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Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank)

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Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank) Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:09 am


The day seems to be a perfect day to just relax and just take day off and not fill it with work but for Kaito it seemed to be a day that was going to be spent clearing out buildings and killing off rats or other pests that the owner of the places see fit to have him take out and break down for them. He walked with his hands behind his head as he walked and a yawn escaped his mouth as he kept going as he was a bit tired from all the extra work he had been taking on lately and the massive amounts of running around he was doing this was just another routine job he hoped for no more excitement as he doesn't need to be taking on a giant lizard on top of the plague ridden rats that lived in this shit city that Sleeping Calamity called home and he wondered if he had even met any of them.


Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank) Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:09 am


It mattered very little as there was no need to bother with them until they make a bad move and caused him to have to react to them even though he guessed that he should be, being proactive about them but rumor has it they are just a joke of a dark guild so he wasn't going to worry himself over it till they became a problem and he has to deal with them. He walked up to the home of the client and it doesn't look like they are very well off, he guessed that maybe the shop having the problem had also had an impact on them having to be in this place and he worried that maybe he had walked here too slowly and this problem was about to get him in some deep hot water. He doesn't think that that had anything to do about his pace as he had just gotten this quest this morning so he wasn't just wasting time.


Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank) Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:10 am


He knocks and they answer and they look at him as if he is crazy then he is called to the side of the home and a different person talks to him about the request and he is confused why they had him go up to someone else's place to take this job and they seem to not want the news and local shit talkers to get wind of why the shop was closed so they couldn't risk a mage walking up to their home and be followed by someone talking pictures and it look like back ally dealing even though this is what they are currently doing as they are exchanging ideas and will later be exchanging money between them and trying to talk about details of this request and he hopes to hell this place is an easy fix and he keeps following this other person as they speak to him and try to act normal and not like they are asking him to clear out a major issue for them.


Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank) Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:10 am


They explain that they have rats and there is a huge lizard as well and Kaito sighed as he had jinxed himself that he was going to end up having to deal with one of those while dealing with the rats he was not impressed that this was how his day was going and he was not going to be very happy doing these things but he was just going to have to suck it up and go and deal with it and it is over three buildings that have a connecting door way so they knew what they were doing who ever had done this as it means that it spread like a wildfire Kaito's first guesses are that the owner must have pissed off the staff and they let them in or baited them into a weak spot in the building and then after they acted like nothing had happened.


Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank) Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:10 am


Kaito takes the keys from the owner and he makes his way to the place and he looks around the out side of  the buildings and he doesn't see where they were lured if they were but he guessed the next stop was inside of the buildings and he walks into the first one and he is swiftly attacked by the rats as the lizard seemed to not be around this first place and he keeps his guard up as they fight and he just did what he can but there was a lot of rats and he was getting quickly over run as kunai come flying past him taking out some of them and a smaller woman in a rabbit mask and cloak runs past him and slashes through the rats with her daggers and the woman smirks and says it appeared that he had grown rusty. He sighed as she was right he had let his guard down.


Pest Control 9 (Solo NQ A-Rank) Empty Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:11 am


They don't find the entry point in this building and he hurries with the woman as he fights more rats and the lizard makes it's self known to them as he and the woman fight back to back vs these things and he hopes that they can handle it till lighting and a hammer come flying through the place and he knows who has that a man in a crow mask and a purple cloak runs in summoning his weapons and going wild fighting them and once the lizard was down the three of them check the second building and they still find nothing, no way that they could have gotten in then in the third building the build up was clear as more just kept coming out and attacking them and he keeps moving forward and parrying hits and doing his best not to get murdered by the creatures that were attacking them openly and they get to the area these things were getting in and they get it closed off and they finish off the last of the rats that had gotten in and then they go to get paid and go get cleaned up.
(1013/1000) 50% WC (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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