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How to Start a War [West -> South]

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#1Odin † 

How to Start a War [West -> South] Empty Sun Jul 31, 2022 2:25 pm

Odin †

Odin knew this journey was going to be long an arduous, but it also brought him a sense of excitement that he hadn't experienced for some time, as he stood atop the Eternal Nightmare guild hall. The 'Spire' he had always called it, he wasn't sure if the name had ever caught on with the other members, but the Eudaemon felt it appropriate to honour the ancient Wischtechian people who had built the grand tower. They had locked it behind the Black Key and given it to the dragon Argyle to hold. So much power held within one roof, a quest that the founding members of Eternal Nightmare had embarked upon to unleash their guild hall. And now it had grown into a spectacular building, full of cultists and dark mages alike. It, along with the city of Oak, was a haven for those who the rest of the world shunned.

Whistling, a much harder task now that he actually had to do it with lips, Odin summoned Nemesis. The undead Dhuilin that had carried the former Lich all over Fiore and further. They had even reached the shores of Desierto together. But today's journey was a lot less challenging than the sandy dunes of the other country. Today, the Eudaemon was flying towards Hargeon, the South of Fiore.

Long the paragon of goodness in Fiore, Hargeon held the longest standing, and most powerful, light guild in all of Fiore: Blue Pegasus. The North now had Paradise Dawn, a new guild that had so far stood the test of time. The West had long been held by the dark guilds of the world: Phantom Lord and now Eternal Nightmare. And while the East had Fairy Tail, many neutral, and dark, guilds had risen to challenge them for their land. But not the South, it had held firm in the encroaching darkness. It was viewed, by all of the land, the bastion of the light.

And that made it the perfect target.

Odin flew through the skies, higher than any could possibly spot him. Through the clouds as he considered his first actions carefully. He knew Alisa as well as a stranger could. They had spoken many years ago, and fought back then too. There had been the chance of friendship between the two, but it was a long forgotten memory. Now they were enemies, and breaking Blue Pegasus would be the first stop in the future plan. The Eudaemon would take only half a day to reach the city, and then the fun would begin.



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