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On a Lead [Travel | North to Central]

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On a Lead [Travel | North to Central] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 5:05 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

It had taken her a day or so to return to Orchidia from her little adventure within the Worth Woodsea, but she could not hide the fact that it had proven to be even greater of a success than even what she would have first envisioned. But, for all of that success, the time spent now within the North was a wasted one. There were things to return to within the actually relevant parts of Fiore. Sia had no shortage of matters to attend to now that she was established within Oak Town. Perhaps get a chance to meet some of the girls within Phantom Lord. Though, perhaps that may not have been for the best. Who knows what sort of trouble and distractions they may prove to the bright-eyed Sia.

Another time perhaps.

As for Astrid, she had matters of her own to tend to. An unexpected, yet suddenly critical trip to Era was in her immediate future to follow up on the matter and information given to her by Sia regarding her little “project.” What success would come of it remained to be seen, but she had a lead if nothing else. And fortunately as a Senator, to investigate a matter such as former Witch Hunters fell right within her authority, despite the seemingly sudden nature of it.


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