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Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:31 pm

She sat there, watching again. Much like how she had done time and time before, Vyra could not help but appreciate the docks within Hargeon, how they seemed to provide just a level of peace and calm, something that she was desperately needing after her time in Marigold. It was not even that the experience itself was so bad, but rather the people themselves that tarnished everything about it. What should have been the fun little escape out of the madness that was her life over the past several months instead had become something that harkened far too much of a reminder towards that even the encounter that she had faced while in the custody of the Witch Hunters, as brutal and painful as it was, was something that the world just was. It was cruel, the people were cruel, and while Hargeon often stood as an example that dispelled that idea, it did not change the fact that the hatred of man was very much alive.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:31 pm

As a member now of Blue Pegasus, she had the benefit of being within a guild, which was a benefit that could not have been said by most of the people within the city of Marigold, a place where Magic was much more of a rarity than it was any sort of standard. That left little reason for the guilds, little reason for them to be anything other than a force that sometimes came in, accomplished a task, usually one that the people themselves could not achieve, and then move on to leave the people to their own devices and goals. Thus, mages were held in a weird situation where they were neither respected and appreciated, but neither quite hated or reviled either. They walked a weird middle ground, but however they felt about mages, it was second towards the ideals of racism and bigotry that were becoming more and more common within the people, much of which had been propagated by the people themselves out of the Theater.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:32 pm

For Vyra, she found that to be the worst thing about all of it, that Marigold was not a city of racists. It was a place that had good people, that created great art, but it was being lost among a crowd and belief system that was there not because the people believed in it, but because it was popular. It was the easy thing for people to get behind, to appeal towards, to sell their souls in a manner of speaking in the pursuit of getting more important, of building up their respective wealth and fame. The actual people did not matter to them, the repurcussions of spreading this propaganda wasn’t important, but only that by doing this they were building up their careers. In a vacuum, it made complete sense, there was nothing wrong to be had of it, but it did not change the fact that people were fostering those beliefs and ideals into ones that were their own, and thus, you had the ugly situation that was Marigold now.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:32 pm

So to be out in Hargeon again, a place that she often found herself, it was just a general relief, a nice contrast to the things that she had been exposed to while in Marigold. Obviously, it was something that she always took an appeal towards, the docks having become probably her favorite place in Hargeon outside of the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall, of which she could now finally say that she was a member of, but they were very much something that she could enjoy without having to include the note of her only being a guest, albeit a welcome guest to the guild. That was her home now, no question or disputing it. And while the Hargeon Docks, loathed to accept anyone within their ranks or people who were not there, it was impossible not to recognize that they at the minimum recognized Vyra, if not even respected her somewhat.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:32 pm

Certainly now that she was a member of Blue Pegasus did they view her in greater respects than they may have before. The tattoo upon the outer thigh of Vyra was not just there for decoration, but was also something to denote a sense of respect. Vyra was a unique character within Hargeon, with much of the city – although respecting and recognizing her – also seemed to regard her as a bit of an odd one. She was, or at least, had been known as Alisa’s Pet, a term that as much expressed her not being in Blue Pegasus, but rather being a favorite of the Blue Pegasus Guild Leader Alisa Vollan, whom Vyra had come to view as an almost mother-like figure. But, while it from one perspective could have been wishfully interpreted as a sign of respect and admiration, many knew that the term was really meant to be that of disrespect. While she may have been a friend to Blue Pegasus, she was an odd one in Hargeon, one that few by their own merits or reasons, truly respected.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:32 pm

It had often gone in ways that had ended up hurting Vyra even, one arguing that the situation that lend to her being within the confines of the Witch Hunters was attributed ot that nature. She was not Blue Pegasus, therefore not subject to the same protections that would have been given to them otherwise. Instead, she was just someone that if someone wanted to go ahead and hurt, they were fully capable of doing towards. If they wanted to cause the maximum level of agony as possible to Alisa, like how the Witch Hunter Aegir had tried to accomplish, they were fully within the capabilities of being able to do just that, and if it had not been for something, quite what it was still remaining a mystery to Vyra, she likely would have been in that position of being an instrument of war for the Witch Hunters and their allies.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:33 pm

She shuddered at the very thought of that, that outside of her own body and her control that Vyra would end up being used as a weapon. She feared the idea of it, how it may have been put into application and usage, but the one thing that was plainly evident was that regardless of how she may have felt towards it, how it would have scared or hurt the Demi-Human, the Witch Doctors did not care. Never once they did seem to convey any sort of care towards Vyra, and it hurt. The entire ordeal was one that she doubted she would be able to move past entirely, but that did not mean that she was going to remain like that forever. She was in Blue Pegasus now, and if that scenario were to come up again, though she prayed that it would never, she hoped that she would be strong enough to handle it.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:33 pm

Those were the thoughts that at times had swirled within her head, some of them being a constant reminder of things, other times simply just a means to remind her that she is nto the same little girl who had come into the world scared. She was stronger now. More capable, more independent, smarter, having seen a great lifetimes’s worth of pain and having turned that into perservence. It was there in her composure, it was there in her walk, in how she presented herself. She may not have felt it or seen it on her own, but others knew. Those who may have questioned her once upon a time certainly recognized the change and came to more and more appreciate it. Even some of those who at one point or another would have referred to her as Alisa’s pet, they even found themselves shifting their tone. It was welcome, and even at the docks, thought they may not have said it themselves, they similarly saw the change.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:33 pm

Thought they would never go as far as to welcome Vyra amongst them, they acknowledged that the girl whom had spent so much time here, over the span of a few years now, had shown maturity and growth thoughout all of it. From a time in which she simply admired the happenings of the dock to potentially finding herself involving herself within the theft that had long plagued the docks, to overcoming that hurdle in her life to returning to the Demi-Human whom some admired, some lusted over, but above all everyone acknowledged properly as a person. And yes, while some of that respect came from the fact that she knew Alisa and was very close, it did not change the fact that there was some level of respect that was naturally built as well, not just that of which was to be expected because she happened to have be close to the guild master.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:34 pm

It did certainly help, having been so close to Alisa, but it did not change the fact that respect was never given, but earned. At least, it should have been. Vyra struggled to earn that respect, but in time it did seem like the threshold that was required for her to become something more was becoming more achieveable as time went. It also helped that people came to appreciate her more as a person as well. While some did still view her as just Alisa’s Pet, there were those that as she got to know her better, they more and more came to know her as a person, a person who has struggled throughout no doubt, but at the very least someone who had overcome and was still able to grow. That was a trait that could not be simply gained by being close to Alisa, but something that had to be fostered. And in time, as people came to realize that about Vyra, the more she was accepted.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:34 pm

The people at the docks had appreciated this a bit sooner than others relatively, and some of it had come to the fact that she had begun to go ahead and find her own place developed her preferred stance and morals. Stopping from engaging within the thefts and services that littered throughout the docks, even prior to and following the whole saga with the riots, was a key asset that was seldom appreciated fully. For her to be able to stop engaging in what was a very easy and addictive way of making money in robbing and was able to turn it around to stopping people from following in that track, it was enough to merit respect out of them. So, her presence was welcome, if even just to serve as another sort of eyes that could be watched upon while everyone took care of their own business. To know that someone else was there watching made it so that their own jobs could done much more easily.



Pirates #15 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:34 pm

And this was no exception, Vyra happening upon a trio of youths, often the ones who were most involved in the thefts that took place within the docks. It was because it was so easy, and there were so many merchants who were willing to look the other way, to appreciate the goods that were available and then offer far less than what they were worth but for young children and teens was more than what they had, it was a perfect system to further breed and allow for this behavior to take place. So, when Vyra was looking out for them, she could not help but take attention and watch, and sure enough, much like how in times past, as the teens began to rummage through the crates that were left unintended, the Demi-Human sprang forward. Not applying violence to them, but rather instead just the simple method of tossing them into the water. A good shove, especially an unexpected one, was enough to get them off their feet and now treading water, and loudly enough too that all attention was thrown upon them. Once they were out, even if they didn’t have anything on their persons, it was clear enough why they were in the water. It was simple, easy, didn’t take much work on her part, and like how she had begun to build respect amongst the people at the docks, it only further helped her case.


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