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一口 Hitokuchi Roleplay!

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#1Hitokuchi Roleplay 

一口 Hitokuchi Roleplay!  Empty Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:15 am

一口 Hitokuchi Roleplay!  Hitokuchi-500x600-ad
一口 Hitokuchi
A bite, sip, word, mouthful

The Kanji has become the embodiment of our roleplaying world. Be it a bite of fantasy as you escape the 9-5, or a sip of freedom as you express your literary creativity. One thing is certain, with just one taste, you'll be wanting more~

We're an 18+ unlimited animanga forum for those who love the weebier things in life. Enjoy our easy-going community of all roleplaying levels and types, where you choose how your story goes!

Multi-genre you can craft your own stories with original characters or start some fandom fan-fiction with the canons you love.

With weekly discussions and in-character themed host club chats, monthly art and writing challenges, and movie/game streaming there's so much more going on than just roleplaying!

Come for the fandom chats and get your otaku juices flowing in our discord server or hangout on the forum. We've got something for everyone!

See you there!

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