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A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.)

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A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:30 am

Nasira was trying to work seeing parts of the world and what she could learn. She had made a few trips with other people. Her next stop was Stella to explore, having no expectations for while she was here, But she started at the most well know spot thinking it was best to start here.

Anything she looked into so far was most likely not going to be a fair comparison to what was already. Nasira did not mind the nature of these lands. There was a sense that it was relaxing for the different pace of a world outside of Fiore.

Even then maybe Nasira would consider if she had wanted to bring some one else along with her exploring, But maybe in the end it was not best she was here by herself with no one else knowing she was here to start with. At least she could eventually change that.


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:37 am

Stella, which she could almost call the Land of the Dead, she remembered when a deity of some kind got involved and the deceased came back to life briefly. It was an odd situation, one she was not part of, but thats partially why she was here, she wanted to learn.

Power in magic and strength wasnt the only kind of power to attain. Intelligence, knowledge, those too could be dangerous tools if one knew how to use them right. Intelligence, knowledge, tools that were most neglected by most of her peers of guildmates and even enemies. Well, thats at least what she thought. Granted she didnt mingle with her teammates or guildmates much. She liked some of them, but considered them too soft. She just wanted more power of all kind and serve the more powerful and useful criminals. But along the way she needed to pave her own road of success and contacts

Now bringing the story back to the here and now. Jen would curiously explore Stella and wander around. Although she did not know where to start. Should she find a guide or a companion?


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:33 am

Stella might not be the most hottest place she had been too, but it surely was different. It might be the exact spot she would consider if some one she had a feeling was hiding away. Might be hiding in. She also had a feeling that might not entirely be easy and for sure.

The moment there was a hint if some one seeking out her own old friend. So she had to play this slow game, If they where even here. The moment they picked up Nasira there was a chance they would sneak away and or run.

But other temptations seemed to be around here, There was many interesting things here, Part of her almost wanted to reconsider searching and maybe actually try and just see how relaxing Stella could be. But suppose there was always balance between both reasons to be here, For now it was nice to see something different other then Fiore.


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:01 am

She would notice Nasira, she stood out by the fact that she didnt look Stellan. She looked.... well Jen had no idea what she looked like. Not Fiorian too, thats for sure. She wondered why the woman was here. Sightseeing, touring, anything else?

Jen would try approaching the woman "Looking for something?" she would ask, try some form of an ice breaker. Maybe she was looking for a restaurant, a museum or something. Granted thats if she was a tourist and not some mage on a mission. Which.... anything is possible.

If she was some guild mage? Well, she'll play it by ear. No need for trouble. Either way she will see what the lady wanted or needed. Who knows, maybe they can help eachother out and mutually benefit. That was a nice thought too.
Jen just wanted to investigate about Stella and the magical event that happened here


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:03 am

It was a good question to ask her, Was she looking for something, But Nasira was as she was mostly and would not entirely say anything right away. Merely looking around fort a moment and letting out a sigh."I am, But I do not think it is here."Nasira said, Even with hints of her accent still there even if her Fiorian speaking was pretty clear. Suppose if Nasira realized if the woman she was looking for was really paying attention she would have been found by now because she was a Werewolf and Nasira's scent was one she knew.

This was a pointless venture that she took because she actually had no idea if she was here. But suppose it was not time to think about it as a bit of a vacation before she went back to Fiore."It was a stupid idea of mine to fine some one who is better of not being found anyway."Nasira merely seemed like she spoke that almost like she said that aloud to see if it would bait the problem she was seeking.

But alas it turned up nothing."It is nothing, You could really help me with."Nasira mentioned some what trying to seem like she was not trying to be rude, while being an extremely blunt and to the point person."Suppose, I should figure out my next guess....at least the sun is nice."


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:14 am

She was interested "You lost someone? Whats the context? Were they kidnapped?" oh, a lost damsel? Jen saw a fair share of those, they were fun. Especialy when she was making said damsels. Watching the light leave their eyes, beautiful. Or seeing them try to flee. It was even best when it was a werewolf. She remembered one bout with a werewolf. A female unexperienced one. It was beautiful. But Jen masterfully hid her glee behind a facade

Either way, she was involved now, so it was best to learn all she can and help. It was only a matter if this was a missing person, someone who didnt wanna be found or someone she personally dealt with. If it was the latter, then it was best to cover up the evidence. She believed she had a good memory or a decent one at least on her victims from the past few months maybe


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:21 am

So this person wanted to know more, Not that Nasira minded. If Priscilla was smart enough she was most likely to be long gone the moment a person even looked at her. Not because she was nervous. Because she was looking to never be found again."No, She willingly left Fiore, Not wanting to be found."Nasira mentioned.

Opting to stop for a moment she would merely just make conversation with her, For it would not really be risky as she assume this woman did not know who she was looking for, or how to track her."Unless you know how to track a Werewolf who knows when people are tracking them."Keep in mind Nasira did not know anything about this woman and she was not trying to hire her for anything at this time right now. Just starting to let out her annoyance at the time with her.


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:46 am

So this is someone that left them. Interesting, maybe she's not involved. But just in case "Well, I have fought a werewolf like a month ish ago. Something like that. Not sure if its your same person though, but I do know it was a fiorian werewolf. There was a male werewolf too, but that one I dated when we were kids or teens. So actually, I have a way with them. If you want, I can try and help"

She just needed to know what this person was like, maybe a physical description, but she also needed a clue to where to start tracking. And hope the track hasnt gone cold. Tho what if it is the werewolf she attacked. Should she then attack this girl as well if she turns on her?
Hmm, well she had to be ready, at least she always had her weapon ready. For now, she hoped they werent. It would be less of a fuss that way


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:01 am

Given they were strangers, Nasira was not over all going to go in depth, But she did not mind letting out some information."It is not the same person, the one I am friends with is Fiorian, but a female one."Nasira said.

Then letting out a bit of a sigh, this was over all a failure on the mission front."She is use to being hidden, sneaking and in some manner...she is use to sometimes killing them."Sometimes was a lighter phrase when your use to seeing some one kill some one in front of you out of rage.

Even adding in."With her being a werewolf, She would pick up people being close by her already, So sneaking up on her is a challenge...So I am over all dealing with a situation that is....high chance of failure."Nasira mentioned while slightly annoyed, But she seemed some settled with her failure.


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:03 pm

She curiously listened and nodded. Hm, she did fight a blondie werewolf girl, timid and stuff. Still though she was intrigued. And of course werewolves can sniff out the people trying to sneak up on them, usually you have to mask your scent

"You can sneak up on werewolves, if you cover yourself in their own scent or just the scent of ambiance. The thing is they have a good nose, a very good one that allows them to not only sense someone sneaking, but also knowing who it is. Friend or foe. As for the hearing that is a lot more manegable by just being quiet. Its their nose that is the problem usually, but easily remedied enough" Just find local strong smelling plants, immerse yourself in the scent with either scented cloth or fabric or a tons of perfume. But thats just one of the ways to do that


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:21 pm

It was all info Nasira for the most part knew already but there was a missing piece some where. Maybe there was other tricks Nasira just did not know yet."Here I was hoping, she was getting comfortable and if she picked up my scent to start with she would be willing to talk to me."Nasira at this point might have just been going on about things differently because it might be something that she was wrong about.

Then again she would mention over all."Then again, I am only guessing she is here. I did not confirm completely they where in this place to start with."Nasira did sound a bit more disappointed at this time for some what wasting her time by going to other nations to find some one who was far more able to out due her in many ways, Alas it was a good challenge if some one thought about it.


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:53 am

"Where was this person last seen though? By you or anyone. Usually its best to start from there and like retrace their steps through clues, trails and eye witness accounts. Kinda like the law enforcement does things. Take their approach to your missing person"
Honestly, she knew it was useless and fruitless, but it was better than just a shrug and being like sucks to suck.

"Alternativelly, ask a werewolf to sniff them out. Fire with fire. Yknow, Blue Pegasus has a werewolf guy last I checked. Im sure if you pay him he'd do the job for you"
Again, breadcrumbs of info. Just something not to be like hm, yeah ok. Or something of a nothingburger of a reaction. Because, she really didnt know anything else. Shame they're missing a person. Best of luck to her maybe.
Honestly, this was not what Jen expected coming to here


A Stella-r Visit.(Social/Open.) Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:17 pm

It seemed to be a twist in this matter that in fact this woman was willing to help her. The last time Nasira knew anything it was months ago. Really long a go."I would say close to a year a go, Some where in west of Fiore. But she only stopped by to drop off this good by letter and where to send letters to contact her."Now Nasira would go on to explain in a moment why following where she would give the letter off too was a dead end.

Even going on to explain it now."Keep in mind this woman knows and keep any letter set up to be passed off in so many ways, Tracking down the letter to it's starting and ending chain is hard, Most letters are passed off at least 12 times, Then handed off to some one on a boat."Nasira seemed to have done her home work, After all she knew how the chain worked, just hadn't gone that far to reach the end out of risk. This women really did not want to be found.

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