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Realms Forgotten: Aurea | Medieval Fantasy RP

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#1Aurea Staff 

Realms Forgotten: Aurea | Medieval Fantasy RP Empty Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:06 pm

[align=center]Realms Forgotten: Aurea | Medieval Fantasy RP THE-ONE
World Plot | Rules | Advertisements | Affiliates

Aurea, a land crafted so delicately and dutifully by her Gods, has thrived for over a millennia with only the slightest bit of strife. Civilizations blossomed, harvests cultivated, and stories of heroes were told to any who would listen. And yet, as the seasons seem to pass, strife has taken hold. Prayers go unanswered, ailments unhealed. The heart of Fairdenn, Aurea’s trading continent, has fallen victim to the assaults of outlaws and bandits harassing its busiest routes, and the curious seasonal bonfires that keep appearing seem to coincide with the cities’ populace going missing. Magic, gifted freely, has gone without a price being paid. While there are those that preach this terror from the rooftops, it seems that Aurea has been abandoned by her creators. And with their disappearance, leads the trickle of Aurea's citizens who are being taken, turning eyes to the smog that surrounds the mines to the North which seems to be growing ever denser...[/align]

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