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Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom

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Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Thu Jun 02, 2022 3:54 pm

Quest: Chief's Heirloom

Rank: B

Type: Good

Requirements: None

Chief Kahuna Wailani: Upbeat and laid back, Chief Kahuna is the jovial sort who many might not realize is actually the leader of the town and the whole island in general. Traditional in nature but not lost in his dogma, he respects and welcomes outsiders and is a subtly spiritual man, who believes that the grand designs of the gods are beyond mortal comprehension, and therefore embraces a mantra to seize the day rather than worry about the big stuff.

Keanu Mahoe: The younger brother of Iolana, in many ways the two seem to be opposites in that he is energetic and rowdy compared to the smooth subtlety of his sister, yet he puts these qualities to good use as a young member of the islands tribal warriors. Not quite old enough to be considered an adult and more of a trainee, he has strength and talent aplenty but is somewhat hot-headed, and seen as someone who would make a good leader if and when he gets his impulses and temper under control.

Summary: Unfortunately the Chief has lost a family heirloom that has been passed down through the generations for years and has asked you to scour Aina forest looking for it.

War Hog: An old boar who has effectively become the animal 'boss' of the forest, whether it be divine protection or stubborn spirit but this creature has survived for years, and is seen as a great prize by the local huntsmen. Unfortunately a tough bugger and more akin in size to a rhino than a pig, it has fought off every attempt to claim it, and continues to rampage around the woods even now when it is covered in scars in search of any and every scrap it can find to sate its bottomless appetite.

Objective: Head into Aina Forest and search for the chief's lost heirloom, and ultimately reclaim it.

  • Head to Aina Forest and start searching.
  • As you do so, you run into Keanu Mahoe, who is also searching for it.
  • Apparently the lad is responsible for the loss, he borrowed the item to help bring him luck when battling the War Hog in the woods, but unfortunately failed in his attempt and lost the item.
  • Joining him in the search, you find it has ended up in the den of that same Beast, and it isn’t happy to find you snooping around.
  • Battle the War Hog alongside Keanu, who unfortunately is still a little worse for wear after his last encounter.
  • Beat the War Hog and return to the village, earning yourself not only your reward and renown for your deed, but also a hearty meal and a bro for life!


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:47 pm


I will be taking this quest


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Thu Jul 14, 2022 4:23 pm


Sign-up: Link
Mission Link: Link
Reward - Yuurei:
  • +10,500 Exp (20% Nephilim, 10% Companion, 10% Lvl 2 Guild)
  • +155,000 Jewels (10% Companion, 25% Reputation, 20% lvl 4 Guild)
  • +5 Speed
  • +300 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:02 pm


Kaito is on the case.


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:06 pm


11,250 Experience (10% human bonus+10% companion+20%guild+10%Div)
190,000 Jewels (20% human bonus+Empress aura 20%+20% rep+10% companion+20%guild)
300 Fame/Rep
5 Str

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:11 pm

Go D. Drakkon
@Kaito Todaro has completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:51 am

I'm taking this quest


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:54 am

200000 J (Human 20%, New Member 30%, Relic 20%, Armor 20%, Reputation 10%)
12000 XP (Human 10%, New Member 30%, 20% Guild Lvl 3)
300 Fame
5 Strength
No extra reward
Required words: 825 (-10% Guild Lvl 2, 20% Necklace, 15% shield)



Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:32 pm

Kishin has completed this quest.


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:58 am

Taking this with Drakkon

#11Go D. Drakkon 

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:06 am

Go D. Drakkon
Mission Link: Link
Go D. Drakkon Reward:

  • 13,500 exp (15% Armor, 20% Ring, 10% Relic, 20% Companion, 5% Weapon, 10% Guild Level 2)
  • 145,000 Jewels (15% Helmet, 15% Armor, 5% Weapon, 5% Relic, 5% Ring)
  • 5 Intelligence
  • 300 Fame

@Alexandre Reward:

  • 7,500 experience
  • 160,000 Jewels (20% Ring of Muu , 20% Lady Luck Coin, 20% MoneyBag's Necklace)
  • 1 Endurance
  • 1 Strength
  • 1 Speed
  • 1 Constitution
  • 1 Intelligence
  • 300 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:39 am


Alexandre and Drakkon have completed this quest.

#13Michael Winters 

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:55 am

Michael Winters
Taking this with Toga


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:04 pm


Mission Complete!
For me~
  • + 65000 Jewels (New Member Bonus)
  • + 6500 exp (New Member Bonus)
  • + 300 Fame
  • +1 CON
  • 4 SPD

And for  @Michael Winters
  • + 77500 Jewels ( 55% Increase from New Member + Companion Bonus)
  • + 7500 exp ( 50% increase from New Member + Companion Bonus)
  • + 300 Fame
  • +5 END


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:45 pm


Michael Winters was rewarded accordingly along with Toga, even though his Rank Currently says D rank, he does have enough XP to be considered C there by allowed to get the B rank rewards for this.

#16Fei Yu 

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 6:52 am

Fei Yu
taking and handing in:


Explorers Belt, Oakley and Shield lower my WC needed by 50% meaning I only need to do 750 words~

Jewel Bonuses: 100,000 +15% (Faifnir Skin) + 20% (Belt) +10% (Nyancelot) +20% (Ring) +15% (Necklace) = 180,000 J total.
EXP Bonus: 5000 + 15% (Faifnir Skin) +15% (Nyancelot) +20% (Tarot) +15% (Necklace) = 16.500
300 Fame
5 SP to Int


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:17 am

Yu Ming has completed this quest.

#18Salem E. 

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Wed May 15, 2024 9:29 pm

Salem E.

Taking this on Solo.

#19Salem E. 

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:49 pm

Salem E.

Mission Link: Link
My Rewards:
Explorers Belt decreased WC needed by 20%. The 1,200 was met.

  • Jewels: 175,000 = 100,000 +15% (Faifnir Skin) + 20% (Belt) + 20% (Guild Bonus) + 20% (Ring)
  • EXP: 9,375 = 7,500 + 15% (Faifnir Skin) +10% (Guild Bonus)
  • 5 Intelligence
  • 300 Fame


Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:10 am


The ravens have observed Salem completed the quest

Luluhawa Island - Chief's Heirloom Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

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