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Sly Fox

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Sly Fox Empty Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:03 pm


  • The user may not be higher than S-rank.

  • The user must have done 10 RP posts in August before this post.

  • The topic takes place in a forest in Joya.

  • The user must enter the topic and capture the fox without harming it.

  • Whenever the user gets close, the fox may teleport away.

  • There is no hidden secret. Simply play around till you roll high enough.

  • As the user does their post, they may roll a dice.

  • Should the user roll higher than 90, they will receive a headpiece.

  • The user may only attempt to do this once per 48 hours till someone eventually gets it.

  • Speed affects the roll of the user. The number of Speed is divided by ten and rounded down to be added to the roll total e.g. you have 118 SPE which means you get 118 / 10 = 11,8 (rounded down) = 11 added to your roll.

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