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Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:49 pm

The hard crackle of lightning resonated throughout the pier, causing no shortage of eyes to stop and look beyond, staring into the distant waters that lay ever extending throughout the port of Hargeon. Rain, it was consistently a thing of which none of the workers ever wished to be working in. It was better than snow at least, at least in most circumstances, but this was hardly one such instance. Harsh lightning cascaded down throughout, the slow crawling thunder that loomed afterwards, to the point where it was almost as sure a thing that the workers could pace their time around it. The intervals of lightning, more and more frequently lighting up the sky killed whatever pace that they had set for themselves. With each crackle, a silent prayer was felt throughout all of them, that the time between it and the next boom to fill the sky would be longer than what it had been before. As the timing of it hastened, the pace at which they moved increased.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:50 pm

Lightning stood as one of the greatest risks that could have come from working on the docks. Beyond the inherent risk that came with lighting crashing down upon the no shortage of heavy metal pieces that surrounded the ships, much of which tied to the docks that they were working on in that given moment, but the general risk that came out of lightning strikes in general. As the spring rolled in, the threat that they presented was far greater than what may have been posed towards them and ships than say what winter would have presented. Not to dismiss the winter season as being something that posed no threat towards the ships, as there was plenty of it; the lone benefit that the winter had were there were far fewer ships that sought to dock within Hargeon, thus whatever risk that may have been posed by ice had been minimized considerably.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:50 pm

However, a lightning storm that were set to arrive during the beginning of the spring, a time when more and more ships were looking to dock, many of which were stocked full of cargo that was to be exported throughout and people as well? It was a recipe for disaster, one that potentially risked numerous lives but also thousands of jewels worth to businesses throughout not only Hargeon, but Fiore as well. Hargeon Docks, despite what reputation had been given to the area in recent days, was still one of the major ports within the country of Fiore, and no amount of criticism or perceived injustices by the politicians who were waging a culture war against them was going to have dire enough of an effect to cause the greater sea trade of Earthland to make a collective decision to go elsewhere. Whatever one may have felt towards it or the companies that worked there, Hargeon Docks was there to stay.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:50 pm

A pause in the lightning gave enough reason to believe that there was going to be nothing more than a scare, everyone seemingly stopping in their tracks as they looked outwards, watching and waiting ,hoping that they did not have the misfortune of hedging their bets too early. Some more time passed, a few seconds, maybe a minute or two, it seemed that time just slowed down for them all, no real work or effort put towards anything, nor anything accomplished as they waited. A reassuring feeling began to spread through all of them like that of a virus, smiles and concerned looks departing for those of relief, a sense of general excitement radiating throughout. The panicked state that they had been working at only moments earlier waned away, lending to them returning to a more calm, collected pace. Then came the crackle that rippled through the otherwise quiet night, a blinding illumination of intense heat that torched through the skies, killing any hope that worst had come to pass.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:51 pm

Only moments later before it came, a booming echo that radiated through the dark clouds like that of the heavens opening just above. A beautiful image for what was to the many dock workers a true look of hell personified. In a frenzied state, they spread out, doing everything in their capabilities to finish their work as fast as possible. An overreaction in part, it was nevertheless the only sort of response that they could have taken. Whatever they had once figured about the storm, believing it to have gone a different way and forsaking them was proven wrong in that last clasp; the storm was on their heels. In no short order, it was going to be that the thunder would collapse down upon them all, and nobody wished to be out there to see what sort of wreckage would be left. Like a platoon mobilizing for battle, they moved with a level of urgency that was seldom seen, certainly not one paid towards deadlines, but rather one for their own preservation.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:51 pm

Their reactions were quick, precise, everyone doing every little thing that could have been done to both cut down on the time being out there as much as ensure their own protection. Not just their protection from the risk of lightning itself, but the rest of the weather. The heavy rains, the gusts which blew with the intensity to lift a man completely off of his feet if unprepared, and the cruel waves that slammed against the dock, sending small tidal waves in their own right crashing upon the pier. All of these were the dangers that came with working, and for men whose working patterns and success were as much reliant upon themselves as others, it became as important that the first man be as capable of working in those conditions as did the second and the third. Especially with how busy the port had become in the recent weeks, for the production line to be slowed down would potentially have disastrous ramifications.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:51 pm

And so they moved, quick as they could. The man ahead knew what was needed, and the order was conveyed, one to the other to other, the end result being the ones atop the ships quickly sorting through what had already been unloaded and sending it down the line. Every ship had a different system for categorizing their goods; in some cases preferring to label and categorize by raw size, the actual dimensions of the items in transit. Others preferred to go by quantity, how many of something could they have fit within a respective crate. Some ships preferred to go by apparent worth, which crates contained the items that in total made them more worthwhile while others also looked at the cumulative totals but towards weight instead of value. The exact method was never the most important thing; rather it was instead that the ships were organized to some degree. With any sort of organization method, rarely were ships able to have their goods unloaded quickly. Thus, they were the ones most often left behind in situations like this.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:52 pm

For the rest, it turned into an ever constant juggling game, determining what ships were the most worthwhile to unload, what items to prioritize based on how they had provided the information to the trading companies and others who handled the docks, and relying on the information being accurate; all of it had to be taken into consideration. And even then, sometimes with all of the information at their disposal, it became hard to tell just what to rely on, to know exactly what the weather would allow for in terms of time, what they had the physical capabilities of unloading. It was no uncommon that a ship that they sought to unload before any other had to be abandoned completely due to them being so pressed for time that they lacked the means of being able to unload even the least valuable of the cargo in favor of other, less valuable ships.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:52 pm

They worked tirelessly, almost robotic even. One crate off the ship followed by another. And another. Each minute passed came with it another large sum of jewels that had been preserved and not lost to the storm, but even as the crew moved with incredible speed, faster than that of what several crews under normal circumstances could have hoped to achieve, they had still done relatively little to clear through the existing backlog. Each dock in which a ship could be harbored in were full, and multiple ships had been instructed to set anchor just off the port in anticipation of being next to be unloaded. That was before the storm had rolled in, when it seemed that urgency was hardly a thing that they should have factored. Now, each captain whom had left their ship out in the water, confident that nothing was going to put their cargo at risk were watching with baited breath out of the taverns that ran along the dock, hopeful that their ships made it through the night.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:52 pm

She had been there with them, not as a captain, but rather instead just looking to get away for a little bit. With the festival in Hargeon having come to full effect, Vyra had felt a bit more isolated than what she had before. Not for fault by any of the members of Blue Pegasus, but her lacking actual membership of the guild, although something that throughout her time in Hargeon had never been an issue before, had suddenly become one that could not be looked back, regardless of how established she may have felt herself. Vyra did not know why it was that she was being denied access to so many of the festivities going on, but she could not help but take a small bit of delight knowing that this storm were on its way. Poetic justice in a manner of speaking; for she knew that it was not the decision of Alisa to keep her out, but rather just the city itself thinking it knew best.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:52 pm

It didn’t mean that she felt bad at all towards those who had their ships docked out during the storm, knowing that they were at risk. Them though, there was something different about how she felt towards them. It was almost pitiful in a way; they did not ask for the sort of weather to become like this. They were as much victims of the laziness on behalf of the trading companies whom had chosen to take barebone crews out to unload the ships. Only now, with the storm nearly all around them, did they find a sudden sense of urgency. It’s a fate that few could have seen coming, but everyone was suffering from. At least everyone who had a role within it. Vyra was a bystander, an onlooker, someone who if there was to be any involvement, it would have been an unnerving sight, praying that the shipment that you may have gambled your fortunes on were at the mercy of not only the crews working, but the weather as well.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:53 pm

There were enough reason to be curious about it all, but for Vyra, the thought that was going around her head, and likely those of plenty of others around as well, were how much money was possibly tied towards those crates. If something were to happen, whether it a lightning bolt strike at the docks and force the workers to abandon what they were doing, or worse even strike upon one of the ships and spark a fire, there were certainly going to be people whom would risk their safety for the sake of profit. To steal from the docks, which was not a rare thing by itself, was dangerous due to the likelihood of being stopped, but stealing during a heavy lightning storm brought with it much less chance of detection but instead the inherent risk that came with the weather itself. Even from the tavern that she was able to watch all of the work play out from, she could easily see no shortage of people whom were calculating in their head whether or not it were a worthwhile venture.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:53 pm

For Vyra, she had engaged in enough antics throughout her time at the docks, the weather conditions, for as easy as it arguably would stand to make the whole engagement, was not worth it for her. However, there was something that she saw within the people who did seem interested, a sort of cruelty that she had seen more and more often within the young generations in Hargeon. A selfish drive, one as much motivated by self-reliance and survival as it were based on pure hatred and greed, the act of stealing and ruining other people purely out of satisfaction. While the Demi-Human could certainly understand the idea of going about something like this on the inspiration of survival, to go about it for the sake of greed was something that felt sick. It almost left with her a sense of obligation; she did not want to be involved in whatever they were doing, but she found herself forced to stop it.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:53 pm

Much how she waited for them, they waited for the lightning or thunder to stop those at the docks. Once they had cleared out, it would be their best time to strike, and also would go on to be their best time to make sure that they were not stopped. Little did they know that the Demi-Human had departed before them, having found a place out of sight that also gave her appropriate shelter from the rain. If they were going for it, she was going to be there to stop, but she wasn’t about to get herself sick over it. Eventually enough time passed to where the dock workers just gave up, not wanting to work themselves to death over something that they knew they couldn’t finish. Vyra knew it were only a couple of moments before the kids arrived, and sure enough that was exactly what happened. Not a lot of them, maybe 3 or 4 in total; clearly looking like thugs and street urchins. If there had been any doubt before, it was gone now.



Pirates #13 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat May 07, 2022 2:54 pm

In their hasty greed, they found themselves with no clear idea as to where to go or what to steal or anything of the sort. Tossing around crates in a manner that was more akin to plundering than looting, they simply tossed things aside, creating a huge pile of junk and wreckage across everything going on. Further, it was only made worse by the heavy rain that it hard to see too far ahead, so when Vyra casually walked up and began to push them into the water, neither they, nor the people whom had been witness to the beginning of their looting would have noticed the Demi-Human pushing the kids into the harsh waters below. But the rain began to relent, and the last thing that she wanted was to be caught in the middle of all of this. Wasting no time, she departed back to the small overlook where she had previously taken shelter from the rain, waiting a short bit until the rain would pick up again, at which point she’d just go elsewhere to a different tavern and dry off. Not a single person would be none the wiser.


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