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Pest Control 9 (D Rank)

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Pest Control 9 (D Rank) Empty Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:58 pm

Emil having taken two weeks off to give his companion time to rest and recover after him getting hurt decided that they should take on another request but one that is smaller and less likely to get them hurt just a small rat infestation for a local mom and pop store that had been in the area for a very long time but some stupid kids that got caught trying to steal had lure rats to come and bother the store to try and get some pay back for what had happened though Emil doesn't agree he knows the spirit of youth that thinks that they have to do such things to get back at those bigger and strong or richer then they are but that doesn't mean that he can just turn a blind eye to them as they did get caught doing it. Emil walks up with indi next to him and they walk into the store and they go into the basement where the rats had broken into the basement.


Pest Control 9 (D Rank) Empty Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:58 pm

Emil figures it will be easy as most of them are just weak younger rats that probably just didn't know any better than to follow the bait and burrowed thinking that there would be more in the basement of the place and he really does not feel it is their fault but he will deal with them none killing style as they were just children themselves. He uses some nearly harmless magic to herd them out of the basement and he keeps herding them down the sewer lines to keep them out of harms way and not to have to kill them and Indi is surprised that he wasn't just trying to kill them and as they were walking back up the tunnel and back into the basement where they start closing up the hole the rats had come in so that they can't come rumbling back in again the exceed asked him why he didn't just go at those rats with the want to kill them like normal and the answer was simple this was a very bad prank and those rats were as much victims as the couple that was running the shop at the time and his pride would not allow him to kill them. They get paid and they go on their way.
(390/350) 30% wc (Gauntlet, companion)

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