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Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon)

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Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:06 pm


Yuurei had been taking out two dragons so far, and things were intriguing. He didn’t think that dragons were even around, but he was proven wrong twice. Now, he was heading to the Worth Woodsea as he had heard that they were signs of a dragon or something close to it. When he got there, he would be with Renji by his side. It wouldn’t take them long to find the source of the problem. Yes, there was a dragon here, and it was flying around the forest as it would shoot out fire from its mouth and damage the area around it.

This was bad, and Yuurei knew that he had to stop it before it could get worse.

“Renji items please.” He said this to his friend as he would open his bag for Yuurei.

The items that came out would cover his face, his arms, and his chest. He was now fully equipped with everything in this battle as he would move toward an opening. He was going to try and get the attention of the dragon that was attacking nature and possibly the people inside the forest.


Last edited by Yuurei on Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:06 pm


Yuurei would make it to the opening that he had seen, and he would look up into the air as he was waving his hands. He was hoping that the dragon would see him or smell him. He wasn’t sure if this one was an intelligent creature, but the last two he fought were smart and strong as hell. The dragon kept flying though and it wouldn’t do anything but cause more destruction. The Nephilim would shake his head when he saw this and figured that he would yell out loud and gain his attention that way then.

“You stupid ass dragon! Stop destroying the forest and come fight me! I’m a nice strong and juicy meal for you!” He shouted into the air as he was hoping that would do the trick.

The dragon would continue to fly around, but when he heard the shouting, he would look over at Yuurei and Renji.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:07 pm


Renji was nervous when he saw this as the dragon would start moving toward Yuurei. The light mage would see this, and he would turn around and start running away from the dragon. The dragon had found a live prey and it was chasing after Yuurei now. The berserker would keep moving as the dragon was releasing fire breath toward the man. He wouldn’t get hit by the attack by the dragon as he was moving out of the forest. It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would see that they were almost out of the forest.

Renji needed Yuurei to hurry up, so they could start fighting the dragon. He didn’t want to be burnt toast because he was trying to protect the forest so badly. When Yuurei noticed that he was out of the forest, he would turn to see the dragon coming straight toward him. It would try to eat Yuurei, but the Nephilim would grab the dragon by his mouth as he would push it away and off him.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:07 pm


The dragon would spread its wings into the air to stop itself from flying backward. It would lead with a roar as it would look at Yuurei. The light mage would look at the huge creature, and he noticed that he wasn’t that big compared to the others. He would use his tools to summon Galatea and she would appear next to Yuurei as she would look at the dragon in the air.

“We got a dragon to slay Galatea. It’s just trying to destroy the forest and find things to eat. I need to stop it will you help?” He asked her.

She would look at Yuurei for a second and then look at the dragon as it was rushing down to them.

“Of course, I will help you Yuurei. Now let’s take this monster out together.” She said to him as the dragon was rushing straight down to them.

They would ready themselves for the battle that was about to happen now.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:14 pm


Yuurei and Galatea would see the dragon making its way toward them, and when it got close it would shoot out fire straight at them. They would dodge the attack from the dragon, and Yuurei would use his cape to fly into the air instead of transforming. He would make his way toward the dragon this time as he would bring the fight to it. The dragon would move through the air, and it would look over at Yuurei as it would shoot fire straight toward him. The Nephilim would dodge the fire attack, and he would punch the dragon from the side. It would feel the impact and it would find itself falling to the ground.

Galatea would take her claymore in her hand as she would see that the dragon was moving straight toward her, and she would prepare to slice the dragon as well. When it got close to Galatea, she would step forward and slash the dragon as she would be able to wound the dragon.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:25 pm


The dragon would fall to the ground as it was in pain from what the two of them had done to it. Yuurei would look at the dragon from the sky and he would move down to the ground. When he landed on the ground he wondered if they had killed the dragon right away. It would start to move again as it was getting back on its feet. The light mage would shake his head when he saw this because it may have been weak, but it was sturdy like the rest of it all.

“Wyrd head over to Galatea and grant her flight.” He said to his cape.

The cape would go to the summon and it would allow her to fly. Yuurei, on the other hand, would start transforming as his wings would sprout on his back as they were getting ready to continue their fight with this dragon.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:28 pm


The dragon would shake its head and it would roar as it looked over at the two of them. These two had just attacked it one time, but that was enough to show it that they were not weak. It wanted to escape, but how would it be able to do that? It would start taking flight as it would go into the air. Yuurei would see this as he would move into the air as well. Galatea would do the same thing as she was using her master’s cape to fly. When the dragon saw that they were coming for it, the dragon would start breathing fire out of its mouth and toward the two of them.

They would dodge the attacks that were coming for them both. It would seem like it was just throwing it out randomly, so they wouldn’t get too close, but that wasn’t really going to work.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:37 pm


Yuurei would make his way toward the dragon as he had dodged the fire breath with ease. He didn’t think this dragon would be weak, but compared to what he had fought before, he gained amazing experience. The Nephilim would close the gap between the two of them and he would smile as he looked at the dragon. Their eyes had met, and he would swing his right hand straight toward the dragon. Of course, he had purposely made it slow, so the dragon would dodge it. It would do just that, and he would smile because he was a distraction right now.

He didn’t have to speak to Galatea as it seemed like she was making her way toward the dragon right now. When the dragon dodged it moved in the direction of Galatea, which brought her to be able to slash at the dragon once again. She would connect her attack straight through the dragon’s side as she would give the dragon another large wound.



Protecting Worth Woodsea (Dragon Horde Low-Level Dragon) Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:43 pm


The dragon would feel the blow from Galatea’s attack, and it would roar from the pain. It would look over at the woman and it would get ready to attack her. Of course, Yuurei wouldn’t allow that to happen. The berserker made his way to the dragon without hesitating. When it was getting ready to launch a fire breath at Galatea, she would prepare herself from getting hit by the attack.

The light mage would make it on time though as he would be right next to the dragon. It was then he would throw a quick, yet strong punch straight at the dragon. This would connect with ease, and the power from Yuurei would send the dragon crashing down to the ground again. The two of them would drop to the ground, and they would both move toward the dragon. When they got close enough, they would see that the dragon was no longer breathing or moving. They had taken it out without a problem, and they were both able to save Worth Woodsea from fire and destruction.


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