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Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:23 pm

When the conflict surrounding the Hargeon Docks had first begun, it seemed much like that of other issues that had existed within Hargeon, or for that matter even, what had been historically the case throughout the country of Fiore. Things would pass, a resolution of some sort would have been made, and people would go about their days as though what had transpired was nothing more than a memory when all was said and done. Unfortunately, it was not looking like that with this. The issues surrounding the politicians and the trading companies that worked within Fiore seemed like it was going to be something that remained a problem for quite some time, in part attributed to the benefit that both sides had been taking towards throughout it. It was no secret that the trading companies were profiting from the nature of this conflict, whether it had been due to the increased traffic or otherwise from the exploitive loopholes that they were capitalizing on to arrange more profit for themselves.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:23 pm

But, that only painted one part of the story. The reality was that despite the constant and blantant abuses by the trading companies, there were seldom few who recognized and fully appreciated just how much had taken place in regards to corruption towards the politicians themselves. This cold war that they had started, though there were no shortage of public opinion that felt that they were losing it and wasting time and tax payer money on an endeavor that could not be realized, few realized that there were also those who were making conscious efforts to undermine the trade war themselves, some of whom worked for the politicians, in some cases working alongside them to push their own goals. It was not only the trading companies that got rich off of this effort; in some cases it was even those who were closest to the ones trying to legislate things that were reaping the benefits as well.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:24 pm

Whether it were someone who knew of the ongoing conflict and had begun to invest in some of the products that were now becoming more in demand, those who were trying to secretly arrange trade agreements to others outside the realm of the trading companies, or even those who were involved with the trading companies themselves, the idea that politicians were completely hands off from the current engagement and affairs within the trade war that was taking place was an utterly foolhardy position, one in which seldom few tended to believe. Those who did, operated so out of a sense of dishonesty towards the trading companies, believing htem to be so toxic towards the people of Hargeon that the politicians that were fighting against such corruption would never dare engage in any sort of illicit affairs themselves. To have done that, it would have stood to go against everything by which they would have believed in.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:25 pm

That was the lie that was told. That was the thing in which the people pretended, that the story had been, but it was hardly the case. It was hardly a one way street, and though they did not want to admit it themselves, the politicians who most heavily advocated and pushed to get the benefit of the people, whom felt the world needed to be witness to the war that it was waging, they were as much doing it for their own personal preservation. For a system like that in what the politicians played, where every few years would mean either they did or not have a place in the system, for them to gamble on a plight like the one that they had sold, to remove the parasite of the current system that had become the docks, they were forced into a rough position. On one hand, a lack of progress in ridding the disease meant that it were ineffective. On the other hand, it showed that more effort was required, more time was needed, and thus, more time in power.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:25 pm

And so became the toxic relationship that existed within the Hargeon Docks, one that did not seem to get better with time, nor seem to change much, if at all. Everything existed and carried on much like how it had before, the flaws and dangers that came with both sides and the peons who were engaged with one another being the byproduct of the corruption that was coming to exist, what was becoming normalized within those who most despised and came to view it as such. It was nothing less than a self-consuming machine that would persist throughout, inevitably leading to the same conclusion, that the changes to the Hargeon Docks, an ambitious yet worthwhile venture that the people were looking to pursue, would end up being no more different than that of before. The only difference would be that those whom were expected to be rich were richer, and those whom were expected to combat that would also be richer.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:26 pm

But that more repeated the history of what would often happen within a conflict of this sort, or any conflict for that matter, not needing to be something exclusive towards this one in particular. Rather, it was just the nature that those whom were like Vyra, those who were the ones that either had a strong sense of value or belief towards one side, maybe being those who felt the need to invest themselves for their own survival or something of the like, however one would have looked to justify or defend their positions, the reality simply was this, that the people whom were in the middle, the ones not fortunate enough to end on the other sides of the spectrum within this conflict, were the ones who failed to truly see any sort of benefit throughout all of this. By and large, they were not getting rich, they were not becoming incredibly wealthy. If anything, they were more likely to suffer the consequences that others weren’t.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:26 pm

Whether it were jail time, persecution for indulging in such illicit activities, being removed from their position or employment lest they end up drawing in attention that was not asked for and ultimately unwarranted towards the whole thing, or even in the most aggressive in approaches, if something were to happen to their general well-being, not limited towards and even including threats upon their lives, it was something that seldom was considered, often something that had been defaulted towards when it came to seeking out punishments, and yet, that was never a thing that seemed to bother anyone. The risk to the people, as cruel as it was, as unfair as the circumstances were that put people in such deadly situations, regardless of the risk tied towards all of it, it was just an accepted fate. Those that tried to steal from the trading companies or otherwise interfered in this war, they put themselves at risk.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:26 pm

That was for the most part at least. There were exceptions, albeit very few in which were able to escape the sort of situation that would otherwise befall upon most people that were engaging in this sort of behavior. One of them, perhaps the most notable example of someone whom had managed to escape this fate, not only once, not twice, but multiple times, had proven to be the Demi-Human Vyra, whom had become quite known for her perceived title within Hargeon as “Alisa’s Pet”, a defamatory term that otherwise had existed since she had moved into the Blue Pegasus building, inspired in part by the nature that they had never added her formally to the guild, some suggesting that Alisa viewed her more positively in the capacity of a plaything than that of an actual member; tragically one that some could have believed, especially given her initial arrival upon the Hargeon scene being from the streets. Not unlike that of a stray cat.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:27 pm

But Vyra, having been given the greatest sort of silver spoon that many within Hargeon could have asked for, was still unknown to the world. Much of the politics, the bad blood, the things of the nature that had once existed within it, they mattered much less now, almost to the point of no longer at all. She had a home, a home that never in her life could she have hoped to afford, one that gave her all the freedoms and benefits that were not there once upon a time. She had wealth, not towards her own personal wealth, but was as much the benefactor of anything that was acquired for the benefit of the guild, and she had the even greater benefit of being close to Alisa, something that even guild members struggled to acquire for themselves. Few had that honor, the right to be so close, to be held close within the guild master’s heart, and yet Vyra had that. But despite all of that, she was still as much alone, as much thrown into a world she knew little of, and eventually developed poor habits because of it.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:27 pm

Those habits did eventually catch up to her when she was discovered having been one of the people whom had repeatedly been involved in the thefts that were taking place within the Hargeon Docks, something that despite seemingly everyone having been made aware and knowing that this was behavior that she was involved with. It was not out of malice or evil intentions, but rather just the nature of survival. So long had she spent time within the streets, unable to do much other than suffer through whatever it was that the world was presenting towards her, it was the best option that was available, to know that there were things in which she could have, that she could get, to help ease the way of life that she had so long hoped for. Whether or not she had appreciated it at the time, that was not the question but rather just the reality of things moving faster than what she could have expected it to, both the instant gratification and benefits that came with it, but also the punishment.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:28 pm

So, things came to a point of unease, much of it tied towards the nature that Vyra, for her relationship with Alisa, was able to avoid much of the risk, avoid much of the danger that had come with things. She was a person of interest for them, those who operated and ran the functions and going ons within the Hargeon Docks, but they also knew that she was effectively untouchable lest they face the wrath of Alisa. However, it did not mean that they could not impose punishment in other forms, and through various jobs, they had been doing precisely that. That still left though, the nature while they had her doing that, many of them were forced to operate as normal, unable to do much to handle the fact that Vyra was going to likely repeat her behavior again, stealing something of value for herself, all with the intentions of pawning it back at some point who’d then sell it to someone who would in turn try to sell it to the trading companies again. It was a cycle that they knew existed and much of it was all because of Vyra.



Pirates #12 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:28 pm

So when she did it again on a given day, finding something relatively insignificant of value, a small trinket that otherwise had not been given much guard, despite it being encased in numerous small gemstones, worth perhaps a small fortune to those who would be interested, although more valuable within the gems themselves than that of the actual jewelry. Simply there within a small crate, unguarded and unprotected, something that would have been easy to steal, something that in a rare act, Vyra stood up to ensure wasn’t taken. At least not by anyone who wasn’t her. It took only a moment, a quick swipe really, but before anyone who was going to go ahead and realize what happened, she had the gemmed bracelet in her possession and she was gone, heading towards the nearest fence to make a quick bit of jewels off of it. Nothing short of familiarity at this point, nothing quite new, nothing inherently new.


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