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A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen]

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A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:35 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

The fuck is everyone…? The guild hall of the destroyers of Utopia a place with which one of their prodigal daughters was not all that familiar, while it was strange enough to walk into a room that she barely knew with the vague intention of seeking out a little something to put some scratch into her pocket, it was even more bizarre to do so with the expectation of seeing all kinds of strangers and moreover freaks and find few waiting for her.
Suppose K and I did miss a couple meetings? They gone off on some company holiday…? Scratching her head at the discovery and wondering just what had happened to her guildmates, the lack of signs of a battle seemed to imply that they hadn't been the unfortunately victim of a massacre while the brunette had been chasing ass elsewhere, which Nikki Nakajima supposed was comforting. I mean, finding new places a blood drinker could hang their hat was a pain, right?

Welllll, at least the right ones stuck around, huh? At the very least the sight of a blonde mane and tomboyish ensemble seeming to offer some relief, while a rear quarters view to which she seemed to be treated denied the vixen of her vision of those enchanting emerald eyes there was no doubt in her mind that the raven was eyeing her lady love, who too favoured tones of flaxen hair and stylings of plaid.
Haven't seen her in that shirt, have I~? Not that the latter didn't seem a little different to what she had seen the stunner with whom she had shacked herself up with but then Miss Nakajima hardly an expert on the wardrobe of her ravishing roommate, the mere promise of surprising the siren who stunned her seemed worth her curling her lips into a gleeful grin and moving on her tippy toes to boot, she aimed to catch the woman by surprise as she snuck up behind her and pounced with a purr ready as well.

“Dammmnnn, gurrrrllll….” Growling into a lobe that looked fresher than ever and pressing her rather full figure into the back of the beauty she had spied, hunger showed in Nikki's voice as she grabbed for the hips of the girl she expected to hold a green gaze, and waited to see her turn to her with a hint of pinkness in her cheeks.
“Didn't know you were in the office today~?” That latter part something she was happy to provoke as she ran her hands upward and next aimed to seize her chest within her grasp, she couldn't help but want to graze that soft and sweet skin on her neck with her fangs, and would have done so had she not noticed something strange. Kanna wasn’t wearing her usual perfume, was she…?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:20 am

The guild hall was rather, empty. Granted she had heard of the Joyan tragedy and war. Its just she couldnt really join. Not on time. That ship has sailed. Figuratively speaking. Well at least she was holding the fort. Granted she was not as powerful should any of those other Guild Masters approach to rear their ugly heads.
Though she didnt know would anyone do that.

Well at least alone, she could admire this guild hall. It was a piece of work and she was glad she joined here. Hopefully she would be able to prove her value to the guild. So she needed to get strong. She cant afford to be weak and useless. She didnt want to go back to that place.

Suddenly she was pounced upon which made her jump a bit from the surprise. She was gonna be alert, until she heard a rather smooth and silky voice in her ear. Jen knew that she was being confused for some other lucky person and she SHOULD correct her guild mate she was making a mistake, but. ... It kinda felt nice. It's been a while since she did some debauchery. So she wanted to see how far this would go until they notice the error of their ways. A lil prank perhaps.
"OOoh fuck, dont stop" she spoke finally, letting Miss Nakajima hear that was not the voice she was expecting. Not the person she was expecting. Perhaps letting her know that in the most mischevious of ways. She was curious how their guild mate would react


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:24 am


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

She isn't… The jig most and truly seeming to be up as Miss Marcello drank in an aroma which was entirely alien from what she knew, along with this she could feel both the warmth and pounding pulse of a body which hadn't been given her eternal kiss as well, and yet in spite of that had she a drink in her mouth then the brunette would have emptied it out from her lips in a heavy load given what the gal said next.
“Shit, doll face, you don't seem to smell like my girl…” Barely seeming to peel away at the encouragement she was given but at the very least easing up on the attention that her hands were offering for the moment, as entertained as the grabby gal was by the brazenness of the blonde she couldn't help but snicker as she opted to address the elephant in the room, and obeyed her instinct to let those sharp fangs wash over the nape of the girls neck as she did so.

“Don't sound like her either, but damn do you talk like her~?” Certainly not the sort who would too eagerly give up what seemed almost a free meal here and all the more seeming to be amused by a character who resembled her girlfriend in spirit as much as she did in shape and style, Nikki couldn't help but lick her lips and those prominent canines as she contemplated what to do next, but ultimately decided that a little introduction was in order.
“You new here…?” For that reason acting to twist her about in her grasp to bring them face to face but not provide her with much more room to wriggle than she already was, if nothing else she had to admit that the brass which the new woman in her life carried was worth a closer inspection for sure, and neither was she ruling out the idea of taking her up on that offer either now, was she? I mean, sounded like they were both having a slow day, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:26 am

Her back was turned to the vampiress and thus could only imagine the bewildered expression she surely had had. Soon her elder guild mate said that she doesnt sound like her presumed lover nor smell like her. But apparently she does talk like 'her'. That was a bit mildly amusing. What Jen didnt expect now was to be twisted or twirled to still remain in the guild mates grasp but face to face now.

Her guild mate was quite the looker, whoever this look alike was, was a lucky one. This was quite the catch. Not that Jen was into women. But she always toyed with experimenting a few times and having that kind of fun. Which is also something she never thought she'd think about here in this guild
"Yes I am. Quite recently recruited. I would say 'what brings you here', but I guess I can tell by the entrance" yup, she was definitely looking for some hot singles in the area. Unless they werent a single but a duo, wink wink


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:27 am


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Fuck if I know now, I lost everything I had in my head when I saw dat ass?” The raven found shrugging as she revealed the fact that any intent behind her appearance here had been lost to a combination of libidinous leering and the excitement which had followed it, the confidence which she was shown by this fresh fair face was something which only further seemed to leave her confused as to how this girl could be so much like Kanna and not be her, and as such it was only too easy to relax into her company.
“Probably wasn't any great loss, huh~?” Bopping herself in the side of her skull a couple of times with the edge of her knuckles as she decided that whatever it was hadn't been too important if she had forgotten it so readily, Miss Marcello was sure that if this woman was currently trying to take advantage of her then she could have her merry way as far as she was concerned, though given the fact that she had shockingly little in terms of money, prestige or power she suspected she would have the last laugh if that was the case, of course.

“So what's your name, huh?” At least seeming to be intrigued by her enough that she felt it was time to get working on a draft copy of her own identity sheet in the scrambled birds nest she called a mind, the dark dish asked after her name in order to mentally assign her something other than that of her 'Backup' to the babe she had back home, which was sure to land them in trouble one way or another.
“I'm Nikki, officially I'm a member here too, I guess?” Revealing the fact that she was attached to the place as well at least in the loosest sense both verbally and visually as well, the blackette hooked a thumb in her waistband to show off the emblem of their current venue which sat next to her hip, before drifting over to one of the more comfortable couchy chair laden areas which their locale had, intent on killing time with the lass if she was interested until she remembered her reason for being here or found something new to do with herself. Now though, her money was on the latter…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:29 am

Whatever her guild member had in mind was seemingly gone. Perhaps her little mischief was too effective? Good~ She enjoyed this unique moment and interaction. She watched as her senior guild member decided to drop whatever topic she had in mind before and focused on the here and now. Asking Jen her name as well as giving her own name. Nikki.

"Nice to meet you Nikki. My name is Jennifer or just Jen for short. I am a new member here" she said as she was held by the elder guild member. It was quite the unique position she was in.
"So Nikki, since its just you and me. Do you wanna do anything or like maybe show me around the guild or maybe just do anything since you're technically Boss here now"
Indeed for if its just the two of them, then that means Nikki was the leader as she was a member with more time and experience here.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:31 am


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Hahaha, Jen, huh~?” Left to pause and chuckle as her little blonde biscuit offered up her name, Miss Marcello was sure that given the resemblance to a certain someone the name 'Jenna' was going to fall into the mix all too quickly if she knew herself, though ultimately was glad to have something other than 'You with the ass" to call the lass.
“Wow, I'm not used to being the senior anywhere, but shit I guess you're right huh?” Left in surprise however when her junior reminded her of the fact that in this situation she likely carried some rank and responsibility, while the latter was something she would be likely to shirk at every available opportunity the scarlet eyed siren seemed to smile at the notion of being considered the boss in any place, especially this one, and not least because she knew all too well just how she might take advantage of such a fact.

“Sure you wanna give me that power though~?” Snickering and shaking her head at such suggestion and sentiment, given how their connection had seemed to begin the black beauty couldn't help but lick her lips as she contemplated the matter of putting her apparent authority to all too bad use with the girl before her, and perhaps in doing so revealed just why she likely wasn't all that suited to ruling her own guild.
“Not sure I'd be all that responsible with it~?” Seeming to be far more interested in her own gains and ever more so her pleasures than the parties who called themselves leaders in realms like this one, Nikki had more of a mind to enjoy her status with those who were compliant and worshipful enough to indulge it to its fullest rather than spout high minded ambitions or chase after ambitions of greater conquest, which she showed as she lifted a hand to stroke the cheek of her sole 'underling' for the moment. I mean, what else could you expect, hm?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:32 am

It seems her words reminded her fellow guild mate that she was now large and in charge. But the brown haired vixen seemingly had a mischevious idea in mind considered she snickered, shook her head and asked her if she was sure she wants to give her that power.

Jen crossed her arms and replied "Why not? I like a bold leader. And well, lets just say. You made quite the entrance and the impression." like that was quite the introduction the two had. And her partner seems like a lucky one, to experience such unique form of pleasure.

Her guild mate then spoke that she wasnt sure she'd be responsible with it. But Jen spoke with a smirk "So what? Like who's here to stop you. Im sure they dont care what you do as long as you just hold the fort and dont burn the place down" who cares about responsibility. Like surely their guild master only cares that this place is in one piece, right? Other than that, she was sure they had free reigns of the place.
Her eye curiously followed the hand movement of her current guild leader, curious to see what she had in mind now that she was in charge of this guild. It would surely be amusing~


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:24 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Hahaha, I guess I got a lot of faults, but being timid ain't one of em~?” Still rather fascinated by the sheer degree of commonality between her new companion and the one she so often left slick in her sheets, even with the rather generous allotment of 'goods' she had been given frankly the fox had gotten a little more used to opposition when it came to her come on's and such so was rather bowled over when it seemed that her jumps were being asked how high, but not in a way she seemed to particularly dislike.
“You like a gal who ain't afraid to take charge'a ya, huh~?” Always one who was happy to take charge of a situation and as such only more fond of the gals who knew how to hop into their rightful place, Nikki was already sensing that this one might just be the sort to call any kind of bluff she made in earnest, and that was something that sent a little quiver running up her spine of course. I mean, it was hella tempting to take her up on that, right? Itches now to scratch and all…

“Well damn gurrrlll, if not being stopped is what seems to get ya off, I can happily oblige~?” Happy to observe the fact that this fresh face in her life seemed to aspire to everything that her sassy protégé did as well in her own way, once more Miss Marcello had to wonder whether this was all some sort of prank and she was going to see Kanna and a bunch of guys from the guild rounding the bend to embarrass her any second now, but such anxiety was rather easy to pack away and ignore. Nothing ventured and all that.
“Words like "No" and "Please Stop" wash off a bloodsucker like water on a duck's crack~?” For such a reason hardly seeming to buck as she drew a digit up the shirt of the femme and paid particular attention with it to the curves which lay beneath, in a moment she showed she was happy to go from smooth to rough in less than a second as she snagged the collar of this coquettish cutie pie and dragged her lips to her own, pausing only an inch away as she growled out her last warning before letting the lass know that if she was going to keep offering her such a tasty plate she was gonna get bit. And hard too, she reckoned…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:22 am

"I like a strong and fearless leader~" she spoke when Nikki spoke about a girl who's not afraid to take charge. Jen was the adventurous type herself. After being metaphorically caged by her family, she was all too eager to spread her wings. To experience new things and to have fun. Being in a guild was amazing and liberating. It was her own choice to join. And she did. She was part of it and now she was loving it

As they spoke, her vampirish host snagged her collar and things went from smooth to rough in an instant. Her lips were close to the womans. While Jen saw herself as straight. There were times she experimented with the same sex. Results not conclusive. And yet she was willing to try all new things
"Well, lucky for you I say words like 'yes' and 'more more'~" she said with a smirk, before showing the bloodsucker she was not afraid to go rough and hard, before closing that short distance and kissing her


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 2:17 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“How do you feel about leader's that are corrupt and prone to baser instinct~?” Certainly not hating just how forward the fair haired fox seemed to be when it came to the nitty and the gritty, when all was said and done the only thing which was stopping Miss Marcello from showing Jen just where her interests seemed to lay leadership or not was the mere fact that she and Kanna hadn't exactly had 'the talk' about exclusivity since sharing that eternal kiss, and the more that this new face in her life talked the less she found herself worrying about that.
“I mean I'll do strong and fearless any day of the week, but drunk and horny is far more my wheelhouse?” Not about to pretend that she was in any way much of a role model even in regard to her ability to act on the needs of the many or perhaps the good few, while the black belle was most assuredly the type who relished the opportunity to let loose with her fists and fangs she had found age had mellowed her a bit, and now for lack of a better term she was as much a fan of love as she was war now. The effect that the right connection could have, right?

“Speaking of, with no one around I bet they can't blame us for raiding the liquor cabinet, right? If they didn't wanna drink it, they shouldn't let us get to it…” That being said the mere idea of having a taste of tipple something which seemed to immediately act upon her psyche and guide the buxom brunette to scour the room in search of something to refresh herself, all too quickly did she spy the flat countertop from which their keeps would serve something delicious and soon after did she tip herself across it to find out what they had tucked away here, and in doing so didn't mind wrenching at handles and the like firmly enough to break locks or hinges where she needed to.
“Shiiiiit, keep that kinda thing up, and I might get a whole different thirst~?” Popping back up with a bottle in each hand soon afterward but suddenly finding herself a little too busy to pop those lids as the lass lunged at her, any effort she had left to dent the hunger within her seemed to be fading fast as she found an only too eager pair of lips offered up to her, and with a crunching crash did the 'boss' seem to drop her drinks and seize something far tastier in her grasp, which she was happy to tug into the tight little space behind the bar along with her as well…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:41 am

She was a free bird and thus adventurous. She didnt mind the flirting and embraced it. She gave herself in the desires and was willing to experiment and try things even if normally she didnt swing those ways. But she didnt want to be limited by social norms and what was normal, so she wanted to try the un-normal stuff, new stuff and swing all the ways you can.

Nikki spoke and said she's more horny and drunk type of a leader, Jen replied to that "You say drunk and horny. I say fun type of a leader" so Nikki was a lover of good time. How fun. She got herself a lovely jackpot to have met someone like that

And to that Nikki spoke that surely no ones feelings would be hurt if they raid the liquor cabinet. Jen chuckled and said "Now you're speaking my language" indeed, she wouldnt mind helping herself to some booze. And Nikki meanwhile was way ahead and went on to fetch a nice drink

As they spoke and bantered, Jen couldnt help but grin at hearing some of Nikkis words. She'd chuckle and playfully and unintentionally pun "Oh I bet I'd be dying to see that thirst" because y'know she's a vampire and she thirsts for blood, but then theres the fun type of thirst
Now the blonde approached as she was curious what drinks Nikki got
"Anything good there?" she'd ask curiously


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:33 am


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Wow, almost sounds like you're angling for a place on Team Marcello, sweetness~?” Tipping her head when Jen continued to appear only too agreeable and amenable to the rather wild suggestions she was making, Miss Marcello arched her brow as she questioned her ambition in that regard, but with did so with more amusement in her tone than annoyance at such a fact. I mean, you couldn't blame a girl for not hating her because she was beautiful, right~?
“If you're hoping to sleep your way to the top, I gotta tell you, with me that's exactly the kind of attitude I can get behind~?” The lass left to bob those brows as she hinted that she tended to be the sort who had only a few but rather intense forms of friendship with very little in the way of middle ground between stranger and lover, the fiery fox winked as she hinted rather unsubtly that the route to her heart lay a matter of mere inches beneath her belly, and knew that such a joke was only too true in a great many cases. She was a sucker for well, a good sucker, eh?

“Malt liquor! Jackpot!” Meanwhile seeming to root and rustle about the cabinet until she found not one but two tall and chunky bottles which contained strengthened substances within, Nikki slapped one onto the counter for the consumption of her cohort before straightening up and tearing the lid off her own, which she was happy to tip into her throat with little regard for modesty or good manners, or perhaps the letter of the law as well given how she had come to acquire her boon as well.
“Hahaha, my thirst can be a dangerous thing, Honeysuckle~? Booze and blondes aren't the only B's I'm interested in~?” Laughing however when the new blonde in her life seemed to only stoke the fires within her further and ask about her appetites, the boozy bloodsucker made no secret of the fact that she lived her life for the sake of her vices, and listed two of the three greatest rather readily. The third, however, was a subject that seemed it required a little more preparation, however…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:39 am

Some may think she's way too agreeable. Maybe. But in her mind she was adventurous. She didnt want to be appear weak and frightful, a whipy nay sayer. Best to accept things with dignity and work around with what makes you good and to test your limits and set boundries. Thats what she did.

She laughed a bit when Nikki suggested sleeping her way to the top and she playfully replied "Hey hey! Dont give me ideas. If the top is as hot as you I might as well take that offer" she would be the type to do that. But she has standards. If people at the top are as attractive as Nikki she'd pounce that in a heartbeat. But if a boss is say like a .... fat bastard, she wouldnt. Professionals have standards. But hey, even if she didnt have an agenda. Sleeping is such a fun activity. A little bit of love and pleasure doesnt hurt anyone. And it certainly makes her feel good

Eventually she'd find something and place one on the counter for her. Jen would pick it up and open it. And just like Nikki she'd take a good swig of it to refreshen herself
She then told Jen booze and blondes werent the only b's she'd thirst for. There was another. Jen would raise her brow and asked "Whats the third one?" she could hazard a guess, but still wanted to hear it from the source before jumping to conclusions


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:44 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Welllll, guild has a few lookers, but in my not so humble opinion it’s all downhill from here~?” Smirking and shaking her head when her new friend questioned the correlation between status in the guild and statuesque image as well, Nikki smugly pointed to herself as she in manner which some might have reckoned was wrought with haughty overconfidence as she declared herself the pinnacle in the guild when it comes to good looks, though even as she did so she knew in her heart that such a contest is a tighter one than she makes it seem. Especially with what was at home, right~?
“Might wanna save the best for last, then~? Reward for all your hard work~?” That being said the brunette happy to flash her fellow femme a little wink as she confirmed that her lust would be better served than ambition if she was planning on pursuit based upon looks alone, the scarlet eyed siren was happy to hold back and let herself become something of a prize for her achievement should she wish it, or as much as she could tolerate before giving in to the obvious tension between them.

“Blood.” The black belle hardly beating about the bush either when Jen asked what completed her unholy trinity of ‘b’ words, she showed a surprising restraint for crude words of that ilk as she stated the fact that she was a consumer of the claret in a rather blunt and matter of fact manner, and paused for a second before elaborating upon the issue properly.
“Afraid some of my kisses tend to be the eternal kind~?” Doing so with both a message of innuendo and a more physical demonstration as she hooked a finger into her maw and pulled her lips back enough to reveal the sharpness of her fangs, this was an issue she hid around few and hoped that it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for a girl this intriguing, though guessed that she would get over it if it was. I mean, she had ‘another’ at home, right?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Fri Oct 20, 2023 5:59 am

"Oof that sent a shiver down my spine~" the good kind. Yes she could've guessed, but hearing it from her just hit different. Thats when she mentioned an eternal kind of kiss. She began to wonder then. The red eyes and the- ahhh there it is. The sharper tooth she sees. She was in the presence of a vampire. No wonder she had an enchanted and feisty presence.

"Oh my~ What a twist. Well well well...." she then walked over to Nikki and spoke "What makes you think Im not into that"
The thought of becoming such a being. It was like a blessing. She wondered, was this finally her chance to ascend to something better than humanity. She tried it once with her ex, but he was too hesistant to turn her. Telling her things how she might regret it and that she has it good now as a human, which is a pile of bull if you ask her. So she hoped someone else might help her now. Yes, she was aware of the risks and was sick hearing them. She knew what she wanted. She just hoped she could one day get it already.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:44 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Experience. A lot of folks suddenly get shy when they know they're deaing with a vamp~?” The admission of her status as the thing that went bump and sucked blood within the night something which always seemed to be a leap of faith for Miss Marcello, while only too many times had she seemed to find a frown or look of fear staring her in the face when she revealed her fangs or fiendish inclination it was always nice for her to know that every once in a while someone didn't take an immediate dislike to her for that, and ever more so when they seemed that little bit excited by it as well.
“Some kinky little things like it though~? I take it… You're in the latter category~?” Not that the latter was much less than a wholly rare experience of course but more often than not it seeming to be worth the recrimination and the mobs with forks and burning torches, the look of delight which Jen showed her in response to her admission was something which shot a shiver up the spine of the voluptuous vamp, and certainly seemed to see this stranger shooting up her friends list to boot, and that was something which offered no small degree of benefit as well, no~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 5:06 am

She scoffed at the people who'd show immediate disdain to vampires and all creatures of the night "Pfsh, those puny humans. They just fear something thats greater than them. I'd say they're just jealous of you or cant wrap their tiny little heads how better you are." she dismissed the others, saying humans even though she was one herself. But she saw herself as different, hence why she wanted to 'evolve' as soon as possible. Werewolves and even vampires could bless her with their gift

She softly chuckled at the latter category "Kinky yes. Truth be told, never been with a vampire. I had experience with a werewolf. I even told him to turn me, but he refused." she shrugged disappointed "He fucked me over, figuratively and literally" but moved on from that, because she didnt mind it "Vampires are a whole different sexy breed. I wouldnt mind having that eternal kiss~ Then again, I wouldnt mind being a vampires plaything. Im into that~" yep she kinky, considering she thinks vampires are better than humans, its no wonder she's into some freaky shit if done by a vamp


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:58 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Bwahahaha… Reckon I'd regret it if I didn't make a comment about 'doggy style' after a confession like that~?” The brow of the brunette lifting as her new friend admitted her antics with all things lupine, Miss Marcello could recall a few nights spent under the full moon with such animalistic parties which certainly seemed to have 'clan relations' as far as she was concerned, though seemed happier to make what was perhaps a tired joke on the matter first and foremost on the matter. I mean, ya hate to lose the chance, right~?

“Well, an eternal kiss ain't something I like to give to just anyone, but if you fancy popping your other vamp cherry I might be compelled to help a sister out~?” Certainly not hating the eagerness which Jen showed toward the idea of becoming one of her ilk though finding a lingering knot of reluctance in that regard, though the ultimate resolution which she had found with Kanna had helped to lessen her reservations she still did not want anyone to rush into the idea given what her own siring was like, though was happy to offer another form of personal intimacy in the meantime while she let the idea settle between the two of them…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 5:31 pm

She laughed when she heard that comment "Oh yeah, now that you mention it. That was one of his favourite positions." she playfully shrugs "Ah those wolves, cant resist their nature even in human form. But still, got to admit. He was hot as fuck. So worth it. But he chickened out when it came to some nightly activity" she said as she briefly revealed the knife she had hidden on her person, to elaborate non verbally what she meant on nightly activity.
Her ex was scared of people like Rune Knights or Fairy Tail, so he dumped her and stopped hanging out with her. It annoyed her he did that, he had great potential and she noticed that he had a talent when it came to bloodlust and violence. But stupidly represses the good urges. He's soft and tries to be soft. Rejecting his true nature. If he wasnt soft, she would've been a werewolf by now and they would've been here together.

As much as she hoped she had her time to shine and evolve beyond humanity. That blessing was still out of her reach. Hopefully Nikki changes her mind in the future.
"Feel free to be compelled. I am open to all them cherries~" she said playfully, but also a bit flirtatiously as she opened her arms to her vampire friend who was making a different offer


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:03 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Bwahahaha, can't argue with his taste, even if his dedication did disappoint, eh~?” The crass coquette seeming to cackle all the more when the blonde seemed to take her joke in her stride and confirm her former lover's preference for it, the dark dish could not deny a certain fondness for canine positioning herself regardless of her role in the deed, and seemed to feel a minor note of interest in the figure she described given what she had heard thus far. Though whether she would end up clobbering him or something else might depend on their meeting, eh?

“Shiiiiit, seems to me like that idiot didn't know what he was missing huh~?” Not that she was going to miss out on the opportunity before her however and as such Nikki not seeming to need to be told twice that the landing strip had been cleared for her entry, she knocked back another sizeable dose of her drink before laying the item on the nearest counter and feeling a taste for something else seizing her, which she would only too soon seize. Starting by swaggering right into the most personal space of her new friend and lifting her thumbs to her cheeks, she let that scarlet stare bury itself in the blue of her new buddy's eyes as she affirmed his loss being her gain, and then dipped a bit further for a fresh taste of that pillowy pout…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:06 am

"Sad but true" she said in regards to Nikki reacting that he didnt know what he was missing out on. She did like him and felt if he had no fear of repricussion they would be a different story. But thats not how things turned out. Part of her wonders what happened to him since he left Magnolia. But those partial thoughts would be saved for later as now she focused primarily on Nikki and all that cherry talk

The red eyed vampiress would approach her. When they were very up close and personal the two would gaze into eachothers eyes. Jen would try to read Nikki to see what the vampiress was feeling. Her though? She felt curiosity over how this would go down or what would happen next. Although soon enough she would see, or rather feel. Those lips against hers. It was divine indeed, or was it undivine? Unholy? Because its a vampire? Well she didnt care and just decided to enjoy herself and have the time of her life


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:52 pm


WORDS: #### | TOTAL: #### | Aqua Benedicta

“Mmmm… You smell good, Blondie~?” The absence of protest which was raised by her junior something which thrilled Miss Marcello to no end, she had sensed enough of the rough and tough attitude from the fairer femme to know that she would be more than ready to hurl her off her had she not wanted this moment just as much as she did, and so with the girl seeming to simply melt into the moment it spoke volumes of the spell she had woven on her.
“And you taste… Even better~?” Not that she too didn't feel like she hadn't fallen under the effect of a certain charm of course, the fact that she too had found herself so willing to 'engage' was something that spoke volumes of the effect which this fresh face had upon her, especially in light of how she had something tasty waiting at home for her, didn't it? Damn would she get an earful when Kanna found out, eh?

“As your teacher and tour guide, I think it's time we go see if the master left his office unlocked~?” Not that she knew the woman would hold it against her when she saw what had been offered to her and more than likely her 'mate' feeling most annoyed that she didn't share than anything else, for the moment there was little in the way of guilt to be felt for the places which her mind and hopefully body too would be heading all too soon, and so the sable siren couldn't help but suggest they find somewhere with a little more privacy and comfort. And perhaps just as much tendency to find her trouble too…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:07 am

"Mmm, I am glad I could please you~" she certainly loved the moment between them. She didnt think today would take this turn, but she certainly didnt mind it and was eager to see what Nikki did have planned in store for her or them.

Hearing her tour guide and teachers next words she'd chuckle and say "ohoho. Really? Well locked or unlocked Im sure we can get there, senpai" if it was locked, she could always try to lock pick it. She was there to please her senpai after all. And to of course have some fun while they were alone. She was eager to pull her senpai along for a good and private time. Though for a moment, the idea of the other blonde crossed her mind, considering she and Nikki met through a mixup. But all that faded away as she focused on her red eyed vixen infront of her. She was there to please her master after all


A Rush Of Blood To The Head [Jen] Empty Sat Nov 18, 2023 4:13 pm


WORDS: 220 | TOTAL: 4280 | Aqua Benedicta

“Shit, ain't no way we're letting a door get in the way, huh~?” Seeming to feel of a like mind to the fair haired femme's opinion that open or closed they were going to steal themselves away in there for what was to follow, while it was probably more convenient to get inside and have a bolt they could use to maintain their own feeling of privacy this was by no means essential for a woman who had been known to reach near-volcanic levels of heat under the collar in the right kind of street when given half a chance, and she bobbed her brows as she decided it was worth the chiding she might receive later to bust into it if necessity demanded such an act.

“Let's see just how much of a vamp groupie you are, hm~?” As such the scarlet eyed stunner wasting little time in grasping for the mitt of this golden-haired girl and making something of a beeline for the refuge she had mentioned, as she did so Miss Marcello couldn't help but snicker at the enthusiasm which the blonde had shown for her breed, and wondered just how much of her motivation here was sourced from that fandom. Not that she minded, of course. She would hardly be the first lured by the thrill, right~?


~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Nikki on Tue May 28, 2024 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Putting in numbers and totals)

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