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A Dragon's Dogma - The Corrupted Grail [Epic- Lore]

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A Dragon's Dogma - The Corrupted Grail [Epic- Lore] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:52 pm


The Age of Gods has long passed, they sit silent, brooding on their golden thrones, unwilling to reach out to help you. In your moment of despair, in their moment of silence, will you cry for a savior? When all that answers is only the void..

Name: A Dragon's Dogma III: The Corrupted Grail

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Ryuko, DO members

In the aftermath of the events that saw her recruit several promising individuals to her side, the young Dragon Knight is finally ready to make her move. Despite the fact that Prince Igor Illin clearly is a supporter of the void, currently the presence of Illumin is undeniable in the grand scheme of worship and faith... Something Ryuko intends to change.

Learning through the prince's confidant that there is a sacred relic being contained in a large church in Illingrad, Ryuko intends to use this relic in a perversion of an ancient rite to beckon the powers of the void once more... By tainting the replica of the Holy Grail.

  • Together with the Dragonborn work toward the goal of conquering Illingrad's Church and corrupting the Holy Grail replica housed within

Word Count:
  • - At least 27.000 words (prior to any WC reduction) need to be reached in total before this storyline will be considered completed. Only topics focused on the theme can be used and are illegible for social rewards.

Lore Consequences:
  • Due to her actions Ryuko provokes the stirring embers of civil war among the provinces of Pergande, not just in the aftermath of her aggressive conquest over the surrounding provinces at the Voda river, but also in terms of religious actions. Divided between anger at her clear disrespect for Illumin and the gods, and some believing her actions show the lack of purpose in worshipping an absent deity, some start to turn toward worshipping the void.

    After the rite that sees the church of Illingrad corrupted by the void, Void Worship becomes a prominent religion in Illingrad.


A Dragon's Dogma - The Corrupted Grail [Epic- Lore] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:09 pm

This storyline is approved to start.


A Dragon's Dogma - The Corrupted Grail [Epic- Lore] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:49 pm



A Dragon's Dogma - The Corrupted Grail [Epic- Lore] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:42 am

Congratulations on completing the Epic story! After reviewing all 6 threads, you're good to go!

A Dragon's Dogma - The Corrupted Grail [Epic- Lore] GPIjkMz

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