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Dragon Ball Sento

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Dragon Ball Sento Empty Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:36 am

[div][/div][div align="center"][a href="https://dragonballsento.proboards.com/"][img style="max-width:100%;" src="https://i.ibb.co/XYKMzZs/redzarmy.png"][/a]
[font face="trebuchet ms"]- [a href="https://discord.com/channels/1074183861593985085/1088559509179486259"]DISCORD[/a] . [a href="https://dragonballsento.proboards.com/"]HOME[/a] -[/font][/div]

[div align="justify"][font face="trebuchet ms"]DB: Sento Ryoku is a Dragon Ball Original Series inspired AU RP focused on the conflict revolving around two major Factions on Earth.

RED Z ARMY is an amalgamation of necessity, and created after the Invasion Wars to battle the Saiyan threat. The Red Z Army combines the martial prowess of Earths mightest fighters and martial masters, alongside the technological prowess of the Red Ribbon Army. Martial Arts Masters serve as 'Generals' in the RZA.

THE KINGDOM is created from the remnants of the Saiyan Kingdom who fled to Earth in hopes of retrieving the Dragon Balls to defeat their Galactic Foe and restore Salada from Destruction. In order to subsidize their lack of numbers The Kingdom has had to adapt, changing its operation to that of a Mercenary Kingdom under the rule of the Monarchy (though there are events which see to change this heirarchy)

SETTING is located solely on Earth. There are means to reach and return from the Spiritual Plane.

STATUS we are currently completing our Alpha trials and are looking at entering the Beta phase. We welcome anyone who is keen to test our systems. All Beta members will recieve rewards for participating and assisting in finding faults.[/font][/div]


Dragon Ball Sento Empty Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:38 am

Dragon Ball Sento
The link above broke for some reason.


Dragon Ball Sento Empty Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:39 am


The link above broke for some reason.

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