.”

A pause. Then the expression hidden in darkness turned into a smile, it coming to light as Astrid stepped back. A raised finger, black and adorned with gold jewelry, pointed to her head, “Now, there’s something I can’t help but commend. Arriving before the inevitable storm that’s to descend down upon all of Oak, it’s businesses, particularly the inns being no such exception.”

One finger became two as they gestured to the woman to follow, Astrid turning her back to the woman as she started to proceed elsewhere, no further step taken until the foreign guest followed. “I could provide you recommendations, but alas my word has become one that too many have taken to try to exploit for no shortage of reasons. But I certainly have no interest in allowing your kindness towards that statue go unrewarded. Join me for a walk, will you? It would be my distinct pleasure to show you somewhere far more appropriate and hopefully to your liking.”

With the tilt of the head, she glanced down, watching the shadows on the ground, as much an indicator of the woman moving as anything else. “Come. The privacy afforded us by time is coming to a close, and I would hate for you to find yourself…. In primitive company…”


Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:31 pm


In Astrid’s notion to quell such things, to negate Lumikki’s assumption of the woman’s standing within the town. She’d weaved the point she had to make with threads of baseless accumulation. Seeding the implication that regardless of what Lumikki would probably hear in passing, they were all nonsensical rumors. Hardly worth confronting the pale woman with to the point that none would speak it to her face. And even with Astrid’s step into the shadow, there was no way to know that Lumikki could see in perfect darkness. The shifts of expression were not lost on her, much like any of pacifying words.

Curious, and curiouser… A passing thought while a mischievous grin overtook her hidden face. ”Is that so?” Her tone was that of one taking in information for what it was, but Lumikki subtly rose her hand in a gesture of acceptance when it was really just a means to signal a raven just past Astrid, that it was addressed to them instead. Her attentive raven would croak the answer in response, ”No my Revna, it would be her that leads the flock.” And with the answer, Lumikki would pull her hands together so that only the finger tips touched.

”Well, I guess I understand. Ye just spoke so assured that I took ye for something more. Figured it would be a ‘foreigner’ to mention it, the like of an outsider tends to speak clearly on what they see even if they’re wrong in the assumption. But I guess one would need power for such matters indeed, an endeavor that is too troublesome to come about when there are likely more important things to pursue.” Lumikki’s tone, so matter-a-factly, that one could infer confidently that the notion was buried entirely. So spoke like someone that believed every word, but yet her “World’s eye” would gleam over all the missing information it could muster. Pulling up such details like the woman’s name and her real seat among those in power.

It would seem Lumikki was not the only Guild Master to not announce their presence, nor the only one to withheld pleasantries like introducing a name. She wondered just how long the pair could play along, she wondered if her company would summon the monster within her instead.

”Kukuku, hardly worth the praise to be an early bird ye know. I simply chase what’s interesting when I can and it leads me to move faster than most in amusing times. I ‘will’ praise meself for getting here before there were no rooms left, I would have had to find a place within the wilds nearby to sleep instead. Hardly pleasing, don’t ye think?” Though Lumikki was dancing along, the joy and amusement of her words were sincere as she enjoyed to take the moment with all its splendor. The Demoness hardly felt the need to fear her company in a long time as she was raised beside Yuurei and Brone, and therefore hardened by the presence of other monsters. It would be the confidence bolstered and her amusement to see where things could go that lead her down such paths. Enjoying the role of one innocent or naive in situations where one thinks they are the beast beside their prey. And so Lumikki often finds joy in inviting danger, so she may meet it with her own like some playful game.

”What kindness, ye really are a gem within a small town. I thank ye for walking me about the streets since clearly I’d be at a loss. I’m also quite curious to see this place ya think I’d like. Aye, quite the pleasing notion.” Joy swelled in her voice to the point it overflowed into her motions and gestures and Lumikki would begin to take the steps until she was beside her company. It was good that Astrid kept her eye to the shadows, as Lumikki moved in utter silence. The passing breeze made more sound than the Demoness who embodied every notion of a shadow. Besides perhaps the quality of going unnoticed. No, there was no pleasure in not being seen for the moment.

”Is everyone here so inviting? Yer the first I began to speak to, everyone so busy in their task so early in the morning. Can’t say I blame ‘em.” All the ravens perched along statue and shrines, would follow the pair with their eyes. Only shifting closer when they became too far along. It did not take the two very long to return to the cobbled streets, a bulk of the stores were still amidst their early preparations for the day and a few men here and there were standing about it passing discussion. Lumikki looked over the buildings and people with the peace granted to her from beneath the veil. ”I kept forgetting to ask, yet I began following ya. What might yer name be, least I know what to call ye? Since yer warming up to be such a charming friend in this new town, ye could call me as me friends do, Raven~ Of course I hope I ain’t imposing, ye owe me no such favors. I was just hoping to pass this celebration in good company. Unless ye want me to pester another?”

#7Isobele Kozilek 

Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 4:33 pm

Isobele Kozilek

"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She anticipated that the streets would become busy as the sun arose, but perhaps even Astrid underestimated just how quickly that would come to be. With her foreign guest just a brief couple of steps behind, she started along through one of the busiest – yet richest – parts of Oak Town. In past years, it surely would have been a quarter that isolated itself from such times of preparation, opening its welcoming arms only to wealthy patrons of foreign cities and lands. Unsurprising really; it would neither have been behavior that either the local magistrates nor Iblis would have objected to. If anything, they similarly would have embraced such sentiments.

But Astrid’s influence over the city had become all the more entrenched with time, some finding allure in a sense of city pride that for so long had been missing from Oak Town. Others, no doubt those that found themselves uncharacteristically being involved in preparations, had their own motivations for their sudden involvement. Whether it were to save face, to garner favor from Astrid, lest her disdain be forwarded to them, or perhaps even in the faintest of outlier scenarios the result of a genuine change of heart. It did not much matter to Astrid though, when all was said and done: all of them could have been of genuine remorse or every driven by personal greed, Astrid would view them all the same.

So long as they did not interfere with what she wanted, that would be as far as things needed to go.

But no need to imprint such a cold perspective onto a guest of Oak Town. Not as though it would have been something that may have had lasting ramifications, but it was hardly befitting of the joyous narrative that was being spun; the web she had begun to weave around the city and narrative of it with the people having bought in sufficiently enough. If her guest believed the portrait presented before her, who was Astrid to shatter the glass protecting it? It proved almost a challenge given how the figure spoke, the humble tone sounding almost sickening to Astrid. “As unimpressive as one may find it, there is something to be said of possessing foresight.”

She paused, swiping a hand outwards in a dismissive wave as a group of people that had congregated before them within the street split to two sides, allowing for her and her guest to pass through, eyes focused on her before inevitably shifting slightly to that of the shorter one that followed. Proceeding, she resumed her thoughts as if never interrupted, “These are new times for Oak. The city finds itself looking upon a golden period. Pride. Prosperity.” She stopped, turning to face the figure who had been behind, her eyes briefly glancing up at whomever of the once-crowd remained, scattering quickly as their eyes locked with the curious pupils of Astrid. “Word of that prosperity has already begun to spread, and it is all but inevitable that beyond this festival, people will come. They will want to see it for themselves. And then eventually, this place will become simply… uninhabitable….”

“Had our paths not crossed or had you waited a day more to seek out lodging, perhaps not an unrealistic likelihood, you seeking rest with what remains of the wooded lands nearby. Though I couldn’t imagine those tending to the fields would much appreciate someone unfamiliar making camp so close upon their harvests, intentions as innocent as they no doubt would be.”

As they continued along, there were bits and pieces of the sequence that were repeated: people who emerged into the busy street, some who congregated in mass while others wandered by their lonesome, some who exchanged looks of respect, some looks of fear towards Astrid, curiosity and uncertainty towards the smaller companion. Behaviors that she both expected and didn’t, Astrid’s own interactions and dealings seldom involving themselves within this part of the city. Since her relocation from Crocus, most of her work were typically centered around the Phantom Lord Guild Hall which she had doubled up as her political headquarters. It was only through political parties in Oak Town that even came to much appreciate the localities within this quarter.

In a way, this was as much an educational trip for Astrid as it was a chance to extend a courtesy towards her dignified guest.

“The people here, this is an adjustment period for them. Like the city, the people have to accept the change coming. Some,” she paused, looking over as partial glances from those whom were going about their business, what presence of people within the street destined for wherever their occupation called for rather than conversation, “have taken longer to adjust to this than others. In time… But that’s neither here nor there. It’s only a short bit longer now. Come.”

They continued, the streets progressively becoming more and more dry and empty, to the point where only she and the other were all that remained, their travel lasting until they came upon a building that more stood out to the rest given the vast amount of painter scaffolds and other remains of restoration that lined the outside. It was hardly inspiring or anything like that of what the other buildings in the area seemed to have been. “It may not appear like much on the outside, but pay that no mind. This place, The Comodamente, has been where important guests of Oak Town – political figures, dignitaries, people of note – often stay.”

Astrid tore at a small missive that had been stamped onto the door, a faint chuckling escaping her as she read the contents of it. With a faint shaking of her head, she tore crumbled the letter, dismissively tossing it out into the street. “A short time ago, The Comodamente was instructed to renovate itself, despite objections from some within the city magistrate. Their cries were dismissed and expected guests were turned away. Needless to say, there has been a sense of frustration amongst those who’ve felt slighted that they have not been more kept informed. But just matters are not their concern. What does matter, is that at this point, while the outside leaves plenty to be desired, the interior has long since been completed, the Festival expected to be its reopening of sorts.”

A hand reached out to the door, fingers dancing about the handle like that of spider legs along caught prey, rescinding only as Astrid, turned to face her guest, hand remaining on the door’s handle. “Raven was it? Heh. Perhaps not surprising. Call me Astrid. Titles are a matter to which we can discuss at a later time, as I’m sure there’s plenty that both you and I had hidden up our sleeves. But until then, allow me to present with the distinct honor of being the first person to see the newly renovated The Comaodamente.”

With that, Astrid pulled the door open, to which the interior would come in full view, a perspective that her guest, Raven, would be the first to lay critique upon.


Modernity [FCM – Festival Ritual | Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:51 am


”What fool deemed that unimpressive? The Alfather must be laughing at every decision they’ve ever made, as it all could be reduced to something akin to a needless gamble.” Lumikki, only a few steps behind her guide, would keep a wandering eye to all that was around her. Enjoying the shifts in the setting, for better or worse. Nothing really had mettle to inconvenience her easily.

As the pair traversed the Oak Town streets, there were many people settled upon the watch ways. Becoming somewhat of a deterrent as the two were set on reaching their next location. Astrid handled them simple enough, in ways far kinder and more patient than Lumikki would. Probably opting to fly over them if anything at all, as the pain of walking was now wearing her down. Things not only felt longer, but they felt more crowded and busy; but Astrid kept things entertaining enough for the Demoness so that she wouldn’t simply just fly away. Stoping in place to then part the crowd and make a path through the fray. The wary host of people moved away without much word, and after the feat, Astrid would turn around to look directly at her. ”Huh…what would I need campfire for? I both have no need for light or warmth…” Lumikki spoke quite matter-a-factly, as if this was something that should be known. How ever did the Demoness presume this, was beyond her capacity at the moment. Her focus was more toward the absurdity of so many outside so early in the morning.

It felt like ages but they finally passed the fringes of the crowd. Now Lumikki finally had the space to house her thoughts. She was not new to piercing through the rustle and bustle, but it didn’t mean she liked it. Nor did often suffer it anymore, so entertaining it now was taxing. But Astrid’s ability to part the path would sate her ire and soon enough they were free of the hoards. Truly, this Town was more overfill than the Demoness had initially thought.

”The Comodamente? What a curious name, and me dear, ye honor me so.” But as soon as she got to speaking, Lumikki went silent. As her curious company was reading the contents of a letter pinned to the door. In Astrid’s dismay, she’d tear it up. Discarding such a message along the street to scatter about. Lumikki wasn’t in the slightest bit intrigue by what it could say, but Astrid was still kind enough to inform her. A gesture that only made their ceremonious location that more appealing as it was also a point of not just exclusivity, but vexation.

”I could jest that one should dress for the part, and in doing so, they could seem more important than they are. But yer not a daft lass to buy such frivolous glib if ye brought me here despite the hoards of folks along the way, and to introduce me as the first within for that matter. Ye indeed come off as kind, but not too gracious. Ye wouldn’t do me such an honor if ye figured I was not of interest to ya, even if it were but the playful variety. And though I have me charm, I have failed to hide anything of note, so to say. I am indeed an oddity in all its obviousness; but it’s simply so boring to be entirely hidden away during interesting moments like these. Wouldn’t ye say? Ye even did me the honor of speaking a name, really, I’m quite grateful.” Lumikki entertained the dialog as Astrid played up the show of opening the door. The slight performance really building up the impact of the view inside. Just as Astrid finally opened the entrance, Lumikki did a small performance of her own. Shifting the frost and shadows of her dress to something less cumbersome. If Astrid would do her the honor in being honest about something as important as a name, then she could at least reveal more of her nature in turn. After all, there was never any fun to be had with such dances if there was a lack of ebb and flow.

The long black dress that trailed behind her would shorten, the portion covering her neck and upper chest unraveled. The excess diminishing away like fallen snow in the breeze. Now the hem hung just above her knees and the dress hugged her skin, while the veil she wore also fell away until her face was now in perfect view and the Demoness could now appear more emotive than before; revealing her miss matched sapphire and citrine eyes, that like her lips, were painted in darkness. Her cyan guild mark still tucked away just under the last bit of her dress as it was located on her upper left thigh. But to an extent, Lumikki was mostly revealed. Rewarding a kindness with one of her own. ”Indeed, only blessings come from making offerings to ravens~” Lumikki kid, her cheeky expression finally revealed along with her fiery eyes. Not yet glowing but so full of life and playfulness that one could tell it could lead to trouble. As Lumikki entered, she’d smile sweetly, but the corners of her lips would slightly give way to a smirk that’ll soon wash away.

The Comodamente was somewhat dim within, but with enough light to give it a lively glow. The construction outside obscured most of the windows, impeding the fresh daylight but this would prove charming to the Demoness. Various vintage lamps remained aglow, though they were of older age, this did not mean poor quality. As they basked the large empty room with a soft light that gave warmth to all the red fabric about.

Only could say many of the pieces in here were timely, but they felt timeless for it. It was a decor that stood indicative of power and wealth for a certain time, one could see why those Astrid mentioned would hate to see it go. As though the energy of the room felt drenched with power and high society, there was much warm to be found in a well worn and rich space such as this.

Most of the wood that made the chair and desks, were of dark varieties. Their design artistic and simple, save for the flourishes that stood out in certain places like carvings and etchings of various decals; flowers, beasts of status, even winged beings to note a few. There were even details to note among the walls as wallpaper painted it with May intricacies, all complimenting the reds, rich browns, and golden accents of the room, along with small hints of a jade green. And paintings of variable cultures hung the walls like lavish prizes. Things to be of note, like they were gifts of long traveled guests or those who came from far to stay. What more, was there were books still neatly stacked on tables that say right near cushioned chairs, enticing the Demoness to wonder if bookshelves hid themselves further within. There even seemed to be a dormant fireplace with a golden gate before it depicting a folklorist scene of a house in the words, opening one to imagine the companies its seen in times of cold and winter. But this was just the entry, perhaps even the facade, one could not know what more stood within hidden from the prying eyes of wayward guest. Lumikki being just one of many to pass the entry and gleam within.

”Quite cozy indeed.” Lumikki looked over back to Astrid as she followed after opening the door. ”Care to keep entertaining a simple guest?” She’d grin, her fangs nearly poking out from the edges of her smile show Astrid bother to notice. Lumikki turned back to look over the place, her eyes still tracing every detail but her arms lifting to undo the ribbons in her hair so that she may change the style to something else. Tying her hair up in pony tail instead so it would prove less of a bother before wondering over and plopping herself onto one of the couches. She’d poke through the books present, thumbing through their pages. Some were too political for her caring, but one would surmise the history of the town, so she’d skin a few of the words in passing.

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