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Kingdome Come // DC Multiverse RP

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Kingdome Come // DC Multiverse RP Empty Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:12 pm


Kingdome Come // DC Multiverse RP CeIl0D


It began with portals and ended with despair. In the end, Braniac was the threat that loomed out in the darkness of space. Eyes set upon Earth and Dr. Manhattan himself looking to pit himself against him. Not with his own personal power but instead using the reality they all lived in like a chessbord. Picking and choosing his pieces, heroes and villains from different realities. The Scientist only wanted to prove that he could change the variables just enough and humanity could save itself.

Darkseid soon came and this time the heroes failed. A year of darkness and pain and anguish laid at their feet. Friends turned against friend, enemies turned into allies. War is what it was, a war of Apokolips. Yet their combined forces and help from an old enemy, the heroes of the world turned back time and stopped Darkseid.

Yet even when you take down a God, evil does not rest. A new danger lurks on the end of the universe, or maybe it is underneath it? It is hard to say as the lights of the universe fade away and something slinks beneath the shadows of planets. But in the end, the danger is just after a good laugh.[/align]

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