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Make the infrastructure

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Make the infrastructure Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:37 pm


Carmina gained a request to come and help with the loyalist, she was unsure to why they needed her but if that was a task that they needed of her she would do it. She made her way to the fabrication place and they allowed her in and started having her help them set the traps, her magic was special and it allowed her to learn things quicker by just seeing it be done. She wondered along and she did as they showed her set taps in the grass and the dirt at set distances and they were surprised how fast she had picked it up. They were use to having to correct the people they were having do it but it had seemed that the woman they were sent had been a natural at it, so they couldn't complain about the luck they had been getting with people coming to help keep the place safe from the other factions that had been trying to break in and deal damage.


Make the infrastructure Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:37 pm


The woman once she had completed the laying of the traps task was asked to keep an eye out for those that wished to break into the guarded area and cause harm to the fabricator. It was a simple enough task all it's own but from the rumors she had heard that it was not a completely safe task to be doing all on her own even with loyalists close to her. She would bite the bullet so to say and she would monitor the proximity of the area as they could really come out of anywhere if they had invisibly spells or spells that make them cloaked to the naked eye but she would think her magic would be able to pick up on those acute details and relay them to her mind to use for her self and to be able to reproduce as other things that she had seen on her travels.  


Make the infrastructure Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:38 pm


Carmina had found herself not seeing anyone so she started to think that she was not in real need and then it happened someone casted a spell and aimed it for the fabricator building without thinking Carmina had copied the spell and threw it back at the original spell canceling it out and the loyalists run and jump on the one that had casted who was looking at Carmina with an expression of how did she do that, as if she had done something that was impossible and not suppose to have happened as the loyalists had moved away from that point and make a clear shot for the spell to get there unstopped but that was not what happened as she seemed to have out of no where thrown the spell right back into itself that woman had a rare magic. They lifted and carried off the mage that had attacked. Carmina had to wonder if she had really done the right thing in stopping that but the robots were as well a danger to her home land as they were to others so she felt she had no choice.
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