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Hook, Line and Sink 'Er! [Pirates! NQ]

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Hook, Line and Sink 'Er! [Pirates! NQ] Empty Wed May 24, 2023 4:08 pm


WORDS: 200 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Aw, my angels, mummy misses you too… So much!” Those emerald eyes seeming to sting to no small degree as she looked into the small crystal ball on her table and saw the faces of the little lights which lit her life looking back toward her, Sofia Serena couldn't help but feel like she had to choke back her teers as she looked into those deep and innocent eyes and found her heart throbbing with regret for the distance which separated them, and even had to brush her cheeks a little even as she assured them that she craved their reunion just as much as they did.
“Don't worry, I'll be home soon! I can't wait to see just how big you've gotten, and I'll make sure to bring each of you something special, okay~?” Shaking her head and sighing as she looked toward the delightful duo and felt an urge to cuddle them close and breathe in their soothing scent, it was almost maddening that she was stuck out here on the seas searching for the source of those damnable horns she had encountered, but at the same time she knew that she could not rest easy back home knowing that another cocksure fool might appear and try to raze the place to the ground either.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hook, Line and Sink 'Er! [Pirates! NQ] Empty Wed May 24, 2023 4:09 pm


WORDS: 400 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Looks like Mama is busy today, hm~?” The sound of someone seeming to rap their knuckles upon the door behind her seeming to tell Miss Serena that duty was calling for her none too long after, the siren couldn't help but sigh as her moment of sweet sorrow was cut short by the interruption, and though she wanted to cling to her babies for every moment that she could, the girl with the green gaze knew that the sooner she had the matter settled the sooner she would have her beloved angels in her arms.

“Make sure you look after Lion okay?” Letting loose another breath as she cautioned her cuties to ensure that their usually far from ferocious feline got plenty of their love in her absence, Sofia smiled gently as she caught sight of his main and those ever mysterious eyes peeking up from behind them, and then lifted her hand to wave to him gently.
“I'll talk to you again as soon as I can, okay my babies?” Resting her hand on the orb soon after as she watched the pair pouting and offering reluctant waves as well, in all honesty she wanted her companion to roar and provide them with a portal to connect with more endearingly, but honestly, after this long she was sure that she would never let them go if she had them in their arms. And in this situation, that would do none of them any good.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hook, Line and Sink 'Er! [Pirates! NQ] Empty Wed May 24, 2023 4:09 pm


WORDS: 600 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Vision of the vixen dabbed with a tissue and her spirit a little bit refreshed when she stepped back out into the wind afterward, the boots of the brunette moved across the creaking timbers of a craft which had practically become her home away from home, and all too soon was she carrying herself toward the upper portion of the deck where the captain of the ship waited for her.
“Sooooo… What's the story, morning glory~?” Smiling at him as she so often did and trying as best she could to stow the feeling of distance between herself and the little darlings she left back home with their other mother, once more was Miss Serena letting loose a heavy breath as she felt the freshness of the sea air make her shiver, and shortly after she greeted her partner in this expedition cheerily as she asked after the summons the knock had called her toward.

"That one you were after, Rodrigo…
That looks like his mark?"

The man standing near the wheel of fortune which guided them nodding during her ascent and then offering out a pairing of telescopic lenses which had been further enhanced by magic, Scotty seemed to pause for a second before gesturing to a small shape which sat just before the very edge of their horizon, and then waited for his passenger to lift her lenses to her eyes to look at it properly, though hopefully so…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hook, Line and Sink 'Er! [Pirates! NQ] Empty Wed May 24, 2023 4:09 pm


WORDS: 800 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Let's see what we got here, hm? Lifting what she had been offered slowly and settling them upon her emerald eyes gently, it took Sofia a moment to let her vision adjust to the experience of looking through a pair of binoculars, and especially so given the special enhancements these offered. Blessed with a little bit of magic which allowed them to see far further than any piece of polished glass would allow in this age, the girl tweaked her focus slowly as settled her now confined line of sight upon the insect-like figure that sat upon the horizon, and watched as it seemed to grow before her.

“Looks promising, doesn't it~?” Scanning it thusly and enjoying a view which made it seem less than a hundred or so yards away rather than a league or two, the vixenly voyeur spoke up as she confirmed the fact that it seemed to be decorated with a black flag which bore the banner of the figure they sought, and then she allowed her 'window' to drift downward still to see what else she could spy.
Is that the captain? Able to spot figures on the deck in fact thanks to her augmented sight and as such perusing the pirates who seemed to busy themselves with the task of keeping their vessel on course, who as an added bonus appeared to be ignorant of the fact that they were being watched as well, she studied several of them before finding one who looked like he was dishing out orders and had to guess that this was the man in charge of the operation.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hook, Line and Sink 'Er! [Pirates! NQ] Empty Wed May 24, 2023 4:10 pm


WORDS: 1000 | Shiver Me Timbers!

I can only hope this brings my search one step closer to an end, hm? Sighing again as she allowed her scope to ease back a little and took one last look at the ship itself optimistically, after tracking down ship after ship for clues about where those damnable horns had come from she couldn't help but long for an end to this near-impossible chase, and could see the end in sight now that they had found someone who supposedly had something to do with their distribution. Well, at least if one was to believe the words of the cutthroats they had already captured, of course.

“I've got a good feeling about this one~?” Forcing herself to keep a positive mindset however, the emerald eyed enchantress nodded as she let her optical aid drift back down and looked about to the man beside her, before offering up the object she had been loaned in order to take in the sight of the ship properly.
“Just gotta go in for a closer inspection…” The fair femme feeling eager to get underway with what would naturally follow of course now that her attention was piqued, Miss Serena winked at the man before she made back for the room from which she had come to collect the weapons and equipment which she kept in there, keen on being the early bird and snagging herself a worm. Or perhaps, in this case, the lead on a wyrm, no~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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