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Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral)

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Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:58 pm


Yuurei and Renji thought they would be gone by now, but it wasn’t the case. It would seem like their difficulties in finding the third Lost Page for Kaito were just that, difficult. It sucked that their friend really had bad luck, and it was something that Yuurei had experienced greatly when they were in the East. The others were easier to obtain than that region and he was grateful. The Nephilim was at the edge of a cliff. Behind him, there was the lighthouse that had resided within Port Hargeon. It was a place filled with memories for Yuurei as he looked out to the vast ocean.

His eyes could see the things that were happening out in the water, and of course, he would look over to the port, but that was calm. Renji was next to him as he was napping waiting for his friend to get up and do something for the day.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:59 pm


The berserker was relaxed as he didn’t want to bother anybody, but he wasn’t sure how the day would go. He wanted to stay right here the entire time, but would that really work? While he continued to relax, the Nephilim would see a few things happening within the sea. It would seem like there were two ships moving toward each other. He hoped they would just go by each other, and nothing would happen. He had been hoping for those results since he saw this, but eventually, it happened. One of the ships would attack the other, which would cause Yuurei to shake his head.

“I guess we’re doing something today.” He said out loud, so Renji could hear him.

Yuurei would get up from the ground, and it would cause Renji to open his eyes and he would get up as well. He would look over to Yuurei and he would climb on his shoulder as he knew what they were going to do.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:59 pm


Yuurei would see that his friend was ready, and with that, he would cause his wings to come out from his back. He was ready for what was to come now as he would step off the cliff. It was an exhilarating feeling to go through. He would keep falling onto he was at the altitude where he could fly and he would take off to the two ships. He wondered what was going on, but the only thing that would go through his mind were pirates.

That would 0cause his blood to boil, but he figured taking on the entire ship wouldn’t be a problem to do. He would make his way to the ships Renji would hold onto him as tightly as he could. He wondered how the fight would go, and if anybody there was a challenge to Yuurei.

It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would reach both ships and he could see that there was one ship that was not equipped to fight.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:00 pm


Yuurei would look at the other ship as he could see the cannons being used, and they were doing their best to connect the two ships together. He would shake his head when he saw this, and he would soar down onto the pirate ship. The light mage would land on the deck of the ship and he would look at the group of people around him. They were all caught by surprise when they saw Yuurei appear on the ship because they didn’t see where he had come from. They would all turn to him as they had taken out their cutlass as they were pointing them at him.

“Who are you and how did you get here?” He asked him even though they all clearly saw his wings.

Yuurei would look at them and he wondered who his first victim would be here.

“I came here from the sky of course. But you guys are out of luck because I’m here and you were attacking the other ship.” He said to them with a smirk on his face.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:00 pm


The pirates would hear Yuurei’s words. It wasn’t just that, but that smile also annoyed them. That was when they all started running to him. He figured this was going to happen, and Renji would open his bag. This would cause the items in it to appear all on Yuurei. He was fully equipped, and he knew who he would go after first. He would make his way to the man who spoke to him, and he would slam him straight onto the deck of the ship. He would gasp before falling unconscious and Yuurei would fly straight up to the sky as they attempted to stab him all at once.

He would avoid that, and he would look down at them as he would land back on the ship. He wasn’t sure if they could use magic but doubted they wanted to damage their ship. He would get into a fighting stance as he waited for them to respond to him.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:01 pm


Yuurei would see that they were angrier now, which made him chuckle. He found it funny, but they wouldn’t be able to see him taunting them. They would move to him throughout the deck. The man would pivot his right foot to avoid the blades that were coming to him. He would switch to his left foot when he could as he was enjoying his time. It would seem like they were doing their best to get him a corner, but they should never do that. He would see a pirate trying to cut him, and he would slightly dodge the attack and went for a counterattack.

He would step forward and he would punch the man in the face. It would take him out and when he saw another person coming to his side, Yuurei would kick him straight into his chest and he would collapse grabbing his chest. He would shake his head as he would spin around, and he would backhand another pirate to the ground.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:01 pm


Yuurei was enjoying the entire time, and Renji could feel it. He knew Yuurei enjoyed fighting more than anything. It didn’t matter whether he lost or not. The man was thrilled to do what he could to the best of his ability.

While this was happening, pirates would come from behind him, and they would attempt to attack him. Renji had seen this as he wanted him, but it wasn’t just him. Yuurei could feel the danger coming from behind him, and his cape had also tapped him from both directions letting him know. The Nephilim didn’t have a blind spot because of that, and he would fly into the sky avoiding their attacks.

He would see the people who had done this and he would soar back to the ground and he would take two of them down by grabbing the back of their heads and slamming them to the deck.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:01 pm


The other two would feel Yuurei’s foot on their abdomen. He had used his wings to keep him afloat and used the men as objects to grab onto. Those two guys would fall to the ground as he would flip and land on the ground perfectly. The group of pirates was annoyed that this one man was giving them a difficult time. They wanted to leave now, but they knew that it was impossible. They had to fight even if it meant defeat. They had a feeling not to attack this ship so close to the port, but here they were.

The arcane mage would look over to the group of people in front of him, and he would fly straight to them. He would appear in front of the crowd, and they would all see this. They would start attacking him now that he was so close, but for nothing.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:02 pm


Yuurei would dodge their attacks without a problem as he would counter every attack that missed him with one of his own. They would feel the blows that he had dealt to them. Each of them grunted and fell to the ground. He would just shake his head because this was fun, but boring at the same time. He didn’t feel anybody here was worthy to fight him. He didn’t even think the leader of the ship was worth his time. Still, this ship was going to make it to Port Hargeon and everyone here would be taken to prison.

He would continue his fighting with the pirates without worrying about anything else. They would keep coming to him, but the results were the same. He was too strong, and honestly, they shouldn’t feel bad, he was a monster and in a league of his own. Yuurei would stop attacking as he would see that there was only one person left on the deck of the ship.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:05 pm


Yuurei would look at him and the man would start moving toward him. He would see this, and he would see that the man moved faster than everyone else on the ship. This guy was the captain, but he would shake his head as it was too late. He had lost and he should have fought with his men. If he had done that, then he would have been able to get a couple of hits on Yuurei. Still, it was fine as he was dodging the man’s attacks. He was checking him out to see what he could do. It would seem like he had adopted his own fighting style, which was cool, but it was not enough.

The captain had gotten too close, and it was what Yuurei wanted. It was then that Yuurei would step forward and he would elbow the man right in the abdomen. The man would feel the blow throughout his body as he would grab his stomach and fall to the ground before going unconscious.



Port Hargeon Pirates PT. 6 (Neutral) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:08 pm


Yuurei would see this, and he would sigh as he would look at the entire ship and they were all defeated. It was just a pile of bodies on top of each other. Yuurei would fly to the other ship to see how everyone was doing. They would explain to him that they were fine, but they needed to repair parts of their ship. They were heading to Port Hargeon. The Nephilim would be fine with this, and he would escort them while taking the other ship with them.

When they got to the port, the two ships would dock without a problem, and Yuurei would get Rune Knights to make their way here. It was then when they would arrive, they would see the bodies of pirates just laying on the deck. They would move to Yuurei and they would hand him jewels for taking care of these guys and protecting the innocent. He would gladly take the reward, and he would be on his way to enjoying his day.

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