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Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]

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#1Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:03 pm

Isobele Kozilek
“Still here? Could have figured you to show up for a time and then leave for your own ventures.” The man’s rough voice echoed through, some bit of surprise there within his tone as he looked upon the woman with the white hair with black streaks, her regalness; the elegance in her attire, there being a level of professionalism that seemed to utterly contradict the look of the type of soldier and volunteer that otherwise flooded the area. They were the ones that were so desperate to fight for one reason or another, some of them being patriotic, some of them being a sense of obligation towards the nation of Talaz Lagaar, but this woman was different.

She was not a local, that much was plainly obvious. She also seemed like someone came from a different class, evident in how she conducted herself in even the most basic of ways. How she sat, how she looked upon her and the others, the reluctance to exert her physical energy when others would be far more inclined to in hopes of drawing the attention of the beautiful yet mysterious woman.

“What’s a noble doing here scrounging about with the commonfolk?” Cynicism resonated throughout with the man’s voice, the scorn being enough to draw Astrid’s focus.

“I hadn’t realized that your conflict was going so well as to turn down aid when it comes to you willingly. Perhaps I should consider my time here to a close, unless you care to object?”

249/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

#2Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:03 pm

Isobele Kozilek
She was right and she knew it.

The reality was that the conflict that was being waged, one that she still knew little about outside of the greater ramifications throughout the country. It drew her in at first, a way both to find some safety from the forces of Fiore that no doubt were seeking her, while also proving a chance for her to simultaneously build up allies while also being able to oppose her father’s political alignment in an admittedly juvenile capacity.

The greater conflict, the plight of the robotic people whom the forces of Talaz Lagaar were waging war against one another for. Freedom, a sense of freedom that was felt deserved, one that others felt was not something that those creatures were entitled to. The latter was something that she could not help but agree towards. These were not people. They were for all intents and purposes, tools that were more advanced, that had some sense of intelligence perhaps, but were still at the end of the day machines. They had no souls. They had no ambitions. And the cause of trying to treat them as something more than what they was being championed by people whom felt it necessary to advocate for them.

Fundamentally, what was different from them trying to argue that something like a tree or building were not entitled to their own sense of life?(

481/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

#3Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:03 pm

Isobele Kozilek
It was the sentiment shared by many of those around her. They were loyal to the idea of Talaz Lagaar, to the idea that they were sentient creatures perhaps, but nonetheless creatures. They wanted to fight, whether out of some belief that those robotic creatures did not deserve that sense of freedom, out of fear of their identity being stripped away, or purely out of some sense of malicious desire to cause violence, it did not much matter so long as they supported the cause. It was also why they found themselves not turning away in the case of Astrid, someone who very clearly did not support the cause at first appearances but nonetheless were fighting alongside them. Especially while the fight was still so significantly split amongst the factions fighting that nobody had a clear sense of control.

They held the area for now, but their control was not absolute. Though pride would indicate that they would not want the help of outside forces, they knew that they could not afford to turn them away. This man, though he may have thought little of Astrid for one reason or another, he could not in good conscience towards Talaz Lagaar turn her away.

“If you’re willing to help, you won’t hear me turning you away. Just so long as you aid the cause.”

The faintest of a smile formed upon the corners of her lips, “Had I given you reason to think I would be leaving?”

He shrugged, “No, but… consider it force of habit.” There was an immediate sense of levity as the man conceded, “Plenty of your kind tend to join, only to be turned away. Don’t have the stomach I suppose.”

She chuckled a bit, the man not realizing how accurate he proved to have been, without even wholly realizing it. Her own experience, nobles were weak naturally. They lacked integrity. Were spineless. That they showed those characteristics here, it was hardly surprising.

807/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

#4Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:04 pm

Isobele Kozilek
“Don’t have to go into much as to what we need, the usual effort. Protect, defend, to be honest I can’t say that I much care how you go about it. Just see it done,” the man remarked as he ventured off, confident enough that Astrid were up to the task. Something that could not have been said of current company, a combination of veterans of past fights who had a feel for the conflict and terrain, some who were riding high on the sense of patriotism, others that were up for the war profiteering that inevitably stood to come, and some who found themselves struggling to find their purposes. A ragtag group, to say the least, but there were those who were at least competent.

Looking around, it was impossible not to recognize the trial that was taking place within her, the desire to cut down and slay those weaker than her, the majority of the people that she seemed to see. But too, she knew that it simply could not happen, not here and not now. There would be a time and place for her to indulge in that delight, but it would have to wait. It would have to be there on the battlefield. Hopefully her task of protecting the key locations would provide her with a delightful corpse or two to add to her bodycount, one that had slowly been built up over time to the point of becoming more impactful. With each kill too, it seemed that she was getting more confident in her slaying, to the point where it was less of a worrying thing and instead something that she was becoming proficient towards.

1087/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

#5Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:04 pm

Isobele Kozilek
Despite that growing skill and hunger, it was impossible not to somewhat find hatred towards the idea of having to sit around and monitor these situations. It was boring, more than anything else. Sitting here, doing nothing, it was hard not to think of it being a waste of her time, even though there was probably some level of value tied towards it. But truly, if this effort was something that was engrossing that it basically called upon anyone and everyone, regardless of their talent and qualifications to participate and contribute, why not go ahead and utilize them for something like this? For her, maybe it was the illusion that she appeared simply as a member of the noble foreign class that dismissed her. Maybe it was that she was a woman. Whatever the reason, it was clear that she was felt up to the task, despite not so much wishing to be involved, but that was an aside.

Sitting around wasn’t a tough ask though. It certainly was something that she could do, and as she stood about, monitoring the situation, her mind could not help but wander a bit as to how she would go ahead and commit massive amounts of violence upon the people, their allegiance completely immaterial to her own personal delight. The idea of simply sneaking upon someone and watching the life drain from them as her blade ran along their neck, it was enthralling. Blissful even.

But to secure such delight, especially here, was a tall ask even under the best of circumstances.

1346/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

#6Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:05 pm

Isobele Kozilek
It would have been preferred if she were able to roam, to just travel freely without much concern or fear towards one thing or another. However, it was plainly apparent that such luxuries would not be feasible, nor tolerated. She was her own actor, assistant towards the cause of the Talaz Lagaar loyalists, but her loyalty went only so far, only serving in the capacity that she felt it necessary. That wasn’t to say that was so skin-deep with the others that were serving alongside her, especially not under these circumstances. Every body was another one for the cause, and a death to one of their ranks, to believe that it may have come from one of their own, that was enough to send things into absolute chaos.

Though she would have sought to kill, to go about it in such a crude manner would do nothing but cause problems for her inevitably.

Thus, there came the challenge that so often had to be handled. Delicacy. She was going to have to find when someone would be subjected to such a fate, and then capitalize on the matter. To do so blindly was foolish, if not a certain death sentence. Though capable, she knew that even she could not outmatch the loyalist force here, as fresh and inexperienced as they may have been. No, she had to bide her time. Wait for someone to come about that those here would not miss.

An enemy, would be easiest.

1593/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

#7Isobele Kozilek 

Sabotage the Infrastructure 2 [Quest: Astrid]    Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:05 pm

Isobele Kozilek
It was hardly quick. Much of the day was spent lounging about, watching over people whose fates she wasn’t much concerned with, hardly having to even so much as get up in wonder if there were risk associated with it. No, it was mundane, even boring. Easy, certainly, but hardly engaging.

Not until nightfall did it seem that she would finally have a chance to play at all. A lone man, creeping through the brushes just beyond the veil of what people would be looking at. A scout. A perfect target really.

In similar fashion to how the man crept about, so too did she. Silent as the air itself, the man was hardly able to realize what was before him until it was too late. The dagger missed the man’s neck, puncturing deep within his chest, the suddenness and force with which she brought the blade being enough to cause him to stagger back in disbelief. Another strike, this time more accurate, puncturing not the throat or head, but instead going for the heart. The sound of bone scraping against the blade echoed in the immediate area, making more of a sound than that of the man’s cries or her movements. Another stab, the same spot with the same level of proficiency.

That was the last of it, the last strike that felled him.

Admiring her kill, she looked around, not a set of eyes gazed upon her, nor having realized her actions. Perfect, she thought to herself. Another notch for her belt.

1847/1750 (-20% Censor of Dragon's Blood, -10% Zera'thul)

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