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The Rise of the Jango Squadron! [Companion SL Q6]

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The Rise of the Jango Squadron! [Companion SL Q6] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:36 pm

Struggling to his feet, Tōga wiped a trickle of blood from his lip, his breathing heavy but determined. His vibrant pink hair, now dusted with debris, stood stark against the grim backdrop of the warehouse. He scanned the shadows quickly, assessing his situation with a tactical eye. It was clear he was not merely dealing with one foe but possibly an orchestrated ambush. The realization steeled his resolve even further.

"Is that all you've got?" Tōga called out defiantly, his voice echoing back at him. The challenge was both a taunt and a genuine inquiry. If these were the terms of this unexpected trial, he was ready to rise to the occasion.

Positioning himself more strategically this time, he focused his magical energy, allowing his innate Dragon Slayer abilities to surge to the forefront. Flames began to dance along his arms, casting eerie shadows against the warehouse walls as he prepared for the next wave of attacks. Tōga knew he needed to turn the tide, to transform from prey to predator in this deadly game of magic and might.

With a deep breath, he readied himself, his every sense sharpened. The night was far from over, and if it was a trophy they wanted, they would find that this Dragon Slayer was not easily claimed.

The slow, deliberate clapping cut through the cacophony of magical assaults, drawing Tōga's gaze toward the source—a man with a striking appearance marked by silver hair and bold red stripes painted across his visage. His armor was an intricate array of black and coral blue, each piece interlocking to form a protective shell that was as much a statement of intent as it was a defense. Narrow, focused eyes betrayed the calculating mind behind the casual demeanor, and with a nonchalant wave of his hand, he signaled for another barrage of spells to be unleashed from the surrounding shadows.


The Rise of the Jango Squadron! [Companion SL Q6] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:36 pm

"Oh! You’re a Dragon Slayer! Boss didn’t quite mention that, but I guess we should’ve expected that from the great Colonel of the Rune Knights, huh?" The tone was mocking, the words dripping with sarcasm as the clapping continued, echoing mockingly around the dimly lit warehouse.

Tōga grimaced, brushing off a fresh bruise on his cheek as he prepared for the incoming onslaught. "They just don’t stop coming, huh?" he muttered under his breath, a wry smirk playing on his lips despite the direness of his situation. Springing into action, he leaped and twisted through the air, a dance of avoidance as he dodged the relentless spells. In retaliation, he unleashed his own barrage, sending waves of searing flames into the darkness, hoping to strike any hidden assailants.

The bursts of fire illuminated patches of the dark warehouse intermittently, revealing nothing but empty air and the occasional scorch mark on the distant walls. It was a desperate attempt to turn the tide, to find something tangible in the shadows to target. But the continued onslaught of magic aimed at him, undeterred by his retaliatory strikes, signaled a bleak truth—his attacks were not finding their mark.

Blackbeard, though now defeated and no longer a direct threat, had indeed managed to ensnare him in a well-laid trap. This warehouse had not been chosen by chance; it was a calculated move, a setup designed to draw Tōga into the open where he could be overwhelmed and captured or killed. The realization that he was exactly where his enemies wanted him to be was a bitter pill to swallow.


The Rise of the Jango Squadron! [Companion SL Q6] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:36 pm

The silver-haired man’s clapping ceased as he stepped forward, emerging more fully into the light cast by Tōga’s flames. “You’re quite the fighter, Colonel. It’s a shame to see such talent wasted on the righteous side[b],” he taunted, his voice smooth as silk yet carrying an edge that was as sharp as the blade likely hidden within his armor.

Tōga, catching his breath from the exertion, straightened up and faced his new adversary with renewed determination. The night might have been orchestrated to be his undoing, but he wasn’t ready to concede just yet. With every fiber of his being alert and focused, he prepared for what might come next, knowing that the true battle was just beginning.

If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get,” Tōga declared, the fire in his veins reigniting, ready to turn this trap into an arena where he might still emerge victorious. His stance solidified; a clear challenge issued against the shadows that sought to consume him.

The moment hung suspended, thick with tension and the heavy scent of magic in the air. The silver-haired man's face morphed from confusion to a sinister intent as he surveyed the chaos his allies had wrought in the dimly lit warehouse. "[b]A fight you say?
" he echoed Tōga's earlier declaration with a smirk that slowly crawled across his features, his voice tinged with mocking disbelief.


The Rise of the Jango Squadron! [Companion SL Q6] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:37 pm

"We aren’t here to fight you," he corrected, the smirk dissolving into a grim line as his demeanor hardened. "We’re here to kill you." The finality of his words was punctuated by a surge of mana so potent it seemed to crackle palpably around him, casting eerie shadows that danced like specters along the warehouse walls.

With his command, the skirmish escalated brutally. Magical energy, tangible and wild, burst forth in a relentless barrage from every corner of the cavernous space. Arcs of lightning, tendrils of fire, and spikes of ice converged on Tōga, orchestrated by the silver-haired mage who now took an active role in the onslaught. His hands crackled with electric fury, directing the storm with lethal precision.

Tōga, caught mid-dodge and mid-air, found himself squarely in the path of a particularly vicious bolt of lightning. The strike was unerring, propelled by the distraction of the ongoing magical assault. It connected with a resounding crack, sending him spiraling through the air before crashing down to the warehouse floor with a thud that echoed ominously through the expansive room.

"The Jango Squadron," the mage declared with a cold, merciless glee, as he watched Tōga struggle to regain his footing, "can't be bothered with simply letting you live. But we can toy with you a little before we kill you." His tone was casual, almost bored, as if the life-and-death stakes were merely a trifling game to him.

Looming over Tōga, the mage’s presence was oppressive, his power undeniable. Yet, in his eyes flickered a spark of respect — grudging and slight — for the tenacity of the Rune Knight before him. The warehouse, once just a holding space for mundane goods, had transformed into an arena where the stakes were life itself, and every shadow potentially concealed a deadly foe.


The Rise of the Jango Squadron! [Companion SL Q6] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:37 pm

Despite the dire circumstances, Tōga's resolve did not waver. Pain racked his body, and his energy reserves were dangerously depleted, yet the fire within him — the very essence of his dragon-slaying spirit — refused to be extinguished. With every fiber of his being screaming in protest, he pushed himself up, his gaze locking onto his opponent's with a defiant glare.

"If that's the tune you're playing," Tōga's voice rasped, a low growl that resonated with defiance, "then you'll find I'm not one to surrender easily." His words, punctuated by the rhythmic drip of blood from his wounds, echoed through the dilapidated warehouse, a challenge to the unseen forces that surrounded him.

He drew a deep breath, the air crackling with the latent energy that coursed through his veins. The pain, a symphony of burning agony that pulsed through his body, only served to fuel his resolve. He would not fall here, not like this. He would turn this desperate struggle into a testament to his strength, a defiant roar against the encroaching darkness.

The blue-armored figure, Ichi, the leader of the enigmatic Jango Squadron, emerged from the shadows, his voice dripping with disdain. "So, our plaything still has some fight left in him," he sneered, gesturing towards Tōga's battered form. "Perhaps you should consider tending to those wounds before they fester."

"You can call me Tōga," the Dragon Slayer retorted, his voice laced with a venomous calm. "And don't let my current state fool you. I'm far from finished."

Ichi's amusement turned to disappointment. "Blackbeard warned us of your power, but it seems he overestimated your abilities."

Wc: 1377

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