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Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:55 am

Maneuvering back and forth between Hargeon and Marigold was proving to be a taxing endeavor, one that at first she had imagined being simple, easily manageable and achievable. Yet, Vyra was coming to the realities that even for as much as she may have felt herself capable of doing all of this traveling, of these jobs that she had begun to take with a fervor that was based not so much in what was worthwhile but rather out of a misguided sense of duty. She had in part come to allow herself to believe that while she was in Blue Pegasus, there was an expectation that came with her being there, one that could have only been described as perhaps slightly irrational, if nothing else certainly something that if nothing else was hard fostered by what Alisa had done for her already. She had given Vyra a home and opportunities that the girl never could have imagined being the benefactor of.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:55 am

Thus, she owed Alisa, in more ways that she could have probably ever factored it out to be. It was not rooted in reason, so much that it was out of a sense of what she could have done. What she should have done. For a period that spanned almost two years and counting, she had lived within refined luxury, a guest of Blue Pegasus, a guest of Alisa Vollan personally, and never had she been forced to accept any sort of responsibility. The trials and challenges that most people, not just those within the guild, but those throughout Fiore had to constantly survive despite of, she never had to be worried towards them. It was a seat of luxury, one that spawned contempt and jealous through no shortage of people, those looking in from beyond the realm of Blue Pegasus, but even those within Blue Pegasus too, there had become a growing amount who viewed her status as unfair. When she finally did join Blue Pegasus, while it did resolve many of those internal feelings, there were some who remained to their core.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:56 am

For them, but for Alisa more than anything else, Vyra had slaved away at trying to make money, not for herself, but as much for the guild. Every jewel that was put towards her living there, the delight that she was provided, it was more money that had been taken out of whatever sort of investment vaults the Blue Pegasus Guild had saved. And though Alisa had personally told her not to worry about any of it, she could not help it. She could not help but find herself living with a sense of guilt that she was not pulling her weight more appropriately than what she could have been doing. While she still lacked control of her Magic, and while her personality seemed to lay dormant throughout much of things, it did not change the fact it were still a risk and tons of jobs that would have perhaps paid far greater than what Vyra otherwise stood to make, she did not trust in herself enough, nor did she trust her control over her own self enough, to dare attempt something like that.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:56 am

And so, there she were again, as much spending some time to herself, enjoying the smells of the sea water that cast just upon the Hargeon Docks. A place that had become like a second home to her, it was easy for anyone really to find her there, basking in the sun, watching as everything happened, all of the operations of the ships as the summer came forth and brought with it a level of trade and commerce that had been sorely lacking over the past several months. It was a booming time, and Vyra, reinvigorated, her joining in Blue Pegasus giving her a new appreciation for all of this, particularly that of the free time that at time she had come to think was limited. In truth, part of it was limited; the obligations and expectations that had now come with Blue Pegasus also extending to working her schedule around that of whomever it was that she was working with on a particular job. The free caring approach that so often Vyra had taken towards things in the past two years, much of that behavior would have to change.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:56 am

To her benefit though, there were not nearly as many jobs as would have been available to her in the immediate aftermath of her joining Blue Pegasus. Perhaps in part motivated by Alisa who wanted to ensure that the girl was properly eased into the approach that the guild had taken, or otherwise motivated for other reasons. Whatever it may have been, or whatever that particularly prompted it, Vyra at least appreciated that the blanket assumption she had put for herself in terms of having to do one thing or another was not similarly felt to the degree that she would have to do something as crazy as fighting dragons or to that nature. Instead that it were simply just tasks that were scattered throughout parts of Hargeon, much of which were areas that were relatively safe. Maybe a task or two that at worse would have had her going out to some place like Marigold, a town that neighbored Hargeon, but even then it would be something that was relatively safe.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:56 am

The greater risks that were posed, the stories that Vyra had heard in taverns in the past as far as mages who were fighting against Dragons, battles that left entire villages destroyed, there was a part of her that sort of did not want to encounter that, but also there was a part of her that was motivated, curious to see what those jobs were like. Even seeing the world for that matter. From her vantage on the docks, she spent no shortage of time listening to the stories of travellers, of former pirates, and those who worked the ships that came in and out of the dock, listening as they described the tales of what they encountered, the stories that were told. All of it together led her to become fascinated by it, and there was a part of her that whether or not she recognized it at the time, wanted to join Blue Pegasus for that chance. Knowing that guilds lived that kind of life, it was tempting to be a part of it, to be involved in that.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:57 am

Today was not going to be one of those days. She would not board the next ship that happened upon into pier, as exciting of a prospect that that may have been, but it would not be one in which the thought did not occur to her about what her future would be like. She could have stayed in Hargeon forever, never feeling the need to go outside the realm of the south of Fiore, or even out of Hargeon for that matter, but would that be a fulfilled life? Had she had a fulfilled life up to this point? Were she not entitled to some level of peace and delight after what she had gone through prior? Her life before meeting Alisa would suggest that, but the life that she also built after having met Alisa made her start to wonder that as well. There was a world out there, she had seen glimpses of it on the way to here, but never had been able to go out as far as she would have liked. Maybe this would have stood to be the chance for her to do just that. Maybe some day.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:57 am

A sound echoed out from sea, similar to that of a horn, or perhaps a loud bell being tolled. Quite what it was did not matter so much, more that instead it was sound. Everyone, including Vyra, whom had spent so much time there that she had become loosely aware of the lingo and typical patterns, all knew what was coming next. A ship that was slated to dock in the pier. Those whom had been lingering about, putting in half efforts of work quickly began to move. When the seas were quiet, it was easier to not put forth complete effort, allowing the day to drag about as needed, but as soon as a ship were to dock, suddenly things picked up quick. Efforts doubled, whatever the role that a person may have had instead shifted and was put into high gear; the last thing that could have been afforded was the idea that the docks were not prepared, nor worse even that that sort of delay threatened to slow things down.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:57 am

Doing that was risky, risky enough that on a particularly busy day – which this was not fortunately – it put not only business, but also lives in jeopardy. When ships docked, it did not just provide them with a chance to unload their goods, but also allowed for their crews to get off, and in the cases of where there was someone injured or otherwise ill, enabled them a chance to get to the healers that were within Hargeon. It was not a rare thing, actually something that was quite common actually, and though in some cases the ships had a healer that was able to tend to the wounds or ailments, most ships did not, nor did some who did have the proper gear and equipment to properly deal with the matter. Thus, when the days were terribly busy on the docks, the longer it took for a ship to be properly unloaded to allow another ship in, the worse it stood to have been. And this was not something new; it was often common practice for new hires to be taught this important lesson.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:57 am

What was not taught though was how those who did not work within the docks would take to the idea and practice. Unfortunately, while there were serious matters that came about with allowing a ship to be stuck, for many, including those who sought to profit off of the ships, they viewed this as a perfect chance to sneak by and grab whatever they could have from the unloaded crates. In situations here where the workers were going slow or otherwise were being overwhelmed, it was not uncommon for goods unloaded to remain in large crates all along the docks, many of which were not tended to, or if they were with the most minimal of focus and attention. It made it very easy for someone to go ahead and take for themselves something that they found of particular interest. Even during something that, even if they happened to have been caught, it would have far more likely been that they would have managed to escape through the alley ways. After all, time spent chasing after something stolen was less time unloading a busy dock.



Pirates #16 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:57 am

For that reason, it made Vyra’s presence so valuable. So much so that they were not opposed to paying her a small stipend to ensure that at worst, if there were smeone trying to steal from the crates, it would be someone who could stop them, or at the minimum at least try. Just enough so that focus would not be taken away from the ships being unloaded. And in no time whatsoever, as the ship signaled that it was coming in, so too did a pair of youths, no more than a few years younger than Vyra maybe, looking to plunder from the crates. However, before they were even able to get a real chance at looking through the crates, having barely managed to pull open one of the more securely-sealed crates, they found the Demi-Human upon them. The first one did not have time enough to react, being immediately pushed into the water where it would have taken them some time to process what just happened. The other was more reactive, able to at first get away, but in trying to avoid Vyra, they ran right into a dock worker that was carrying a crate, the edge of it colliding with the youth’s head. With blood now coming from a large gash upon their head, the youth was taken away by a pair of security guards stationed as well as the one who was just getting out of the water. Vyra was paid, and as the ship pulled in, she loosely parted ways, returning to the idea of just watching, thinking about what had been going on.


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