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Pest Control 3 (B Rank)

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Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:46 pm

Emil was once again called upon by the man that had had him going mining for him but today it was different it was a pest problem this time around and he knows that the man can throw his muscle around and some rats should be a total walk in the park and that was no understatement as he thinks Emil could probably one hand lift a bull elephant like the tusks that hung on the mans wall plus just hiring one of the Paradise goons was cheaper then hiring a feel crew of trained people to go in and handle that mess that started to brew in the time he had not focused his time and efforts on getting the place cleaned up when it was only lightly infested and has now snow balled into fully infested. He needs them dealt with as soon as humanly possible as he is to have a crew of people in it to rebuild it in a few days so the man is now fighting the clock on getting it done.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:47 pm

Emil smirks and without a second thought accepts and he calls upon Fina to help him again today as Holly was still very sore from their day in the mines working very hard. The man was happy to hear that the Paradise peon was so willing to do the job for him cause at this point there were not a lot of people that were free and willing to do such a mission as it is the equivalent of having to wide through shit as waist deep to have to deal with rats as they are not overly strong but they would use rat pack tactics to just walk over them and not stop for more then three seconds to have to have to kill another but he would guess that this man must be use to having to fight and doing manual labor as he was so willing to do it.  


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:47 pm

Fina looks at the very odd man that had hired their help and she thinks he is pretty sketchy but she is not going to question her master in these endeavors as he is the one in the guild so he must know better but this man looks like he is loaded and she is half tempted to just take something from the place when they finally finish the request. Emil leads the way and Fina follows after him and she wonders what the game plan this time around is gonna be is it gonna be the same as the last time or was this one gonna be a easier ride or one where he relays more on her then he did last time was he seemed to rush it. Emil this time lets Fina make the plan as he knows he had been a bad team member last time.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:47 pm

Fina steps up to the offer and she is willing to make the game plan for them and this time she hopes he will listen and not just go ham and run off on his own and make her have to worry about it and have to run chasing after him like he was some invincible god that he clearly was not as he was still a human and he can be hurt but that also leaves him as a strange case as he seems to just bounce right back after it was all said and done like that is why he lives to just be a giant body shield to them. Emil seems to never stop and just keeps pushing forward and there was never a second that he could really seem to relax as he could be doing something or saving some one. Fina wondered where he gets the energy as he is not as young as he use to be but she guessed it was different being a half elf then being a human so she guessed.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:47 pm

She leads him in while going over the plan with him and the trouble of the rats was clear from the second that they stepped over the thresh hold of the door way and she was quick to start changing her plan as it was now flawed beyond simple repair and she needed Emil to act swiftly and Emil ran in and he started to punch and hinder rats as he went as they were all just streaming in like some one had broken open a dam and he was not gonna just stand by and let them get to his friend but he was more just having fun as the plan was not going for now but he was gonna keep the rats at bay till they were in need of him to change up the plan once again. Emil just allows his fists to do the talking as the demi-human shark woman casts spells to help him while she collected her thoughts to make a new plan for them.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:47 pm

Fina was unsure what to do here as she had not thought they would be needing to swap plans of attack so suddenly before the first plan had even had time to go into effect Emil just seemed like he was having fun while he fought through the rats that had come so willingly to him and didn't even waste a moment of his time to stop and question if he was too big of the threat for them to handle. The rats seemed nearly mindless as they come in and were met by either Emil's fist or a water spell from the demi-woman woman that was kind of pissed off that her plan had failed and they they were flying once again by the seam of their pants on the winds of the punches that Emil is throwing to clean up the beasts that were running forward at him with reckless abandon.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:48 pm

Fina wondered if this was a setup or if maybe someone was controlling these rats to do the task they are doing right now as they were acting stranger then the normal rats that they have to deal with on these kinds of missions as these rats are just running in like they are blinded to the dangers they are facing and they are just fighting like they are simple pawns to wear them down before the real big boss comes and sweeps them up while they have no fight left in them. Fina tells Emil that he best make sure that he keeps some energy in reserve in case her feelings were right about this. Emil nods his head as he had also felt that something was wrong and he gets back with her and moves into what looks like a safer area where they can rest a bit and recover.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:48 pm

Fina looks over the buildings plans and she starts making a plan and a path that they need to take to get there as they recover and she wonders what the big plan was and how it was gonna effect them and how this mission will end and she throws up here hand and sighs she was not a very good tactician and all the unknowns are making her shark brain swim and her to feel watered down and not able to catch her footing in the brain flood that she had just been over come by and she looked at Emil who was just laying back resting and pretty much just being empty minded there and she wonders how he can be so calm. She is panicking and he is just laying there no looking like he has a trouble in the world to worry about or to even have to deal with.


Pest Control 3 (B Rank) Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:48 pm

She can't even understand if it is because he is stupid or because he is unwilling to die that makes him be able to be so calm but she needs to start looking out for herself if he doesn't start showing some concern soon and show this time he is playing for keeps for their lives and not just dumbly rush off but she knows he can't do that and she has no idea how Holly deals with it. She points him a new way out and they head out of the way that she had pointed as it gave them a better path to the lower levels where they needed to seal and kill rats and find their leader at. as they get into it the place looks like a lab of some sort and a demi-human rat man is at its center with a helmet on his head talking to himself saying he can't find them and then they walk up to him and Emil hits the helmet and breaks it and the man loses control of the rats and they scream in anger as they start to pile in to the lower levels and the demi-human rat man runs away down a tunnel with the rats running right behind him chasing him. Emil sighs then he closes the tunnel way in that they had used then they left to report to the man that they had gotten it cleared out and what was in there.

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